# New Start: A modern Arch workflow built with an emphasis on functionality. # Copyright (C) 2018 Donovan Glover # # https://developer.gnome.org/gtk3/stable/GtkSettings.html [Settings] # =========================== # ========== theme ========== # =========================== gtk-theme-name = Adapta gtk-icon-theme-name = Papirus-Adapta # ============================ # ========== cursor ========== # ============================ # Use the same cursor as KDE gtk-cursor-theme-name = breeze_cursors # Use a large cursor size for HiDPI gtk-cursor-theme-size = 36 # ========================== # ========== font ========== # ========================== gtk-font-name = Cantarell Regular 10 gtk-xft-hinting = 1 gtk-xft-antialias = 1 gtk-xft-hintstyle = hintfull gtk-xft-rgba = rgb