mirror of
synced 2025-03-06 18:41:16 +01:00
These scripts can be manually updated by running the `make update` command. When you do so, visually compare the diffs. This is to ensure that nothing particularly naughty happened upstream. Note that this is not a fool-proof solution since one can simply modify the content returned by any other location a script requests.
1060 lines
29 KiB
Executable File
1060 lines
29 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# This chunk of stuff was generated by App::FatPacker. To find the original
# file's code, look for the end of this BEGIN block or the string 'FATPACK'
my %fatpacked;
$fatpacked{"DiffHighlight.pm"} = '#line '.(1+__LINE__).' "'.__FILE__."\"\n".<<'DIFFHIGHLIGHT';
package DiffHighlight;
use 5.008;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';
use strict;
use Encode;
# Highlight by reversing foreground and background. You could do
# other things like bold or underline if you prefer.
color_config('color.diff-highlight.oldhighlight', "\x1b[7m"),
color_config('color.diff-highlight.newnormal', $OLD_HIGHLIGHT[0]),
color_config('color.diff-highlight.newhighlight', $OLD_HIGHLIGHT[1]),
my $RESET = "\x1b[m";
my $COLOR = qr/\x1b\[[0-9;]*m/;
my $BORING = qr/$COLOR|\s/;
# The patch portion of git log -p --graph should only ever have preceding | and
# not / or \ as merge history only shows up on the commit line.
my $GRAPH = qr/$COLOR?\|$COLOR?\s+/;
my @removed;
my @added;
my $in_hunk;
our $line_cb = sub { print @_ };
our $flush_cb = sub { local $| = 1 };
sub handle_line {
local $_ = shift;
if (!$in_hunk) {
$in_hunk = /^$GRAPH*$COLOR*\@\@ /;
elsif (/^$GRAPH*$COLOR*-/) {
push @removed, $_;
elsif (/^$GRAPH*$COLOR*\+/) {
push @added, $_;
else {
show_hunk(\@removed, \@added);
@removed = ();
@added = ();
$in_hunk = /^$GRAPH*$COLOR*[\@ ]/;
# Most of the time there is enough output to keep things streaming,
# but for something like "git log -Sfoo", you can get one early
# commit and then many seconds of nothing. We want to show
# that one commit as soon as possible.
# Since we can receive arbitrary input, there's no optimal
# place to flush. Flushing on a blank line is a heuristic that
# happens to match git-log output.
if (!length) {
sub flush {
# Flush any queued hunk (this can happen when there is no trailing
# context in the final diff of the input).
show_hunk(\@removed, \@added);
sub highlight_stdin {
while (<STDIN>) {
# Ideally we would feed the default as a human-readable color to
# git-config as the fallback value. But diff-highlight does
# not otherwise depend on git at all, and there are reports
# of it being used in other settings. Let's handle our own
# fallback, which means we will work even if git can't be run.
sub color_config {
my ($key, $default) = @_;
my $s = `git config --get-color $key 2>/dev/null`;
return length($s) ? $s : $default;
sub show_hunk {
my ($a, $b) = @_;
# If one side is empty, then there is nothing to compare or highlight.
if (!@$a || !@$b) {
$line_cb->(@$a, @$b);
# If we have mismatched numbers of lines on each side, we could try to
# be clever and match up similar lines. But for now we are simple and
# stupid, and only handle multi-line hunks that remove and add the same
# number of lines.
if (@$a != @$b) {
$line_cb->(@$a, @$b);
my @queue;
for (my $i = 0; $i < @$a; $i++) {
my ($rm, $add) = highlight_pair($a->[$i], $b->[$i]);
push @queue, $add;
sub highlight_pair {
my @a = split_line(shift);
my @b = split_line(shift);
my $opts = shift();
# Find common prefix, taking care to skip any ansi
# color codes.
my $seen_plusminus;
my ($pa, $pb) = (0, 0);
while ($pa < @a && $pb < @b) {
if ($a[$pa] =~ /$COLOR/) {
elsif ($b[$pb] =~ /$COLOR/) {
elsif ($a[$pa] eq $b[$pb]) {
elsif (!$seen_plusminus && $a[$pa] eq '-' && $b[$pb] eq '+') {
$seen_plusminus = 1;
else {
# Find common suffix, ignoring colors.
my ($sa, $sb) = ($#a, $#b);
while ($sa >= $pa && $sb >= $pb) {
if ($a[$sa] =~ /$COLOR/) {
elsif ($b[$sb] =~ /$COLOR/) {
elsif ($a[$sa] eq $b[$sb]) {
else {
# If we're only highlight the differences temp disable the old/new normal colors
if ($opts->{'only_diff'}) {
$OLD_COLOR_SPEC[0] = '';
$NEW_COLOR_SPEC[0] = '';
if (is_pair_interesting(\@a, $pa, $sa, \@b, $pb, $sb)) {
return highlight_line(\@a, $pa, $sa, \@OLD_COLOR_SPEC),
highlight_line(\@b, $pb, $sb, \@NEW_COLOR_SPEC);
else {
return join('', @a),
join('', @b);
# we split either by $COLOR or by character. This has the side effect of
# leaving in graph cruft. It works because the graph cruft does not contain "-"
# or "+"
sub split_line {
local $_ = shift;
return eval { $_ = Encode::decode('UTF-8', $_, 1); 1 } ?
map { Encode::encode('UTF-8', $_) }
map { /$COLOR/ ? $_ : (split //) }
split /($COLOR+)/ :
map { /$COLOR/ ? $_ : (split //) }
split /($COLOR+)/;
sub highlight_line {
my ($line, $prefix, $suffix, $theme) = @_;
my $start = join('', @{$line}[0..($prefix-1)]);
my $mid = join('', @{$line}[$prefix..$suffix]);
my $end = join('', @{$line}[($suffix+1)..$#$line]);
# If we have a "normal" color specified, then take over the whole line.
# Otherwise, we try to just manipulate the highlighted bits.
if (defined $theme->[0]) {
s/$COLOR//g for ($start, $mid, $end);
chomp $end;
return join('',
$theme->[0], $start, $RESET,
$theme->[1], $mid, $RESET,
$theme->[0], $end, $RESET,
} else {
return join('',
$theme->[1], $mid, $theme->[2],
# Pairs are interesting to highlight only if we are going to end up
# highlighting a subset (i.e., not the whole line). Otherwise, the highlighting
# is just useless noise. We can detect this by finding either a matching prefix
# or suffix (disregarding boring bits like whitespace and colorization).
sub is_pair_interesting {
my ($a, $pa, $sa, $b, $pb, $sb) = @_;
my $prefix_a = join('', @$a[0..($pa-1)]);
my $prefix_b = join('', @$b[0..($pb-1)]);
my $suffix_a = join('', @$a[($sa+1)..$#$a]);
my $suffix_b = join('', @$b[($sb+1)..$#$b]);
return $prefix_a !~ /^$GRAPH*$COLOR*-$BORING*$/ ||
$prefix_b !~ /^$GRAPH*$COLOR*\+$BORING*$/ ||
$suffix_a !~ /^$BORING*$/ ||
$suffix_b !~ /^$BORING*$/;
s/^ //mg for values %fatpacked;
my $class = 'FatPacked::'.(0+\%fatpacked);
no strict 'refs';
*{"${class}::files"} = sub { keys %{$_[0]} };
if ($] < 5.008) {
*{"${class}::INC"} = sub {
if (my $fat = $_[0]{$_[1]}) {
my $pos = 0;
my $last = length $fat;
return (sub {
return 0 if $pos == $last;
my $next = (1 + index $fat, "\n", $pos) || $last;
$_ .= substr $fat, $pos, $next - $pos;
$pos = $next;
return 1;
else {
*{"${class}::INC"} = sub {
if (my $fat = $_[0]{$_[1]}) {
open my $fh, '<', \$fat
or die "FatPacker error loading $_[1] (could be a perl installation issue?)";
return $fh;
unshift @INC, bless \%fatpacked, $class;
my $VERSION = "1.2.0";
use File::Spec; # For catdir
use File::Basename; # For dirname
use Encode; # For handling UTF8 stuff
use Cwd qw(abs_path); # For realpath()
use lib dirname(abs_path(File::Spec->catdir($0))) . "/lib"; # Add the local lib/ to @INC
use DiffHighlight;
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';
my $remove_file_add_header = 1;
my $remove_file_delete_header = 1;
my $clean_permission_changes = 1;
my $change_hunk_indicators = git_config_boolean("diff-so-fancy.changeHunkIndicators","true");
my $strip_leading_indicators = git_config_boolean("diff-so-fancy.stripLeadingSymbols","true");
my $mark_empty_lines = git_config_boolean("diff-so-fancy.markEmptyLines","true");
my $use_unicode_dash_for_ruler = git_config_boolean("diff-so-fancy.useUnicodeRuler","true");
my $git_strip_prefix = git_config_boolean("diff.noprefix","false");
my $has_stdin = has_stdin();
my $ansi_color_regex = qr/(\e\[([0-9]{1,3}(;[0-9]{1,3}){0,3})[mK])?/;
my $dim_magenta = "\e[38;5;146m";
my $reset_color = "\e[0m";
my $bold = "\e[1m";
my $meta_color = "";
my ($file_1,$file_2);
my $last_file_seen = "";
my $last_file_mode = "";
my $i = 0;
my $in_hunk = 0;
my $columns_to_remove = 0;
# We only process ARGV if we don't have STDIN
if (!$has_stdin) {
my $args = argv();
if ($args->{v} || $args->{version}) {
} elsif ($args->{'set-defaults'}) {
my $ok = set_defaults();
} elsif ($args->{colors}) {
# We print this to STDOUT so we can redirect to bash to auto-set the colors
print get_default_colors();
} elsif (!%$args || $args->{help} || $args->{h}) {
my $first = check_first_run();
if (!$first) {
} else {
die("Missing input on STDIN\n");
} else {
# Check to see if were using default settings
my @lines;
local $DiffHighlight::line_cb = sub {
my $last_line = $lines[-1];
# Buffer X lines before we try and output anything
# Also make sure we're sending enough data to d-s-f to do it's magic.
# Certain things require a look-ahead line or two to function so
# we make sure we don't break on those sections prematurely
if (@lines > 24 && ($last_line !~ /^${ansi_color_regex}(---|index|old mode|similarity index|rename (from|to))/)) {
@lines = ();
while (my $line = <STDIN>) {
my $ok = DiffHighlight::handle_line($line);
sub do_dsf_stuff {
my $input = shift();
#print STDERR "START -------------------------------------------------\n";
#print STDERR join("",@$input);
#print STDERR "END ---------------------------------------------------\n";
while (my $line = shift(@$input)) {
# Pre-process the line before we do any other markup #
# If the first line of the input is a blank line, skip that
if ($i == 0 && $line =~ /^\s*$/) {
# End pre-processing #
# Look for git index and replace it horizontal line (header later) #
if ($line =~ /^${ansi_color_regex}index /) {
# Print the line color and then the actual line
$meta_color = $1 || DiffHighlight::color_config('color.diff.meta',"\e[38;5;11m");
print horizontal_rule($meta_color);
# Get the next line without incrementing counter while loop
my $next = $input->[0] || "";
my ($file_1,$file_2);
# The line immediately after the "index" line should be the --- file line
# If it's not it's an empty file add/delete
if ($next !~ /^$ansi_color_regex(---|Binary files)/) {
# We fake out the file names since it's a raw add/delete
if ($last_file_mode eq "add") {
$file_1 = "/dev/null";
$file_2 = $last_file_seen;
} elsif ($last_file_mode eq "delete") {
$file_1 = $last_file_seen;
$file_2 = "/dev/null";
if ($file_1 && $file_2) {
print $meta_color . file_change_string($file_1,$file_2) . "\n";
print horizontal_rule($meta_color);
# Look for the filename #
} elsif ($line =~ /^${ansi_color_regex}diff --(git|cc) (.*?)(\s|\e|$)/) {
$last_file_seen = $5;
$last_file_seen =~ s|^\w/||; # Remove a/ (and handle diff.mnemonicPrefix).
$in_hunk = 0;
# Find the first file: --- a/README.md #
} elsif (!$in_hunk && $line =~ /^$ansi_color_regex--- (\w\/)?(.+?)(\e|\t|$)/) {
if ($git_strip_prefix) {
my $file_dir = $4 || "";
$file_1 = $file_dir . $5;
} else {
$file_1 = $5;
# Find the second file on the next line: +++ b/README.md
my $next = shift(@$input);
$next =~ /^$ansi_color_regex\+\+\+ (\w\/)?(.+?)(\e|\t|$)/;
if ($1) {
print $1; # Print out whatever color we're using
if ($git_strip_prefix) {
my $file_dir = $4 || "";
$file_2 = $file_dir . $5;
} else {
$file_2 = $5;
if ($file_2 ne "/dev/null") {
$last_file_seen = $file_2;
print file_change_string($file_1,$file_2) . "\n";
# Print out the bottom horizontal line of the header
print horizontal_rule($meta_color);
# Check for "@@ -3,41 +3,63 @@" syntax #
} elsif ($change_hunk_indicators && $line =~ /^${ansi_color_regex}(@@@* .+? @@@*)(.*)/) {
$in_hunk = 1;
my $hunk_header = $4;
my $remain = bleach_text($5);
# The number of colums to remove (1 or 2) is based on how many commas in the hunk header
$columns_to_remove = (char_count(",",$hunk_header)) - 1;
# On single line removes there is NO comma in the hunk so we force one
if ($columns_to_remove <= 0) {
$columns_to_remove = 1;
if ($1) {
print $1; # Print out whatever color we're using
my ($orig_offset, $orig_count, $new_offset, $new_count) = parse_hunk_header($hunk_header);
$last_file_seen = basename($last_file_seen);
# Figure out the start line
my $start_line = start_line_calc($new_offset,$new_count);
print "@ $last_file_seen:$start_line \@${bold}${dim_magenta}${remain}${reset_color}\n";
# Remove any new file permissions #
} elsif ($remove_file_add_header && $line =~ /^${ansi_color_regex}.*new file mode/) {
# Don't print the line (i.e. remove it from the output);
$last_file_mode = "add";
# Remove any delete file permissions #
} elsif ($remove_file_delete_header && $line =~ /^${ansi_color_regex}deleted file mode/) {
# Don't print the line (i.e. remove it from the output);
$last_file_mode = "delete";
# Look for binary file changes #
} elsif ($line =~ /^Binary files (\w\/)?(.+?) and (\w\/)?(.+?) differ/) {
my $change = file_change_string($2,$4);
print "$meta_color$change (binary)\n";
print horizontal_rule($meta_color);
# Check if we're changing the permissions of a file #
} elsif ($clean_permission_changes && $line =~ /^${ansi_color_regex}old mode (\d+)/) {
my ($old_mode) = $4;
my $next = shift(@$input);
if ($1) {
print $1; # Print out whatever color we're using
my ($new_mode) = $next =~ m/new mode (\d+)/;
print "$last_file_seen changed file mode from $old_mode to $new_mode\n";
# File rename #
} elsif ($line =~ /^${ansi_color_regex}similarity index (\d+)%/) {
my $simil = $4;
# If it's a move with content change we ignore this and the next two lines
if ($simil != 100) {
my $next = shift(@$input);
my ($file1) = $next =~ /rename from (.+)/;
$next = shift(@$input);
my ($file2) = $next =~ /rename to (.+)/;
if ($file1 && $file2) {
# We may not have extracted this yet, so we pull from the config if not
$meta_color ||= DiffHighlight::color_config('color.diff.meta',"\e[38;5;11m");
my $change = file_change_string($file1,$file2);
print horizontal_rule($meta_color);
print $meta_color . $change . "\n";
print horizontal_rule($meta_color);
$i += 3; # We've consumed three lines
# Just a regular line, print it out #
} else {
# Mark empty line with a red/green box indicating addition/removal
if ($mark_empty_lines) {
$line = mark_empty_line($line);
# Remove the correct number of leading " " or "+" or "-"
if ($strip_leading_indicators) {
$line = strip_leading_indicators($line,$columns_to_remove);
print $line;
# End regular code, begin functions
# Courtesy of github.com/git/git/blob/ab5d01a/git-add--interactive.perl#L798-L805
sub parse_hunk_header {
my ($line) = @_;
my ($o_ofs, $o_cnt, $n_ofs, $n_cnt) = $line =~ /^\@\@+(?: -(\d+)(?:,(\d+))?)+ \+(\d+)(?:,(\d+))? \@\@+/;
$o_cnt = 1 unless defined $o_cnt;
$n_cnt = 1 unless defined $n_cnt;
return ($o_ofs, $o_cnt, $n_ofs, $n_cnt);
# Mark the first char of an empty line
sub mark_empty_line {
my $line = shift();
my $reset_color = "\e\\[0?m";
my $reset_escape = "\e\[m";
my $invert_color = "\e\[7m";
$line =~ s/^($ansi_color_regex)[+-]$reset_color\s*$/$invert_color$1 $reset_escape\n/;
return $line;
# String to boolean
sub boolean {
my $str = shift();
$str = trim($str);
if ($str eq "" || $str =~ /^(no|false|0)$/i) {
return 0;
} else {
return 1;
# Memoize getting the git config
my $static_config;
sub git_config_raw {
if ($static_config) {
# If we already have the config return that
return $static_config;
my $cmd = "git config --list";
my @out = `$cmd`;
$static_config = \@out;
return \@out;
# Fetch a textual item from the git config
sub git_config {
my $search_key = lc($_[0] || "");
my $default_value = lc($_[1] || "");
my $out = git_config_raw();
# If we're in a unit test, use the default (don't read the users config)
if (in_unit_test()) {
return $default_value;
my $raw = {};
foreach my $line (@$out) {
if ($line =~ /=/) {
my ($key,$value) = split("=",$line,2);
$value =~ s/\s+$//;
$raw->{$key} = $value;
# If we're given a search key return that, else return the hash
if ($search_key) {
return $raw->{$search_key} || $default_value;
} else {
return $raw;
# Fetch a boolean item from the git config
sub git_config_boolean {
my $search_key = lc($_[0] || "");
my $default_value = lc($_[1] || 0); # Default to false
# If we're in a unit test, use the default (don't read the users config)
if (in_unit_test()) {
return boolean($default_value);
my $result = git_config($search_key,$default_value);
my $ret = boolean($result);
return $ret;
# Check if we're inside of BATS
sub in_unit_test {
if ($ENV{BATS_CWD}) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
sub get_less_charset {
my @less_char_vars = ("LESSCHARSET", "LESSCHARDEF", "LC_ALL", "LC_CTYPE", "LANG");
foreach (@less_char_vars) {
return $ENV{$_} if defined $ENV{$_};
return "";
sub should_print_unicode {
if (-t STDOUT) {
# Always print unicode chars if we're not piping stuff, e.g. to less(1)
return 1;
# Otherwise, assume we're piping to less(1)
my $less_charset = get_less_charset();
if ($less_charset =~ /utf-?8/i) {
return 1;
return 0;
# Return git config as a hash
sub get_git_config_hash {
my $out = git_config_raw();
my %hash;
foreach my $line (@$out) {
my ($key,$value) = split("=",$line,2);
if ($key && $value) {
$value =~ s/\s+$//;
my @path = split(/\./,$key);
my $last = pop @path;
my $p = \%hash;
# Build the tree for each section
$p = $p->{$_} ||= {} for @path;
$p->{$last} = $value;
return \%hash;
# Try and be smart about what line the diff hunk starts on
sub start_line_calc {
my ($line_num,$diff_context) = @_;
my $ret;
if ($line_num == 0 && $diff_context == 0) {
return 1;
# Git defaults to three lines of context
my $default_context_lines = 3;
# Three lines on either side, and the line itself = 7
my $expected_context = ($default_context_lines * 2 + 1);
# The first three lines
if ($line_num == 1 && $diff_context < $expected_context) {
$ret = $diff_context - $default_context_lines;
} else {
$ret = $line_num + $default_context_lines;
if ($ret < 1) {
$ret = 1;
return $ret;
# Remove + or - at the beginning of the lines
sub strip_leading_indicators {
my $line = shift(); # Array passed in by reference
my $columns_to_remove = shift(); # Don't remove any lines by default
if ($columns_to_remove == 0) {
return $line; # Nothing to do
$line =~ s/^(${ansi_color_regex})[ +-]{${columns_to_remove}}/$1/;
return $line;
# Count the number of a given char in a string
sub char_count {
my ($needle,$str) = @_;
my $len = length($str);
my $ret = 0;
for (my $i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) {
my $found = substr($str,$i,1);
if ($needle eq $found) { $ret++; }
return $ret;
# Remove all ANSI codes from a string
sub bleach_text {
my $str = shift();
$str =~ s/\e\[\d*(;\d+)*m//mg;
return $str;
# Remove all trailing and leading spaces
sub trim {
my $s = shift();
if (!$s) { return ""; }
$s =~ s/^\s*|\s*$//g;
return $s;
# Print a line of em-dash or line-drawing chars the full width of the screen
sub horizontal_rule {
my $color = $_[0] || "";
my $width = `tput cols`;
if (is_windows()) {
# em-dash http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/2014/index.htm
#my $dash = "\x{2014}";
# BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT HORIZONTAL http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/2500/index.htm
my $dash;
if ($use_unicode_dash_for_ruler && should_print_unicode()) {
$dash = Encode::encode('UTF-8', "\x{2500}");
} else {
$dash = "-";
# Draw the line
my $ret = $color . ($dash x $width) . "\n";
return $ret;
sub file_change_string {
my $file_1 = shift();
my $file_2 = shift();
# If they're the same it's a modify
if ($file_1 eq $file_2) {
return "modified: $file_1";
# If the first is /dev/null it's a new file
} elsif ($file_1 eq "/dev/null") {
my $add_color = $DiffHighlight::NEW_HIGHLIGHT[1];
return "added: $add_color$file_2$reset_color";
# If the second is /dev/null it's a deletion
} elsif ($file_2 eq "/dev/null") {
my $del_color = $DiffHighlight::OLD_HIGHLIGHT[1];
return "deleted: $del_color$file_1$reset_color";
# If the files aren't the same it's a rename
} elsif ($file_1 ne $file_2) {
my ($old, $new) = DiffHighlight::highlight_pair($file_1,$file_2,{only_diff => 1});
$old = trim($old);
$new = trim($new);
# highlight_pair resets the colors, but we want it to be the meta color
$old =~ s/(\e0?\[m)/$1$meta_color/g;
$new =~ s/(\e0?\[m)/$1$meta_color/g;
return "renamed: $old to $new";
# Something we haven't thought of yet
} else {
return "$file_1 -> $file_2";
# Check to see if STDIN is connected to an interactive terminal
sub has_stdin {
my $i = -t STDIN;
my $ret = int(!$i);
return $ret;
# We use this instead of Getopt::Long because it's faster and we're not parsing any
# crazy arguments
# Borrowed from: https://www.perturb.org/display/1153_Perl_Quick_extract_variables_from_ARGV.html
sub argv {
my $ret = {};
for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@ARGV); $i++) {
# If the item starts with "-" it's a key
if ((my ($key) = $ARGV[$i] =~ /^--?([a-zA-Z_]\w*)/) && ($ARGV[$i] !~ /^-\w\w/)) {
# If the next item does not start with "--" it's the value for this item
if (defined($ARGV[$i + 1]) && ($ARGV[$i + 1] !~ /^--?\D/)) {
$ret->{$key} = $ARGV[$i + 1];
# Bareword like --verbose with no options
} else {
# We're looking for a certain item
if ($_[0]) { return $ret->{$_[0]}; }
return $ret;
# Output the command line usage for d-s-f
sub usage {
my $out = color("white_bold") . version() . color("reset") . "\n";
$out .= "Usage:
git diff --color | diff-so-fancy # Use d-s-f on one diff
diff-so-fancy --colors # View the commands to set the recommended colors
diff-so-fancy --set-defaults # Configure git-diff to use diff-so-fancy and suggested colors
# Configure git to use d-s-f for *all* diff operations
git config --global core.pager \"diff-so-fancy | less --tabs=4 -RFX\"\n";
return $out;
sub get_default_colors {
my $out = "# Recommended default colors for diff-so-fancy\n";
$out .= "# --------------------------------------------\n";
$out .= 'git config --global color.ui true
git config --global color.diff-highlight.oldNormal "red bold"
git config --global color.diff-highlight.oldHighlight "red bold 52"
git config --global color.diff-highlight.newNormal "green bold"
git config --global color.diff-highlight.newHighlight "green bold 22"
git config --global color.diff.meta "yellow"
git config --global color.diff.frag "magenta bold"
git config --global color.diff.commit "yellow bold"
git config --global color.diff.old "red bold"
git config --global color.diff.new "green bold"
git config --global color.diff.whitespace "red reverse"
return $out;
# Output the current version string
sub version {
my $ret = "Diff-so-fancy: https://github.com/so-fancy/diff-so-fancy\n";
$ret .= "Version : $VERSION\n";
return $ret;
# Feed the raw git input through diff-highlight to get line level highlights
sub filter_stdin_through_diff_highlight {
my @dh_lines;
# Have DH put the lines it's modified in an array
local $DiffHighlight::line_cb = sub { push(@dh_lines,@_) };
while (my $line = <STDIN>) {
my $ok = DiffHighlight::handle_line($line);
return @dh_lines;
sub is_windows {
if ($^O eq 'MSWin32' or $^O eq 'dos' or $^O eq 'os2' or $^O eq 'cygwin' or $^O eq 'msys') {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
# Return value is whether this is the first time they've run d-s-f
sub check_first_run {
my $ret = 0;
# If first-run is not set, or it's set to "true"
my $first_run = git_config_boolean('diff-so-fancy.first-run');
# See if they're previously set SOME diff-highlight colors
my $has_dh_colors = git_config_boolean('color.diff-highlight.oldnormal') || git_config_boolean('color.diff-highlight.newnormal');
#$first_run = 1; $has_dh_colors = 0;
if (!$first_run || $has_dh_colors) {
return 0;
} else {
print "This appears to be the first time you've run diff-so-fancy, please note\n";
print "that the default git colors are not ideal. Diff-so-fancy recommends the\n";
print "following colors.\n\n";
print get_default_colors();
# Set the first run flag to false
my $cmd = 'git config --global diff-so-fancy.first-run false';
return 1;
sub set_defaults {
my $color_config = get_default_colors();
my $git_config = 'git config --global core.pager "diff-so-fancy | less --tabs=4 -RFX"';
my $first_cmd = 'git config --global diff-so-fancy.first-run false';
my @cmds = split(/\n/,$color_config);
# Remove all comments from the commands
foreach my $x (@cmds) {
$x =~ s/#.*//g;
# Remove any empty commands
@cmds = grep($_,@cmds);
foreach my $cmd (@cmds) {
my $exit = ($? >> 8);
if ($exit != 0) {
die("Error running: '$cmd' (error #18941)\n");
return 1;
# String format: '115', '165_bold', '10_on_140', 'reset', 'on_173', 'red_bold', 'red_on_blue', 'blink', 'italic'
sub color {
my $str = shift();
# No string sent in, so we just reset
if (!length($str) || $str eq 'reset') { return "\e[0m"; }
# Some predefined colors
my %color_map = qw(red 160 blue 21 green 34 yellow 226 orange 214 purple 93 white 15 black 0);
$str =~ s/$_/$color_map{$_}/g for keys %color_map;
# Get foreground/background and any commands
my ($fc,$cmd) = $str =~ /^(\d+)?_?(\w+)?/g;
my ($bc) = $str =~ /on_?(\d+)$/g;
# Some predefined commands
my %cmd_map = qw(bold 1 italic 3 underline 4 blink 5 inverse 7);
my $cmd_num = $cmd_map{$cmd || 0};
my $ret = '';
if ($cmd_num) { $ret .= "\e[${cmd_num}m"; }
if (defined($fc)) { $ret .= "\e[38;5;${fc}m"; }
if (defined($bc)) { $ret .= "\e[48;5;${bc}m"; }
return $ret;
# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 noexpandtab autoindent softtabstop=4