{ pkgs, config, lib, ... }: let inherit (pkgs) fish htop-vim; inherit (lib) mkEnableOption mkIf mkMerge singleton; inherit (builtins) attrValues; inherit (cfg) postgres; inherit (config.modules.system) username; cfg = config.modules.shell; in { options.modules.shell = { postgres = mkEnableOption "postgres database and pgcli for containers"; }; config = { users.defaultUserShell = fish; environment.shells = [ fish ]; environment.sessionVariables = { GIT_DISCOVERY_ACROSS_FILESYSTEM = "1"; FZF_DEFAULT_OPTS = "--height 40% --reverse --border --color=16"; NODE_OPTIONS = "--max_old_space_size=16384"; BAT_THEME = "base16"; GATSBY_TELEMETRY_DISABLED = "1"; EDITOR = "nvim"; VISUAL = "nvim"; }; environment.systemPackages = mkMerge [ (attrValues { inherit (pkgs) wget jq eza fd fzf ripgrep file timg choose sd ; inherit (pkgs) treefmt httpie yt-dlp sox dig mtr mediainfo fdupes whois killall trashy hwinfo stress hdparm recode rmlint jpegoptim watchexec zola pass ; inherit (pkgs) sudachi-rs tango ; inherit (pkgs) neofetch onefetch scc genact dwt1-shell-color-scripts colorpanes sanctity cmatrix ; inherit (pkgs) gdu hexyl visidata zellij diskonaut ; inherit (pkgs) p7zip unar rsync rclone ffmpeg imagemagick smartmontools restic zbar lychee ventoy ; inherit (pkgs) nixpkgs-review nix-init nvd nix-search-cli ; }) (mkIf postgres (attrValues { inherit (pkgs) pgcli; })) ]; services.postgresql = mkIf postgres { enable = true; ensureUsers = singleton { name = username; }; ensureDatabases = [ username ]; }; programs = { fish = { enable = true; shellAliases = { ls = "${pkgs.eza}/bin/eza --icons --group-directories-first --no-quotes -I 'lost+found'"; tree = "${pkgs.eza}/bin/eza --icons --group-directories-first --no-quotes --all --long --tree -I 'node_modules|.git|public|lost+found|target|.next|.cache|.nuxt|themes|.direnv|.wrangler|.vercel|dist'"; mv = "mv -i"; cp = "cp -ia"; rg = "${pkgs.ripgrep}/bin/rg --max-columns=2000 --smart-case"; ncu = "${pkgs.npm-check-updates}/bin/ncu --interactive --format group"; }; shellAbbrs = { g = "git"; ga = "git add"; gaa = "git add --all"; gap = "git add --patch"; gapp = "git apply"; gb = "git branch --verbose"; gbr = "git branch --verbose --remotes"; gbd = "git branch --delete"; gbD = "git branch --delete --force"; gc = "git commit -m"; gca = "git commit --amend"; gcl = "git clone"; gco = "git checkout"; gcot = "git checkout --theirs"; gcp = "git cherry-pick --strategy-option theirs"; gcpx = "git cherry-pick --strategy-option theirs -x"; gd = "git diff"; gds = "git diff --staged"; gf = "git fetch"; gi = "git init"; gl = "git log --oneline --decorate --graph -n 10"; gm = "git merge"; gp = "git push"; gpu = "git pull"; gr = "git reset HEAD~"; gR = "git restore"; gRs = "git restore --staged"; gra = "git remote add"; gre = "git remote --verbose"; grh = "git reset HEAD"; grr = "git reset --hard HEAD~"; grb = "git rebase --interactive"; grbc = "git rebase --continue"; gs = "git status"; gsma = "git submodule add"; gsmu = "git submodule update --init --remote --recursive"; gst = "git stash"; gstp = "git stash pop"; gsw = "git switch"; gt = "git tag"; gts = "git tag -s"; y = "yarn"; ya = "yarn add"; yb = "yarn build"; yar = "yarn remove"; yd = "yarn dev"; yi = "yarn init"; yin = "yarn install"; yu = "yarn upgrade-interactive"; tp = "trash put"; tl = "trash list"; tr = "trash restore"; te = "trash empty"; nf = "nix flake"; nfc = "nix flake check"; nfu = "nix flake update"; npr = "nixpkgs-review pr --run fish --print-result"; nd = "nix develop --command fish"; nb = "nix build"; ns = "nix shell"; nr = "nix run"; ncg = "sudo nix-collect-garbage -d && nix-collect-garbage -d"; nvd = "nvd --color always diff /run/current-system result | less -R"; b = "bun"; br = "bun run"; bt = "bun test"; bi = "bun init"; bc = "bun create"; bin = "bun install"; ba = "bun add"; brm = "bun remove"; bu = "bun update"; bb = "bun build"; ci = "cargo init"; cin = "cargo info"; cu = "cargo update"; ca = "cargo add"; cab = "cargo add --build"; cad = "cargo add --dev"; cb = "cargo build"; cr = "cargo run"; cs = "cargo search"; ct = "cargo test"; cT = "cargo tree --depth 1"; cn = "cargo new"; crm = "cargo remove"; crmb = "cargo remove --build"; crmd = "cargo remove --dev"; cc = "cargo clippy"; cf = "cargo fmt"; dc = "deno compile"; dr = "deno run"; di = "deno install"; dt = "deno task"; dT = "deno test --watch"; p = "pnpm"; pa = "pnpm add"; pr = "pnpm remove"; pd = "pnpm dev"; pt = "pnpm test"; pb = "pnpm build"; pbs = "pnpm build && pnpm start"; dl = "yt-dlp"; vol = "wpctl set-volume '@DEFAULT_AUDIO_SINK@'"; # Change the volume, e.g. vol 10%+, vol 10%-, vol 100% df = "df --human-readable --total"; du = "du --human-readable --summarize"; jis = "recode shift_jis..utf8"; # Easily convert shift_jis-encoded files to utf8 utf16 = "recode utf16..utf8"; # Rarely, some files from Japan are utf16 instead jp = "LANG=ja_JP.UTF-8 LC_ALL=ja_JP.UTF-8"; vm = "nixos-rebuild build-vm --flake . && ./result/bin/run-nixos-vm && trash put result nixos.qcow2"; sw = "sudo nixos-rebuild switch --flake ."; tf = "treefmt"; mgs = "mgitstatus"; c = "clear"; e = "exit"; k = "kitty @ set-background-opacity"; l = "ls -l"; n = "nvim"; j = "yazi"; t = "tree"; z = "zathura"; }; }; neovim.enable = true; direnv.enable = true; starship = { enable = true; settings = { add_newline = false; directory = { style = "purple"; read_only = " ro"; }; git_branch = { style = "yellow"; symbol = ""; }; character = { success_symbol = "[>](red)[>](green)[>](blue)"; error_symbol = "[>](cyan)[>](purple)[>](yellow)"; vicmd_symbol = "[<](bold green)"; }; line_break.disabled = true; nodejs = { format = "with [$symbol($version )]($style)"; symbol = "node "; version_format = "\${major}"; disabled = true; }; git_commit.tag_symbol = " tag "; git_status = { ahead = ">"; behind = "<"; diverged = "<>"; renamed = "r"; deleted = "x"; }; aws.symbol = "aws "; cobol.symbol = "cobol "; conda.symbol = "conda "; crystal.symbol = "cr "; cmake.symbol = "cmake "; dart.symbol = "dart "; deno.symbol = "deno "; dotnet.symbol = ".NET "; docker_context.symbol = "docker "; elixir.symbol = "exs "; elm.symbol = "elm "; golang.symbol = "go "; hg_branch.symbol = "hg "; java.symbol = "java "; julia.symbol = "jl "; kotlin.symbol = "kt "; memory_usage.symbol = "memory "; nim.symbol = "nim "; nix_shell = { format = "❄️ "; symbol = "nix "; }; ocaml.symbol = "ml "; package.symbol = "pkg "; perl.symbol = "pl "; php.symbol = "php "; purescript.symbol = "purs "; python.symbol = "python "; ruby.symbol = "ruby "; rust = { symbol = "rust "; disabled = true; }; bun = { symbol = "bun "; disabled = true; }; scala.symbol = "scala "; swift.symbol = "swift "; }; }; htop = { enable = true; package = htop-vim; settings = { tree_view = true; hide_userland_threads = true; highlight_changes = true; show_cpu_frequency = true; show_cpu_temperature = true; highlight_base_name = true; show_program_path = false; }; }; }; }; }