mirror of
synced 2025-02-07 05:19:43 +01:00
This commit adds some functionality not present in the initial commit. Note that changing background opacity will not work when executed inside tmux.
100 lines
2.3 KiB
100 lines
2.3 KiB
# New Start: A modern Arch workflow built with an emphasis on functionality.
# Copyright (C) 2018 Donovan Glover
# =============================
# ========== General ==========
# =============================
# Set the font family
font_family Hack
# Font size (respects DPI)
font_size 11.0
# Set the default background opacity to 1
background_opacity 1.0
# Enable changing the background with "kitty @ set-background-opacity <value>"
dynamic_background_opacity yes
# Allow remote control so the above command can be executed
allow_remote_control yes
# Don't limit frames per second to the monitor's refresh rate
sync_to_monitor no
# ==========================
# ========== URLs ==========
# ==========================
# Use ctrl+click to open URLs
open_url_modifiers ctrl
# Open URLs with firefox
open_url_with /usr/bin/firefox
# ===============================
# ========== Clipboard ==========
# ===============================
# Sometimes we forget whether copy/paste is ctrl+shift or ctrl+alt
map ctrl+alt+c copy_to_clipboard
map ctrl+alt+v paste_from_clipboard
# =============================
# ========== Spacing ==========
# =============================
# Add some spacing between kitty windows
window_margin_width 10.0
# Don't add extra spacing if there's only one visible kitty window
single_window_margin_width 0.0
# Add padding (spacing) inside of each kitty window
window_padding_width 10.0
# Make the tab bar margin the same as the window padding
tab_bar_margin_width 10.0
# ============================
# ========== Colors ==========
# ============================
foreground {foreground}
background {background}
cursor {cursor}
selection_foreground {background}
selection_background {foreground}
active_border_color {color3}
inactive_border_color {color3}
bell_border_color {color3}
color0 {color0}
color1 {color1}
color2 {color2}
color3 {color3}
color4 {color4}
color5 {color5}
color6 {color6}
color7 {color7}
color8 {color8}
color9 {color9}
color10 {color10}
color11 {color11}
color12 {color12}
color13 {color13}
color14 {color14}
color15 {color15}
active_tab_foreground {color2}
active_tab_background {background}
active_tab_font_style normal
inactive_tab_foreground {foreground}
inactive_tab_background {background}
# vim:ft=conf