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synced 2024-11-28 03:03:34 +01:00
This was cool but there were a few issues such as me not being able to find the infamous "dock patch" despite grepping for dock on https://dwm.suckless.org/patches/, which resulted in the keyboard hiding tiled windows and being below floating windows. There was also an issue where starting corekeyboard from dwm would result in styling not being applied compared to starting it from the terminal. A third issue was that from a quick attempt I couldn't get callaudiod to start inside dwm, which was required for gnome-calls. Overall it looks like I will be using Phosh until further notice on the PinePhone, as I've already gotten it to work well enough for my use case.
171 lines
6.3 KiB
171 lines
6.3 KiB
inherit (config.lib.stylix.colors.withHashtag)
services = {
xserver = {
displayManager.startx.enable = true;
windowManager.dwm = {
enable = true;
package = pkgs.dwm.override {
conf = # c
#include <X11/XF86keysym.h>
static const unsigned int borderpx = 0;
static const unsigned int snap = 32;
static const int user_bh = 10;
static const int showbar = 1;
static const int topbar = 1;
static const char *fonts[] = {
"Maple Mono:size=10",
"Noto Sans Mono CJK JP:size=10",
"Noto Color Emoji:size=10",
static const char *colors[][3] = {
[SchemeNorm] = { "${base03}", "${base00}", "${base02}" },
[SchemeSel] = { "${base05}", "${base00}", "${base03}" },
static const unsigned int baralpha = 243;
static const unsigned int alphas[][3] = {
[SchemeNorm] = { OPAQUE, baralpha, baralpha },
[SchemeSel] = { OPAQUE, baralpha, baralpha },
static const char *tags[] = { "⬤", "⬤", "⬤" };
static const Rule rules[] = {
{ "librewolf", NULL, NULL, 0, 1, -1 },
static const float mfact = 0.55;
static const int nmaster = 1;
static const int resizehints = 1;
static const int lockfullscreen = 1;
static const Layout layouts[] = {
{ "[]=", tile },
#define MODKEY Mod4Mask
static char dmenumon[2] = "0";
static const char *dmenucmd[] = { "rofi", "-show", "drun" };
static const char *quitcmd[] = { "kill", "xinit" };
static const char *termcmd[] = { "kitty", NULL };
static const char *brighter[] = { "brightnessctl", "set", "5%+", NULL };
static const char *dimmer[] = { "brightnessctl", "set", "5%-", NULL };
static const char *up_vol[] = { "wpctl", "set-volume", "@DEFAULT_AUDIO_SINK@", "5%+", NULL };
static const char *down_vol[] = { "wpctl", "set-volume", "@DEFAULT_AUDIO_SINK@", "5%-", NULL };
static const char *mute_vol[] = { "wpctl", "set-mute", "@DEFAULT_AUDIO_SINK@", "toggle", NULL };
static const Key keys[] = {
{ 0, XF86XK_AudioMute, spawn, {.v = mute_vol } },
{ 0, XF86XK_AudioLowerVolume, spawn, {.v = down_vol } },
{ 0, XF86XK_AudioRaiseVolume, spawn, {.v = up_vol } },
{ 0, XF86XK_MonBrightnessDown, spawn, {.v = dimmer } },
{ 0, XF86XK_MonBrightnessUp, spawn, {.v = brighter } },
{ MODKEY, XK_p, spawn, {.v = dmenucmd } },
{ MODKEY, XK_o, togglebar, {0} },
{ MODKEY, XK_f, togglefullscr, {0} },
{ MODKEY, XK_v, togglefloating, {0} },
{ MODKEY, XK_j, focusstack, {.i = +1 } },
{ MODKEY, XK_k, focusstack, {.i = -1 } },
{ MODKEY, XK_Return, zoom, {0} },
{ MODKEY, XK_comma, focusmon, {.i = -1 } },
{ MODKEY, XK_period, focusmon, {.i = +1 } },
{ MODKEY, XK_1, viewprev, {0} },
{ MODKEY, XK_2, viewnext, {0} },
{ MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_1, tagtoprev, {0} },
{ MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_1, reorganizetags, {0} },
{ MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_2, tagtonext, {0} },
{ MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_2, reorganizetags, {0} },
{ MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_h, setmfact, {.f = -0.05} },
{ MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_l, setmfact, {.f = +0.05} },
{ MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_Return, spawn, {.v = termcmd } },
{ MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_q, killclient, {0} },
{ MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_comma, tagmon, {.i = -1 } },
{ MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_period, tagmon, {.i = +1 } },
{ MODKEY|Mod1Mask, XK_Delete, spawn, {.v = quitcmd } },
static const Button buttons[] = {
{ ClkTagBar, 0, Button1, view, {0} },
{ ClkClientWin, MODKEY, Button1, movemouse, {0} },
{ ClkClientWin, MODKEY, Button3, resizemouse, {0} },
patches = with pkgs; [
(fetchpatch {
url = "https://dwm.suckless.org/patches/hide_vacant_tags/dwm-hide_vacant_tags-6.4.diff";
hash = "sha256-GIbRW0Inwbp99rsKLfIDGvPwZ3pqihROMBp5vFlHx5Q=";
(fetchpatch {
url = "https://dwm.suckless.org/patches/alpha/dwm-alpha-20230401-348f655.diff";
hash = "sha256-ZhuqyDpY+nQQgrjniQ9DNheUgE9o/MUXKaJYRU3Uyl4=";
(fetchpatch {
url = "https://dwm.suckless.org/patches/reorganizetags/dwm-reorganizetags-6.2.diff";
hash = "sha256-Fj+cfw+5d7i6UrakMbebhZsfmu8ZfooduQA08STovK4=";
(fetchpatch {
url = "https://dwm.suckless.org/patches/bar_height/dwm-bar-height-spacing-6.3.diff";
hash = "sha256-usMIMmloUG4NrX10AVbgr8kFs9ZG6Krn1NxXTVcLq70=";
(fetchpatch {
url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bakkeby/patches/c5eae9d/dwm/dwm-desktop_icons-6.5.diff";
hash = "sha256-oIgeph9pmIWKBepnQhc+aNWU7ZHxsJbhJr5LVNTtuHc=";
libinput = {
touchpad = {
naturalScrolling = true;
accelProfile = "flat";
accelSpeed = "0.75";
mouse = {
accelProfile = "flat";
greetd.settings = {
default_session.command = lib.mkForce "${pkgs.greetd.tuigreet}/bin/tuigreet --time --cmd startx --time-format '%F %R'";
initial_session.command = lib.mkForce "${pkgs.xorg.xinit}/bin/startx";