{ pkgs, ... }: { users.defaultUserShell = pkgs.fish; environment = { shells = with pkgs; [ fish ]; systemPackages = with pkgs; [ jq fd xh file timg choose sd rustscan yt-dlp sox asak timer dig mtr mediainfo fdupes whois killall trashy hwinfo duf stress hdparm recode rmlint jpegoptim pass sudachi-rs tango npm-check-updates microfetch onefetch scc genact sanctity asciiquarium-transparent cmatrix gdu hexyl diskonaut pgcli litecli p7zip unar rsync rclone ffmpeg imagemagick smartmontools restic borgbackup zbar phraze lychee bluetui ventoy taskwarrior3 nixpkgs-review nix-init nix-update statix nvd nix-search-cli nix-tree gcc rustc rustfmt cargo cargo-tarpaulin bacon clippy nodejs monolith haylxon nix-inspect sherlock remind ]; }; programs = { fish.enable = true; neovim.enable = true; direnv = { enable = true; silent = true; }; }; }