{ self, pkgs, config, lib, ... }: let inherit (lib) mkIf mkForce; inherit (lib.gvariant) mkTuple mkUint32; inherit (config.modules.system) username; inherit (builtins) attrValues; inherit (self.packages.${pkgs.system}) phosh-backgrounds; getColorCh = colorName: channel: config.lib.stylix.colors."${colorName}-rgb-${channel}"; rgba = color: transparency: ''rgba(${getColorCh color "r"}, ${getColorCh color "g"}, ${getColorCh color "b"}, ${transparency})''; bg = ''linear-gradient(${rgba "base00" "0.7"}, ${rgba "base00" "0.7"})''; no = { name = ""; settings = { Hidden = "true"; }; }; in { imports = attrValues self.nixosModules; nixpkgs = { overlays = with self.overlays; [ phinger-cursors ]; config.permittedInsecurePackages = [ "olm-3.2.16" ]; }; home-manager.sharedModules = attrValues { inherit (self.homeModules) eza fish git gpg gtk htop kitty librewolf neovim starship xdg-user-dirs xresources ; config = { programs = { fish.functions.video = # fish '' ${pkgs.v4l-utils}/bin/media-ctl -d1 --links '"gc2145 3-003c":0->1:0[0],"ov5640 3-004c":0->1:0[1]' ${pkgs.v4l-utils}/bin/media-ctl -d1 --set-v4l2 '"ov5640 3-004c":0[fmt:UYVY8_2X8/1280x720@1/30]' ffmpeg \ -input_format yuv420p \ -s 1280x720 \ -f video4linux2 \ -thread_queue_size 4096 \ -i /dev/video1 \ -f pulse \ -thread_queue_size 256 \ -i alsa_input.platform-sound.Voice_Call__DigitalMic__source \ -c:a libopus \ -c:v libx264 \ -preset ultrafast \ -qp 23 \ "$(date '+%x(%a)%R').mp4" ''; man.generateCaches = mkForce false; }; xdg = { desktopEntries = { anki = no; htop = no; fish = no; nvim = no; yazi = no; qt5ct = no; qt6ct = no; gcdemu = no; nixos-manual = no; image-analyzer = no; kvantummanager = no; chromium-browser = no; "org.gnome.Extensions" = no; "org.pwmt.zathura" = no; "org.gnome.eog" = no; "org.gnome.Settings" = no; "org.sigxcpu.Livi" = no; }; userDirs = { download = mkForce "/home/${username}"; documents = mkForce "/home/${username}"; music = mkForce "/home/${username}"; pictures = mkForce "/home/${username}"; videos = mkForce "/home/${username}"; }; }; dconf.settings = { "sm/puri/phosh" = { app-filter-mode = [ ]; enable-suspend = true; favorites = [ "org.gnome.Calls.desktop" "sm.puri.Chatty.desktop" "org.gnome.Contacts.desktop" "org.gnome.Calendar.desktop" ]; }; "sm/puri/phosh/lockscreen" = { shuffle-keypad = true; }; "sm/puri/phosh/plugins" = { quick-settings = [ "night-light-quick-setting" "caffeine-quick-setting" ]; }; "org/gnome/desktop/interface" = { show-battery-percentage = true; }; "org/postmarketos/megapixels" = { save-raw = false; }; "org/gnome/desktop/session" = { idle-delay = mkUint32 60; }; "org/gnome/desktop/input-sources" = { sources = [ (mkTuple [ "xkb" "us" ]) (mkTuple [ "xkb" "jp+kana" ]) ]; }; "org/gnome/eog/ui" = { image-gallery = true; sidebar = false; }; "org/gnome/settings-daemon/plugins/power" = { sleep-inactive-ac-type = "nothing"; sleep-inactive-battery-type = "suspend"; }; }; }; background = { stylix.targets.gtk.extraCss = # css '' phosh-lockscreen { background: ${bg}, url('${phosh-backgrounds}/wall-lock.jpg'); } phosh-app-grid { background: ${bg}, url('${phosh-backgrounds}/wall-grid.jpg'); } phosh-top-panel { background: ${bg}, url('${phosh-backgrounds}/wall-panel.jpg'); } phosh-home { background: ${bg}, url('${phosh-backgrounds}/wall-home.jpg'); } phosh-lockscreen, phosh-app-grid, phosh-top-panel, phosh-home { background-size: cover; background-position: center; } ''; }; }; environment = { sessionVariables = { LIBGL_ALWAYS_SOFTWARE = "true"; }; systemPackages = with pkgs; [ chatty megapixels livi gnome-contacts eog ]; }; modules = { system = { hostName = "mobile-nixos"; stateVersion = "23.11"; mullvad = true; phone = true; }; hardware.keyboardBinds = true; }; i18n.inputMethod.enable = mkForce false; programs = { calls.enable = true; cdemu.enable = mkForce false; hyprland.enable = mkForce false; thunar.enable = mkForce false; }; networking = { wireless.enable = false; wireguard.enable = true; networkmanager.ensureProfiles.profiles = { mobile = { connection = { id = "4G"; type = "gsm"; }; gsm.apn = "NXTGENPHONE"; ipv4.method = "auto"; ipv6 = { addr-gen-mode = "default"; method = "auto"; }; }; }; firewall.checkReversePath = mkForce false; }; services = { xserver = { displayManager.lightdm.enable = false; desktopManager.phosh = { enable = true; group = "users"; user = username; }; }; udisks2.enable = mkForce false; pipewire.enable = mkForce false; greetd.enable = mkForce false; }; boot = { enableContainers = false; binfmt.emulatedSystems = mkForce [ ]; loader.systemd-boot.enable = mkIf (pkgs.system == "aarch64-linux") (mkForce false); kernel.sysctl = { "vm.dirty_background_ratio" = 5; "vm.dirty_ratio" = 10; }; }; documentation = { enable = false; man.generateCaches = false; }; hardware.graphics.enable32Bit = mkForce false; powerManagement = { enable = true; cpufreq = rec { min = 816000; max = min; }; cpuFreqGovernor = "performance"; }; }