Commit Graph

1213 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Donovan Glover
sxhkd: Use rofi with ksuperkey
I eventually realized that GNOME accomplishes this and much more with
a lower probability of issues occurring.
2023-01-07 03:28:03 -05:00
Donovan Glover
sxhkd: Add keybinds to control kitty opacity 2023-01-07 03:25:35 -05:00
Donovan Glover
sxhkd: Add separate kitty launch script
This made it possible to control the opacity of the terminal with sxhkd
2023-01-07 03:22:16 -05:00
Donovan Glover
sxhkd: Replace polybar toggle with tint2 2023-01-07 03:17:06 -05:00
Donovan Glover
kitty: Open new tabs in current working directory 2023-01-07 01:34:48 -05:00
Donovan Glover
kitty: Use shorter tab titles 2023-01-07 01:34:14 -05:00
Donovan Glover
rofi: Support shell commands
This change made it so it was possible to use rofi as a terminal.
2023-01-07 01:30:48 -05:00
Donovan Glover
vim: Add nerdtree settings
Although there are other solutions available now, nerdtree still works
fairly well for our use case.
2023-01-07 01:28:43 -05:00
Donovan Glover
rofi: Show as separate window
This makes it possible to close rofi with the same keybind that is used
to open it. Also got rid of an obsolete drun string.
2023-01-07 01:17:55 -05:00
Donovan Glover
fish: Source wal colors as needed 2023-01-07 01:06:38 -05:00
Donovan Glover
fish: Always use kitty ssh 2023-01-07 01:06:08 -05:00
Donovan Glover
rofi: Remove leading text from search 2023-01-07 01:00:05 -05:00
Donovan Glover
rofi: Use sans-serif font 2023-01-07 00:59:06 -05:00
Donovan Glover
mpv: Don't show progress on seek 2023-01-07 00:58:13 -05:00
Donovan Glover
ranger: Replace $HOME with ~ 2023-01-07 00:55:03 -05:00
Donovan Glover
bspwm: Don't use borders/gaps by default 2023-01-07 00:53:17 -05:00
Donovan Glover
bspwm: Make rofi float 2023-01-07 00:52:09 -05:00
Donovan Glover
sxhkd: Revise node keybinds 2023-01-07 00:51:33 -05:00
Donovan Glover
sxhkd: Simplify desktop focusing 2023-01-07 00:50:52 -05:00
Donovan Glover
vim: Add vim-astro
Although I haven't used it to its fullest potential, seems interesting.
2023-01-07 00:48:34 -05:00
Donovan Glover
vim: Don't restrict shell to sh
As far as I remember, this makes using the built-in terminal command
more convenient.
2023-01-06 12:35:40 -05:00
Donovan Glover
ranger: Add devicons
It feels like this doesn't improve readability that much if at all, but
it's nice to have the option.
2023-01-05 02:33:53 -05:00
Donovan Glover
kitty: Remove linux_display_server x11
fcitx5 works with kitty under wayland on gnome, so this isn't needed.
2023-01-05 02:31:19 -05:00
Donovan Glover
paru: Enable SudoLoop
This makes it easier to update the system without sudo timing out.
2023-01-05 02:27:24 -05:00
Donovan Glover
sxhkd: Add dropdown todos
Since I now use GNOME, I'll never go through these TODOs, however
anyone is free to implement these ideas on their own time.
2023-01-05 02:18:41 -05:00
Donovan Glover
ranger: Move to trash with DD 2023-01-05 02:15:03 -05:00
Donovan Glover
dunst: Change frame settings
As far as I remember, these changes simply make the frame around dunst
notifications look nicer across more color schemes.
2023-01-05 02:13:33 -05:00
Donovan Glover
meta: Add tint2
This was the configuration I used for tint2 when I was trying to
replicate a taskbar-like experience in bspwm. Although it worked to some
extent, the dash-to-panel extension for GNOME handles this much nicer,
and with the many other benefits GNOME provides.
2023-01-05 02:11:34 -05:00
Donovan Glover
rofi: Add custom wal template
As far as I remember, this was used to prevent the rofi theme from being
unreadable with some pywal color schemes.
2023-01-05 02:09:15 -05:00
Donovan Glover
dunst: Increase font size
As far as I remember, this change was useful to make the text size
look nice next to the cover image from mpd notify.
2023-01-04 18:42:00 -05:00
Donovan Glover
meta: Add dual-function-keys
dual-function-keys is an amazing piece of software that solves many if
not all of the long-lasting issues I had with binding caps lock to ctrl
and escape. I have additionally configured it in a way such that print
screen can double as a right super key, due to it being next to right
alt and right ctrl on the T14.
2023-01-04 18:20:04 -05:00
Donovan Glover
meta: Add librewolf
This was my configuration for librewolf, a web browser I used for a few
months before ultimately deciding to use firefox again for simplicity.

Although librewolf is useful for giving individuals immediate access to
a solid browser with ublock origin pre-installed, the downsides such as
not having automatic updates for users that need it the most, as well as
constantly depending on another project to update in a timely manner,
do not seem worth it in the long-term.
2023-01-04 18:15:32 -05:00
Donovan Glover
meta: Add qutebrowser
This was my configuration for qutebrowser, a web browser that I
revisited in 2022 and decided to use for a few months. Although I
certainly found the experience quite cute, I came across issues such
as the content window blanking when switching workspaces, strict https
mode not being supported, containerization requiring separate tabs, and
frequent crashes when dealing with large amounts of tabs.

Besides the issues above, I also had to deal with certain websites
not loading in qutebrowser without any way to troubleshoot it from
developer tools. In addition to the lack of extension support (thereby
requiring more involved measures to replicate similar behavior found in
other browsers) and the inferior content blocking solution, I ultimately
decided to switch back to my old trusty friend firefox.
2023-01-03 11:39:59 -05:00
Donovan Glover
bspwm: Add dynamic desktops implementation
This was my implementation of dynamic desktops, largely inspired by the
various hints I found on r/bspwm. Although this was a very engaging
intellectual exercise, I eventually realized that GNOME handles dynamic
desktops much better, and comes with a slew of other conveniences as
2022-12-26 22:36:39 -05:00
Donovan Glover
wal: Remove bspwm/dunst/tint2 scripts
By prioritizing GNOME, we're able to focus on being productive instead
of customizing our linux setup.
2022-12-26 22:27:44 -05:00
Donovan Glover
Revert "starship: Add date and time"
This is no longer needed since we use GNOME as the desktop environment,
which makes it easy to see the date and time as needed.
2022-12-26 22:24:10 -05:00
Donovan Glover
kitty: Remove old open_url_modifiers option
This is no longer an option in recent versions of kitty.
2022-12-15 16:14:46 -05:00
Donovan Glover
kitty: Remove background options
Realistically won't be using custom backgrounds with kitty due to the
complexity involved in changing them among other things. Setting the
background opacity and letting the desktop environment manage the
background instead is more convenient.
2022-12-15 16:13:41 -05:00
Donovan Glover
kitty: Switch to Hack Nerd font
This lets us use folder icons among other things in the terminal.
2022-12-15 16:10:54 -05:00
Donovan Glover
fish: Show tasks when opening a new terminal
Note that in the future I may simply use something else instead.
2022-12-15 16:10:20 -05:00
Donovan Glover
meta: Add elementary kitty diff support
Having image diffs in the terminal is very cool, however I ultimately
decided against using kitty's diff feature due to using the existing
colors of the shell being non-trivial.
2022-12-15 16:08:45 -05:00
Donovan Glover
starship: Add date and time
This makes it easier to keep track of what date and time it is when
using kitty in fullscreen mode.
2022-12-15 11:45:11 -05:00
Donovan Glover
vim: Allow saving in directories that don't exist
Now those directories will be automatically created as needed.
2022-12-15 11:41:49 -05:00
Donovan Glover
paru: Use BottomUp strategy
This makes it easier to see the most relevant results first without
having to scroll up, assuming there are enough results where scrolling
up was necessary.
2022-12-15 11:36:10 -05:00
Donovan Glover
kitty: Show window decorations on GNOME
Thanks to an extension called pixel-saver, it's possible to take
advantage of window decorations in GNOME and maximize screen estate
at the same time.
2022-12-15 11:33:51 -05:00
Donovan Glover
dunst: Increase icon size
This made mpd notifications look great at the expense of all
notifications having large icons.
2022-12-15 11:31:56 -05:00
Donovan Glover
dunst: Use transparency option
This made dunst notifications look slightly nicer.
2022-12-15 11:30:51 -05:00
Donovan Glover
bspwm: Add crossfade effect with mpc
As far as I know, this setting cannot be set through a configuration
file, so setting it at startup was necessary.
2022-12-15 11:21:56 -05:00
Donovan Glover
bspwm: Start tint2 in bspwmrc
This added a toggleable bar similar to polybar, except this time it
showed the open applications at the bottom. I eventually switched to
GNOME, which is able to achieve this and much more with dash-to-panel,
an extension that has been steadily improving over the years.
2022-12-15 11:19:50 -05:00
Donovan Glover
dunst: Increase width of notifications
Since I use GNOME now, dunst isn't needed, although I feel like the
dunst notifications looked cooler than the GNOME ones since they also
followed the color scheme of the environment.
2022-12-15 11:16:50 -05:00