The `override` we introduced previously will generate a new Derivation, which does not affect the original Derivation in `pkgs`, and is only suitable for use as a local parameter,
To solve this problem, Nix provides the ability to use `overlays`. Simply put, `overlays` can globally modify the Derivation in `pkgs`.
In the classic Nix environment, Nix automatically applies all `overlays` configuration under the paths `~/.config/nixpkgs/overlays.nix``~/.config/nixpkgs/overlays/*.nix`,
but in Flakes, in order to ensure the reproducibility of the system, it cannot depend on any configuration outside the Git repository, so this classic method cannot be used now.
When using Flakes to write configuration for NixOS, home Manager and NixOS both provide the `nixpkgs.overlays` option to define `overlays`. Related documentation:
For example, the following content is a Module that loads Overlays, which can be used as either a home Manager Module or a NixOS Module, because the two definitions are exactly the same:
> home Manager is an external component after all, and most people use the unstable branch of home Manager & nixpkgs, which sometimes causes problems with home Manager Module, so it is recommended to import `overlays` in a NixOS Module.
{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }:
nixpkgs.overlays = [
# overlayer1 - use self and super to express the inheritance relationship
refer to this example to write your own overlays, import the configuration as a NixOS Module or a home Manager Module, and then deploy it to see the effect.
## Modular overlays
The previous example shows how to write overlays, but all overlays are written in a single nix file, which is a bit difficult to maintain.
First, create an `overlays` folder in the Git repository to store all overlays configurations, and then create `overlays/default.nix`, whose content is as follows:
At last, you need to load all overlays returned by `overlays/default.nix` through the `nixpkgs.overlays` option, add the following parameter to any NixOS Module to achieve this:
{ config, pkgs, lib, ... } @ args:
# ......
# add this parameter
nixpkgs.overlays = import /path/to/overlays/dir;
# ......
For example, you can just add it directly in `flake.nix`:
description = "NixOS configuration of Ryan Yin";
# ......
inputs = {
# ......
outputs = inputs@{ self, nixpkgs, ... }: {
nixosConfigurations = {
nixos-test = nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem {
system = "x86_64-linux";
specialArgs = inputs;
modules = [
# add the following inline module definition
# here, all parameters of modules are passed to overlays
By using this modular approach, it is very convenient to modularize all your overlays. Taking my configuration as an example, the structure of the `overlays` folder is rough as follows: