Donovan Glover 635432b33a
Update termite config
Termite works exceptionally well as a transparent terminal, so I'll just
let termite focus on true color, transparency, and displaying emoji
while urxvt focuses on universal theme changing and images in the

There doesn't seem to be a terminal out there (yet) that handles both of
these things in all the software I want, so this compromise is good
2018-10-17 00:50:41 -04:00

35 lines
728 B

# New Start: A modern Arch workflow built with an emphasis on functionality.
# Copyright (C) 2017-2018 Donovan Glover
font = Hack 11
# No need to show the mouse in the terminal window
mouse_autohide = true
foreground = {foreground}
foreground_bold = {cursor}
cursor = {cursor}
cursor_foreground = {background}
background = rgba({background.rgb}, 0.9)
color0 = {color0}
color1 = {color1}
color2 = {color2}
color3 = {color3}
color4 = {color4}
color5 = {color5}
color6 = {color6}
color7 = {color7}
color8 = {color8}
color9 = {color9}
color10 = {color10}
color11 = {color11}
color12 = {color12}
color13 = {color13}
color14 = {color14}
color15 = {color15}
# vim:ft=dosini