{ pkgs, config, lib, ... }: let inherit (config.modules.system) username; inherit (config.boot) isContainer; inherit (lib) mkEnableOption mkIf mkMerge ; inherit (cfg) bloat; isPhone = config.programs.calls.enable; cfg = config.modules.desktop; in { options.modules.desktop = { bloat = mkEnableOption "GUI applications"; }; config = { hardware.graphics.enable32Bit = mkIf (!isPhone) true; programs = { hyprland.enable = mkIf (!isContainer && !isPhone) true; cdemu.enable = mkIf (!isPhone) true; thunar = { enable = mkIf (!isPhone) true; plugins = with pkgs.xfce; [ thunar-volman ]; }; }; i18n.inputMethod = mkIf (!isPhone) { enable = true; type = "fcitx5"; fcitx5 = { waylandFrontend = true; addons = with pkgs; [ fcitx5-mozc ]; }; }; services = { udisks2 = mkIf (!isPhone) { enable = true; mountOnMedia = true; }; libinput = { touchpad = { naturalScrolling = true; accelProfile = "flat"; accelSpeed = "0.75"; }; mouse = { accelProfile = "flat"; }; }; xserver = mkIf (!isContainer) { enable = true; excludePackages = with pkgs; [ xterm ]; displayManager.startx.enable = true; }; pipewire = mkIf (!isPhone) { enable = true; alsa = { enable = true; support32Bit = true; }; pulse.enable = true; }; greetd = mkIf (!isContainer && !isPhone) { enable = true; restart = false; settings = { default_session = { command = "${pkgs.greetd.tuigreet}/bin/tuigreet --time --cmd Hyprland --time-format '%F %R'"; user = "greeter"; }; initial_session = { command = "${pkgs.hyprland}/bin/Hyprland"; user = username; }; }; }; tumbler.enable = true; gvfs.enable = true; gnome.gnome-keyring.enable = true; upower.enable = true; }; environment.systemPackages = mkMerge [ (mkIf bloat ( with pkgs; [ mullvad-browser spek audacity gimp libreoffice element-desktop signal-desktop qbittorrent popsicle satty srb2 ringracers jamesdsp texliveFull ] )) (mkIf (pkgs.system != "aarch64-linux") ( with pkgs; [ anki-bin ] )) (with pkgs; [ pulseaudio grim wl-clipboard-rs ]) ]; }; }