{ pkgs, config, lib, ... }: let inherit (lib) mkEnableOption mkIf getExe singleton; inherit (pkgs) piper interception-tools; inherit (pkgs.interception-tools-plugins) dual-function-keys; inherit (cfg) mouseSettings lidIgnore powerIgnore keyboardBinds bluetooth; inherit (builtins) toJSON; dualFunctionKeysConfig = "dual-function-keys.yaml"; cfg = config.modules.hardware; in { options.modules.hardware = { keyboardBinds = mkEnableOption "start button for rofi, caps lock as escape, etc."; mouseSettings = mkEnableOption "piper for gaming mice"; bluetooth = mkEnableOption "bluetooth support"; lidIgnore = mkEnableOption "ignoring the laptop lid on close"; powerIgnore = mkEnableOption "ignoring the power button on press"; }; config = { hardware.bluetooth.enable = mkIf bluetooth true; services = { ratbagd.enable = mkIf mouseSettings true; blueman.enable = mkIf bluetooth true; logind = { lidSwitch = mkIf lidIgnore "ignore"; extraConfig = mkIf powerIgnore "HandlePowerKey=ignore"; }; interception-tools = { enable = mkIf keyboardBinds true; plugins = [ dual-function-keys ]; udevmonConfig = toJSON (singleton { JOB = /* bash */ '' ${interception-tools}/bin/intercept -g $DEVNODE | ${getExe dual-function-keys} -c /etc/${dualFunctionKeysConfig} | ${interception-tools}/bin/uinput -d $DEVNODE ''; DEVICE = { EVENTS = { EV_KEY = [ "KEY_CAPSLOCK" "KEY_ESC" ]; }; }; }); }; }; environment.systemPackages = mkIf mouseSettings [ piper ]; environment.etc.${dualFunctionKeysConfig}.text = toJSON { TIMING = [ { TAP_MILLISEC = 1000; } { DOUBLE_TAP_MILLISEC = 0; } { SYNTHETIC_KEYS_PAUSE_MILLISEC = 0; } ]; MAPPINGS = [ { KEY = "KEY_CAPSLOCK"; TAP = "KEY_ESC"; HOLD = "KEY_LEFTCTRL"; } { KEY = "KEY_SYSRQ"; TAP = "KEY_SYSRQ"; HOLD = "KEY_RIGHTMETA"; } { KEY = "KEY_LEFTMETA"; TAP = [ "KEY_LEFTMETA" "KEY_F1" ]; HOLD = "KEY_LEFTMETA"; } { KEY = "KEY_RIGHTSHIFT"; TAP = [ "KEY_LEFTMETA" "KEY_F2" ]; HOLD = "KEY_RIGHTSHIFT"; } { KEY = "KEY_RIGHTALT"; TAP = "KEY_GRAVE"; HOLD = "KEY_RIGHTALT"; } ]; }; }; }