On the host and for the user it is called by, creates/registers a VirtualBox VM meant to run the shells target host. Requires the path to the target host's »diskImage« as the result of running the install script. The image file may not be deleted or moved. If »bridgeTo« is set(to a host interface name, e.g. as »eth0«), it is added as bridged network "Adapter 2"(which some hosts need).
# The serial settings between qemu and vBox seem incompatible. With a simple »console=ttyS0«, vBox hangs on start. So just disable this for now an use qemu for headless setups. The UX here is awful anyway.
Runs a host in a QEMU VM, directly from its bootable disks, without requiring any change in it's configuration.
This function infers many qemu options from the target system's configuration and the current host system.
»diskImages« may be passed in the same format as to the installer. Any image files passed are ensured to be loop-mounted. »root« may also pass device paths.
declare-flag run-qemu dry-run """Instead of running the (main) qemu (and install) command, only print it."
declare-flag run-qemu efi """Treat the target system as EFI system, even if not recognized as such automatically."
declare-flag run-qemu efi-vars "path""For »--efi« systems, path to a file storing the EFI variables. The default is in »XDG_RUNTIME_DIR«, i.e. it does not persist across host reboots."
declare-flag run-qemu graphic """Open a graphical window even of the target system logs to serial and not (explicitly) TTY1."
declare-flag run-qemu install "[1|always]""If any of the guest system's disk images does not exist, perform the its installation before starting the VM. If set to »always«, always install before starting the VM. With this flag set, »diskImages« defaults to paths in »/tmp/."
declare-flag run-qemu nic "type[,options]""Create an additional network interface using the »-nic« flag. Automatically sets a decent »model« and a »mac« derived from »config.networking.hostId«.
declare-flag run-qemu no-serial """Do not connect the calling terminal to a serial adapter the guest can log to and open a terminal on the guests serial, as would be the default if the guests logs to ttyS0."
declare-flag run-qemu share "decls""Host dirs to make available as network shares for the guest, as space separated list of »name:host-path,options«. E.g. »--share='foo:/home/user/foo,readonly=on bar:/tmp/bar«. In the VM the share can be mounted with: »$ mount -t 9p -o trans=virtio -o version=9p2000.L -o msize=4194304 -o ro foo /foo«."
declare-flag run-qemu virtio-blk """Pass the system's disks/images as virtio disks, instead of using AHCI+IDE. Default iff »boot.initrd.availableKernelModules« includes »virtio_blk« (because it requires that driver)."
# For KVM to work, vBox must not be running anything at the same time (and vBox hangs on start if qemu runs). Pass »--no-kvm« and accept ~10x slowdown, or stop vBox.
qemu+=( -enable-kvm -cpu host )
if[[ ! ${args[smp]:-}]];thenqemu+=( -smp 4);fi# else the emulation is single-threaded anyway
#qemu+=( -bios ${ovmf}/FV/OVMF.fd ) # This works, but is a legacy fallback that stores the EFI vars in /NvVars on the EFI partition (which is really bad).
disks=(${diskImages}primary.img );for name in "@{!config.setup.disks.devices[@]}";doif[[$name != primary ]];thendisks+=(${diskImages}${name}.img );fi;done
# qemu+=( -drive format=raw,if=ide,file="${disks[$index]/*=/}" ) # »if=ide« is the default, which these days isn't great for driver support inside the VM
qemu+=( -drive format=raw,file="${disks[$index]/*=/}",media=disk,if=none,index=${index},id=drive${index})# create the disk drive, without attaching it, name it driveX
if[[ ! ${args[virtio-blk]:-}]];then
qemu+=( -device ahci,acpi-index=${index},id=ahci${index})# create an (ich9-)AHCI bus named »ahciX«
qemu+=( -device ide-hd,drive=drive${index},bus=ahci${index}.${index})# attach IDE?! disk driveX as device X on bus »ahciX«
qemu+=( -device virtio-blk-pci,drive=drive${index},disable-modern=on,disable-legacy=off )# this should be faster, but seems to require guest drivers
# Add »config.boot.kernelParams = [ "console=tty1" "console=ttyS0" ]« to log to serial (»ttyS0«) and/or the display (»tty1«), preferring the last »console« option for the initrd shell (if enabled and requested).
declare-flag run-qemu,install-system,'*' vm-mem "num""VM RAM in MiB (»qemu -m«)."
declare-flag run-qemu,install-system,'*' vm-smp "num""Number of guest CPU cores."
declare-flag run-qemu,install-system,'*' vm-usb-port "path""A physical USB port (or hub) to pass to the guest (e.g. a YubiKey for unlocking). Specified as »<bus>-<port>«, where bus and port refer to the physical USB port »/sys/bus/usb/devices/<bus>-<port>« (see »lsusb -tvv«). E.g.: »--vm-usb-port=3-«."
Creates a random static key on a new key partition on the GPT partitioned »$blockDev«. The drive can then be used as headless but removable disk unlock method (»usbPartition«/»usb-part«).
Tries to open and mount the systems keystore from its LUKS partition. If successful, this also adds the traps to close the keystore when the parent shell exits (so this is not useful as a standalone »COMMAND«, use the »bash« or »--command« options).
For the exit traps to trigger on exit from the calling script / shell, this can't run in a sub shell (and therefore can't be called from a pipeline).
See »open-system«'s implementation for some example calls to this function.
@{native.cryptsetup}/bin/cryptsetup open "$@" /dev/disk/by-partlabel/$keystore$keystore&& prepend_trap "@{native.cryptsetup}/bin/cryptsetup close $keystore" EXIT ||return
Performs any steps necessary to mount the target system at »/tmp/nixos-install-@{config.networking.hostName}« on the current host.
For any steps taken, it also adds the steps to undo them on exit from the calling shell (so this is not useful as a standalone »COMMAND«, use the »bash« or »--command« options, and don't call this from a sub-shell that exits too early).
»diskImages« may be passed in the same format as to the installer. Any image files passed are ensured to be loop-mounted. »root« may also pass device paths.
Perfect to inspect/update/amend/repair a system's installation afterwards, e.g.:
if[[ @{config.setup.keystore.enable}&& ! -e /dev/mapper/keystore-@{config.networking.hostName!hashString.sha256:0:8}]];then# Try a bunch of approaches for opening the keystore: