feat: download packages via a proxy

This commit is contained in:
Ryan Yin 2024-03-26 23:37:41 +08:00
parent 29f6473dad
commit d7fb878559
2 changed files with 25 additions and 44 deletions

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@ -302,29 +302,6 @@ running on their machine. Here's how to set it up. Using methods like
actual work is done by a background process called `nix-daemon`, not by commands directly
executed in the Terminal.
The implementation code of `nix-daemon` is located at
which sets environment variables through the `systemd.services.nix-daemon.environment`
option. We can also add proxy-related environment variables to the running environment of
`nix-daemon` in the same way, as shown in the following example Module:
systemd.services.nix-daemon.environment = {
# socks5h means that the hostname is resolved by the SOCKS server
https_proxy = "socks5h://localhost:7891";
# https_proxy = "http://localhost:7890"; # or use http protocol instead of socks5
After deploying this configuration, you can check if the environment variables have been
set by running `sudo cat /proc/$(pidof nix-daemon)/environ | tr '\0' '\n'`.
**However, be aware that when the proxy server is not available, nix-daemon will be unable
to access any cache servers!** Therefore, I still recommend using a transparent proxy to
address acceleration issues.
If you only need to use a proxy temporarily, you can set the proxy environment variables
with the following commands:
@ -338,10 +315,24 @@ sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl restart nix-daemon
After deploying this configuration, you can check if the environment variables have been
set by running `sudo cat /proc/$(pidof nix-daemon)/environ | tr '\0' '\n'`.
The settings in `/run/systemd/system/nix-daemon.service.d/override.conf` will be
automatically deleted when the system restarts, or you can manually delete it and restart
the nix-daemon service to restore the original settings.
If you want to permanently set the proxy, it is recommended to save the above commands as
a shell script and run it each time the system starts. Alternatively, you can use a
transparent proxy or TUN and other global proxy solutions.
> There are also people in the community who permanently set the proxy for nix-daemon in a
> declarative way using `systemd.services.nix-daemon.environment`. However, if the proxy
> encounters problems, it will be very troublesome. Nix-daemon will not work properly, and
> most Nix commands will not run correctly. Moreover, the configuration of systemd itself
> is set to read-only protection, making it difficult to modify or delete the proxy
> settings. So, it is not recommended to use this method.
> When using some commercial or public proxies, you might encounter HTTP 403 errors when
> downloading from GitHub (as described in
> [nixos-and-flakes-book/issues/74](https://github.com/ryan4yin/nixos-and-flakes-book/issues/74)).

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@ -278,27 +278,6 @@ Nix 提供了
直接在 Terminal 中使用 `export HTTPS_PROXY=` 这类方式是无法生效的,因
为 nix 实际干活的是一个叫 `nix-daemon` 的后台进程,而不是直接在 Terminal 中执行的命令。
nix-daemon 的实现代码是
它通过 `systemd.services.nix-daemon.environment` 选项设置了环境变量,我们也能通过同样的手
段来往 nix-daemon 的运行环境中添加代理相关的环境变量,一个示例 Module 如下:
systemd.services.nix-daemon.environment = {
# socks5h mean that the hostname is resolved by the SOCKS server
https_proxy = "socks5h://localhost:7891";
# https_proxy = "http://localhost:7890"; # or use http prctocol instead of socks5
部署此配置后,可通过 `sudo cat /proc/$(pidof nix-daemon)/environ | tr '\0' '\n'` 查看
nix-daemon 进程的所有环境变量,确认环境变量的设置是否生效。
**但是要注意当代理服务器不可用时nix-daemon 将无法访问任何缓存服务器**!所以我还是更建
@ -311,9 +290,20 @@ sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl restart nix-daemon
部署此配置后,可通过 `sudo cat /proc/$(pidof nix-daemon)/environ | tr '\0' '\n'` 查看
nix-daemon 进程的所有环境变量,确认环境变量的设置是否生效。
位于 `/run/systemd/system/nix-daemon.service.d/override.conf` 的设置会在系统重启后被自动删
除,或者你可以手动删除它并重启 nix-daemon 服务来恢复原始设置。
如果你希望永久设置代理,建议将上述命令保存为 shell 脚本,在每次启动系统时运行一下。或者也
可以使用旁路网关或 TUN 等全局代理方案。
> 社区也有人通过 `systemd.services.nix-daemon.environment` 以声明式的方式为 nix-daemon 永
> 久设置代理但这种做法下一旦代理出了问题会非常麻烦nix-daemon 将无法正常工作,进而导致
> 大多数 nix 命令无法正常运行,而且 systemd 自身的配置被设置了只读保护,无法简单地修改配置
> 删除代理设置。因此不建议使用这种方式。
> 使用一些商用代理或公共代理时你可能会遇到 GitHub 下载时报 HTTP 403 错误
> [nixos-and-flakes-book/issues/74](https://github.com/ryan4yin/nixos-and-flakes-book/issues/74)
> 可尝试通过更换代理服务器或者设置