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synced 2025-01-09 15:38:12 +01:00
Really, there is no reason to use zsh when fish exists, at least not for my use case. Maintaining one set of shell config files is easier than two, so I'm removing the zsh files. Some other changes in this commit include: - The addition of the current user and hostname to the fish prompt - The addition of some zsh functions I re-implemented in fish - The removal of the dircolors file (not needed with exa anyway) - The removal of some aliases I never used -
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# New Start: A modern Arch workflow built with an emphasis on functionality.
# Copyright (C) 2017-2018 Donovan Glover
# Sudo and other system aliases
alias rm="rm -i" # Always confirm before deleting things (use -f to override)
alias mkdir="mkdir -p" # Automatically make parent directories that don't exist yet
alias p="pwd | sed -e 's!$HOME!~!g'" # Same as pwd, but uses ~ instead of $HOME
# Easily start fresh with a clean terminal
# Note that "clear force" (cf) clears the terminal for real and doesn't have
# any side effects when resizing windows or scrolling up
alias c="clear"
alias cf="tput reset"
# Make ls a lot easier to read (print directories first, just like ranger)
alias exa="exa --group-directories-first"
alias ls="exa"
alias l="exa -1" # Show each output from ls on a separate line
alias where="type" # An alternative for shells that don't use the where command
# Volume aliases
# Usage: vol 10%+ (Increase the volume by 10%), vol 10%- (Decrease by 10%)
# vol 100% (Set the volume to 100%)
alias vol="amixer set 'Master' "
# Miscellaneous aliases
alias vz="nvim +Files" # Open any file inside a directory easily with fzf
alias vh="nvim -i NONE -c 'set noswapfile' -c 'set noundofile' -c 'set nobackup'"
# Quick and easy way to download the majority of online videos
alias dl="youtube-dl -f bestvideo+bestaudio"
alias back="feh --no-fehbg --bg-fill" # Easily set a new background (temporary)
# Show the lines that are in <file2> but NOT in <file1>
alias compare="grep -nFxvf" # Usage: compare <file1> <file2>
# "dog" is a colorful version of cat
alias dog="pygmentize -g"
# Easily show all of the todos in a given project
alias todo="rg TODO"
# Use exa as a drop-in replacement for "tree" (faster, more colors, etc.)
alias tree="exa --long --tree -I 'node_modules|lib'"
alias t="tree -L 1"
alias t2="tree -L 2"
alias t3="tree -L 3"
alias te="tree"
# Easily copy the contents of any file
alias copy="xclip -sel clip < "
# Git aliases
alias g="git" # In case we ever need to type a full command
alias ga="git add" # Swiftly add new files to the repository
alias gaa="git add --all" # Quickly add all the files changed in a repository
alias gap="git add --patch" # Commit a file one part at a time
alias gb="git branch --verbose" # Show a list of all the branches in the repository
alias gc="git commit -m" # Easily create new commits
alias gca="git commit --amend" # Easily amend previous commits
alias gd="git diff" # Show all file changes that you haven't added yet
alias gds="git diff --staged" # Show the changes you added but haven't committed yet
alias gg="git grep" # Easily grep for a string inside the git repository
alias gp="git push" # Push your commits to remote (usually origin)
alias gs="git status" # Compare any local changes you've made to the remote
alias gr="git reset HEAD~" # Undo the last commit but keep your changed files
alias gre="git remote --verbose" # Show all the remotes for the repository
alias grr="git reset --hard HEAD~" # Remove the last commit and all changes with it
alias gl="git lg" # Quickly show a list of the most recent commits
# Launch aliases (allow us to easily open external programs)
alias f="launch feh --auto-zoom" # Easy image viewing with f
alias z="launch zathura" # Easy document browsing with z
alias m="launch mpv" # Easy media playing with m
alias lnox="launch inox" # Launch inox separate from the terminal
alias lfox="launch firefox" # Launch firefox separate from the terminal
# Fun aliases that don't serve any specific purpose
alias emacs="nvim" # No need to start another operating system
alias nano="nvim" # Why nano when you have vim?
alias vi="nvim" # Vim is vi improved, literally