mirror of
synced 2025-02-16 09:50:31 +01:00
small fixes, esp. for cross-building
This commit is contained in:
@ -77,13 +77,14 @@ in rec {
entryPath ? null, config ? null, preface ? null,
inputs ? { }, overlays ? (getOverlaysFromInputs inputs), modules ? (getModulesFromInputs inputs),
peers ? { }, nixosSystem ? inputs.nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem, localSystem ? null,
renameOutputs ? (name: null), # If not supplied (explicitly or as »false« by »mkSystemsFlake«), assume the system is not exported.
... }: let
preface = args.preface or (getSystemPreface inputs entryPath (specialArgs // { inherit name; }));
targetSystem = "${preface.hardware}-linux"; buildSystem = if localSystem != null then localSystem else targetSystem;
specialArgs = (args.specialArgs or { }) // {
nodes = peers; # NixOPS
outputName = if args?renameOutputs then args.renameOutputs name else name;
outputName = if renameOutputs != false then renameOutputs name else name;
in let system = { inherit preface; } // (nixosSystem {
system = buildSystem; # (this actually does nothing more than setting »config.nixpkgs.system« and can be null here)
@ -190,9 +191,9 @@ in rec {
# If provided, then cross compilation is enabled for all hosts whose target architecture is different from this. Since cross compilation currently fails for (some stuff in) NixOS, better don't set »localSystem«. Without it, building for other platforms works fine (just slowly) if »boot.binfmt.emulatedSystems« on the building system is configured for the respective target(s).
localSystem ? null,
## If provided, then change the name of each output attribute by passing it through this function. Allows exporting of multiple variants of a repo's hosts from a single flake:
renameOutputs ? null,
renameOutputs ? false,
... }: let
otherArgs = args // { inherit inputs overlays modules specialArgs nixosSystem localSystem; };
otherArgs = args // { inherit inputs overlays modules specialArgs nixosSystem localSystem renameOutputs; };
nixosConfigurations = if builtins.isList systems then mergeAttrsUnique (map (systems: mkNixosConfigurations (otherArgs // systems)) systems) else mkNixosConfigurations (otherArgs // systems);
in let outputs = {
inherit nixosConfigurations;
@ -207,11 +208,11 @@ in rec {
packages.all-systems = pkgs.runCommandLocal "all-systems" { } ''
mkdir -p $out/systems
${lib.concatStringsSep "\n" (lib.mapAttrsToList (name: system: "ln -sT ${system.config.system.build.toplevel} $out/systems/${name}") nixosConfigurations)}
${lib.concatStringsSep "\n" (lib.mapAttrsToList (name: system: "ln -sT ${system.config.system.build.toplevel} $out/systems/${if renameOutputs == false then name else renameOutputs name}") nixosConfigurations)}
mkdir -p $out/scripts
${lib.concatStringsSep "\n" (lib.mapAttrsToList (name: system: "ln -sT ${outputs.apps.${localSystem}.${name}.program} $out/scripts/${name}") nixosConfigurations)}
${lib.concatStringsSep "\n" (lib.mapAttrsToList (name: system: "ln -sT ${outputs.apps.${localSystem}.${name}.program} $out/scripts/${if renameOutputs == false then name else renameOutputs name}") nixosConfigurations)}
${lib.optionalString (inputs != { }) ''
mkdir -p $out/inputs
@ -220,7 +221,7 @@ in rec {
checks.all-systems = packages.all-systems;
})); in if renameOutputs == null then outputs else {
})); in if renameOutputs == false then outputs else {
nixosConfigurations = mapMerge (k: v: { ${renameOutputs k} = v; }) outputs.nixosConfigurations;
} // (forEachSystem [ "aarch64-linux" "x86_64-linux" ] (localSystem: {
apps = mapMerge (k: v: { ${renameOutputs k} = v; }) outputs.apps.${localSystem};
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ in rec {
wrap-script = args@{ pkgs, src, deps, ... }: let
name = args.name or (builtins.baseNameOf (builtins.unsafeDiscardStringContext "${src}"));
in pkgs.runCommandLocal name {
script = src; nativeBuildInputs = [ pkgs.makeWrapper ];
script = src; nativeBuildInputs = [ pkgs.buildPackages.makeWrapper ];
} ''makeWrapper $script $out/bin/${name} --prefix PATH : ${lib.makeBinPath deps}'';
# Simplifies a path (or any other string) such that it can be used as a systemd unit name.
@ -16,12 +16,13 @@ function prepare-installer { # (void)
: ${argv[0]:?"Required: Target disk or image paths."}
umask g-w,o-w # Ensure that files created without explicit permissions are not writable for group and other (0022).
if [[ "$(id -u)" != '0' ]] ; then
if [[ ! ${args[no-vm]:-} ]] ; then reexec-in-qemu || return ; \exit 0 ; fi
echo 'Script must be run as root or in qemu (without »--no-vm«).' 1>&2 ; \return 1
if [[ ${args[vm]:-} ]] ; then reexec-in-qemu || return ; \exit 0 ; fi
umask 0022 # Ensure consistent umask (default permissions for new files).
if [[ -e "/run/keystore-@{config.networking.hostName!hashString.sha256:0:8}" ]] ; then echo "Keystore »/run/keystore-@{config.networking.hostName!hashString.sha256:0:8}/« is already open. Close it and remove the mountpoint before running the installer." 1>&2 ; \return 1 ; fi
@ -33,7 +34,7 @@ function prepare-installer { # (void)
if @{native.zfs}/bin/zfs get -o value -H name "$poolName" &>/dev/null ; then echo "ZFS pool »$poolName« is already imported. Export the pool before running the installer." 1>&2 ; \return 1 ; fi
if [[ ${SUDO_USER:-} ]] ; then # use Nix as the user who called this script, as Nix may not be set up for root
if [[ ${SUDO_USER:-} && $( PATH=$hostPath which su 2>/dev/null ) ]] ; then # use Nix as the user who called this script, as Nix may not be set up for root
function nix {( set +x ; declare -a args=("$@") ; PATH=$hostPath su - "$SUDO_USER" -c "$(declare -p args)"' ; nix "${args[@]}"' )}
else # use Nix by absolute path, as it won't be on »$PATH«
@ -50,6 +51,8 @@ function prepare-installer { # (void)
## Re-executes the current system's installation in a qemu VM.
function reexec-in-qemu {
if [[ @{pkgs.buildPackages.system} != "@{native.system}" ]] ; then echo "VM installation (implicit when not running as root) of a system built on a different ISA than the current host's is not supported (yet)." 1>&2 ; \return 1 ; fi
# (not sure whether this works for block devices)
ensure-disks "${argv[0]}" 1 || return
qemu=( -m 2048 ) ; declare -A qemuDevs=( )
@ -65,16 +68,19 @@ function reexec-in-qemu {
let index+=1
args[vm]='' ; args[no-vm]=1
newArgs=( ) ; for arg in "${!args[@]}" ; do newArgs+=( --"$arg"="${args[$arg]}" ) ; done
devSpec= ; for name in "${!qemuDevs[@]}" ; do devSpec+="$name"="${qemuDevs[$name]}": ; done
newArgs+=( ${devSpec%:} ) ; (( ${#argv[@]} > 1 )) && args+=( "${argv[@]:1}" )
#local output=@{inputs.self}'#'nixosConfigurations.@{outputName:?}.config.system.build.vmExec
local output=@{config.system.build.vmExec.drvPath} # this is more accurate, but also means another system needs to get evaluated every time
local command="$0 install-system $( printf '%q ' "${newArgs[@]}" ) || exit"
local output=@{config.system.build.vmExec.drvPath!unsafeDiscardStringContext} # this is more accurate, but also means another system needs to get evaluated every time
local scripts=$0 ; if [[ @{pkgs.system} != "@{native.system}" ]] ; then
scripts=$( build-lazy @{inputs.self}'#'apps.@{pkgs.system}.@{outputName:?}.derivation )
local command="$scripts install-system $( printf '%q ' "${newArgs[@]}" ) || exit"
local runInVm ; runInVm=$( @{native.nix}/bin/nix --extra-experimental-features nix-command build --no-link --json ${args[quiet]:+--quiet} $output | @{native.jq}/bin/jq -r .[0].outputs.out )/bin/run-@{config.system.name}-vm-exec || return
local runInVm ; runInVm=$( build-lazy $output )/bin/run-@{config.system.name}-vm-exec || return
$runInVm ${args[vm-shared]:+--shared="${args[vm-shared]}"} ${args[debug]:+--initrd-console} ${args[trace]:+--initrd-console} ${args[quiet]:+--quiet} -- "$command" "${qemu[@]}" || return # --initrd-console
@ -118,8 +124,8 @@ function install-system-to {( set -u # 1: mnt
# Support cross architecture installation (not sure if this is actually required)
if [[ $(cat /run/current-system/system 2>/dev/null || echo "x86_64-linux") != "@{config.wip.preface.hardware}"-linux ]] ; then
mkdir -p $mnt/run/binfmt || exit ; [[ ! -e /run/binfmt/"@{config.wip.preface.hardware}"-linux ]] || cp -a {,$mnt}/run/binfmt/"@{config.wip.preface.hardware}"-linux || exit
# Ubuntu (by default) expects the "interpreter" at »/usr/bin/qemu-@{config.wip.preface.hardware}-static«.
mkdir -p $mnt/run/binfmt || exit ; [[ ! -e /run/binfmt/"@{config.wip.preface.hardware}"-linux ]] || cp -a {,$mnt}/run/binfmt/"@{config.wip.preface.hardware}"-linux || exit # On NixOS, this is a symlink or wrapper script, pointing to the store.
# Ubuntu (20.04, by default) uses a statically linked, already loaded qemu binary (F-flag), which therefore does not need to be reference-able from within the chroot.
# Copy system closure to new nix store:
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ function run-qemu { # 1: diskImages, ...: qemuArgs
local qemu=( )
if [[ @{pkgs.system} == "@{native.system}" ]] ; then
qemu=( $( @{native.nix}/bin/nix --extra-experimental-features nix-command build --no-link --json @{native.qemu_kvm.drvPath} | @{native.jq}/bin/jq -r .[0].outputs.out )/bin/qemu-kvm ) || return
qemu=( $( build-lazy @{native.qemu_kvm.drvPath!unsafeDiscardStringContext} )/bin/qemu-kvm ) || return
if [[ ! ${args[no-kvm]:-} && -r /dev/kvm && -w /dev/kvm ]] ; then
# For KVM to work, vBox must not be running anything at the same time (and vBox hangs on start if qemu runs). Pass »--no-kvm« and accept ~10x slowdown, or stop vBox.
qemu+=( -enable-kvm -cpu host )
@ -64,32 +64,25 @@ function run-qemu { # 1: diskImages, ...: qemuArgs
echo "KVM is not available (for the current user). Running without hardware acceleration." 1>&2
qemu+=( -machine accel=tcg ) # this may suppress warnings that qemu is using tcg (slow) instead of kvm
if [[ @{pkgs.system} == aarch64-* ]] ; then qemu+=( -cpu max ) ; fi
if [[ @{pkgs.system} == aarch64-* ]] ; then
qemu+=( -machine type=virt -cpu max ) # aarch64 has no default, but this seems good
qemu=( $( @{native.nix}/bin/nix --extra-experimental-features nix-command build --no-link --json @{native.qemu_full.drvPath} | @{native.jq}/bin/jq -r .[0].outputs.out )/bin/qemu-system-@{config.wip.preface.hardware} ) || return
if [[ @{config.wip.preface.hardware} == aarch64 ]] ; then # assume it's a raspberry PI (or compatible)
# TODO: this does not work yet:
qemu+=( -machine type=raspi3b -m 1024 ) ; args[no-nat]=1
# ... and neither does this:
#qemu+=( -machine type=virt -m 1024 -smp 4 -cpu cortex-a53 ) ; args[no-nat]=1
qemu=( $( build-lazy @{native.qemu_full.drvPath!unsafeDiscardStringContext} )/bin/qemu-system-@{config.wip.preface.hardware} ) || return
if [[ @{pkgs.system} == aarch64-* ]] ; then
qemu+=( -machine type=virt ) # aarch64 has no default, but this seems good
fi ; qemu+=( -cpu max )
qemu+=( -m ${args[mem]:-2048} )
if [[ ${args[smp]:-} ]] ; then qemu+=( -smp ${args[smp]} ) ; fi
if [[ @{config.boot.loader.systemd-boot.enable} || ${args[efi]:-} ]] ; then # UEFI. Otherwise it boots SeaBIOS.
local ovmf ; ovmf=$( @{native.nix}/bin/nix --extra-experimental-features nix-command build --no-link --json @{native.OVMF.drvPath} | @{native.jq}/bin/jq -r .[0].outputs.fd ) || return
local ovmf ; ovmf=$( build-lazy @{pkgs.OVMF.drvPath!unsafeDiscardStringContext} fd ) || return
#qemu+=( -bios ${ovmf}/FV/OVMF.fd ) # This works, but is a legacy fallback that stores the EFI vars in /NvVars on the EFI partition (which is really bad).
local fwName=OVMF ; if [[ @{pkgs.system} == aarch64-* ]] ; then fwName=AAVMF ; fi # fwName=QEMU
qemu+=( -drive file=${ovmf}/FV/${fwName}_CODE.fd,if=pflash,format=raw,unit=0,readonly=on )
local efiVars=${args[efi-vars]:-${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR:-/run/user/$(id -u)}/qemu-@{outputName:-@{config.system.name}}-VARS.fd}
qemu+=( -drive file="$efiVars",if=pflash,format=raw,unit=1 )
if [[ ! -e "$efiVars" ]] ; then cat ${ovmf}/FV/${fwName}_VARS.fd >"$efiVars" || return ; fi
if [[ ! -e "$efiVars" ]] ; then mkdir -pm700 "$( dirname "$efiVars" )" ; cat ${ovmf}/FV/${fwName}_VARS.fd >"$efiVars" || return ; fi
# https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/qemu-discuss/2018-04/msg00045.html
# if [[ @{config.wip.preface.hardware} == aarch64 ]] ; then
@ -99,14 +92,18 @@ function run-qemu { # 1: diskImages, ...: qemuArgs
if [[ $diskImages == */ ]] ; then
disks=( ${diskImages}primary.img ) ; for name in "@{!config.wip.fs.disks.devices[@]}" ; do if [[ $name != primary ]] ; then disks+=( ${diskImages}${name}.img ) ; fi ; done
else disks=( ${diskImages//:/ } ) ; fi
[[ ' '"@{boot.initrd.availableKernelModules[@]}"' ' != *' 'virtio_blk' '* ]] || args[virtio-blk]=1
local index ; for index in ${!disks[@]} ; do
# qemu+=( -drive format=raw,if=ide,file="${disks[$index]/*=/}" ) # »if=ide« is the default, which these days isn't great for driver support inside the VM
qemu+=( # not sure how correct the interpretations of the command are
-drive format=raw,file="${disks[$index]/*=/}",media=disk,if=none,index=${index},id=drive${index} # create the disk drive, without attaching it, name it driveX
#-device ahci,acpi-index=${index},id=ahci${index} # create an (ich9-)AHCI bus named »ahciX«
#-device ide-hd,drive=drive${index},bus=ahci${index}.${index} # attach IDE?! disk driveX as device X on bus »ahciX«
-device virtio-blk-pci,drive=drive${index},disable-modern=on,disable-legacy=off # alternative to the two lines above (implies to be faster, but seems to require guest drivers)
qemu+=( -drive format=raw,file="${disks[$index]/*=/}",media=disk,if=none,index=${index},id=drive${index} ) # create the disk drive, without attaching it, name it driveX
if [[ ! ${args[virtio-blk]:-} ]] ; then
qemu+=( -device ahci,acpi-index=${index},id=ahci${index} ) # create an (ich9-)AHCI bus named »ahciX«
qemu+=( -device ide-hd,drive=drive${index},bus=ahci${index}.${index} ) # attach IDE?! disk driveX as device X on bus »ahciX«
qemu+=( -device virtio-blk-pci,drive=drive${index},disable-modern=on,disable-legacy=off ) # this should be faster, but seems to require guest drivers
if [[ ${args[share]:-} ]] ; then # e.g. --share='foo:/home/user/foo,readonly=on bar:/tmp/bar'
@ -144,8 +141,8 @@ function run-qemu { # 1: diskImages, ...: qemuArgs
if [[ ! -e $disk ]] ; then args[install]=always ; fi
done ; fi
if [[ ${args[install]:-} == always ]] ; then
local verbosity=--quiet ; if [[ ${args[debug]:-} ]] ; then verbosity=--debug ; fi
${args[dry-run]:+echo} $0 install-system "$diskImages" $verbosity --no-inspect || return
local verbosity=--quiet ; if [[ ${args[trace]:-} ]] ; then verbosity=--trace ; fi ; if [[ ${args[debug]:-} ]] ; then verbosity=--debug ; fi
hostPath=${hostPath:-} ${args[dry-run]:+echo} $0 install-system "$diskImages" $verbosity --no-inspect || return
qemu+=( "${argv[@]}" )
@ -102,3 +102,9 @@ function run-hook-script {( set -eu # 1: title, 2: scriptPath
source "$2"
## Lazily builds a nix derivation at run time, instead of when building the script.
# When maybe-using packages that take long to build, instead of »at{some.package.out}«, use: »$( build-lazy at{some.package.drvPath!unsafeDiscardStringContext} out )«
function build-lazy { # 1: drvPath, 2?: output
PATH=$PATH:@{native.openssh}/bin @{native.nix}/bin/nix --extra-experimental-features nix-command build --no-link --json ${args[quiet]:+--quiet} $1 | @{native.jq}/bin/jq -r .[0].outputs.${2:-out}
@ -23,10 +23,9 @@ in {
bashInit = lib.mkEnableOption "pretty defaults for interactive bash shells" // { default = true; example = false; };
}; };
# Bugfix:
imports = [ (lib.wip.overrideNixpkgsModule "misc/extra-arguments.nix" { } (old: { config._module.args.utils = old._module.args.utils // {
escapeSystemdPath = s: builtins.replaceStrings [ "/" "-" " " "." ] [ "-" "\\x2d" "\\x20" "\\x2e" ] (lib.removePrefix "/" s); # BUG(PR): The original function does not escape ».«, resulting in mismatching names with units generated from paths with ».« in them (e.g. overwrites for implicit mount units).
}; })) ];
imports = lib.optional ((builtins.substring 0 5 inputs.nixpkgs.lib.version) <= "22.05") (lib.wip.overrideNixpkgsModule "misc/extra-arguments.nix" { } (old: { config._module.args.utils = old._module.args.utils // {
escapeSystemdPath = s: let n = builtins.replaceStrings [ "/" "-" " " ] [ "-" "\\x2d" "\\x20" ] (lib.removePrefix "/" s); in if lib.hasPrefix "." n then "\\x2e" (lib.substring 1 (lib.stringLength (n - 1)) n) else n; # (a better implementation has been merged in 22.11)
}; }));
config = let
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ in {
if ! ${pkgs.gnugrep}/bin/grep -qP '^UI ' ${esc cfg.targetDir}/extlinux/extlinux.conf ; then # `extlinux-conf-builder` above would have recreated this, so the check should always be true
${pkgs.perl}/bin/perl -i -pe 's/TIMEOUT/UI menu.c32\nTIMEOUT/' ${esc cfg.targetDir}/extlinux/extlinux.conf
${pkgs.gnused}/bin/sed -i 's/^TIMEOUT /UI menu.c32\nTIMEOUT /' ${esc cfg.targetDir}/extlinux/extlinux.conf
: # delete library files?
@ -71,18 +71,18 @@ in {
fs.disks.partitioning = let
partition-disk = { name = "partition-disk"; text = lib.wip.extractBashFunction (builtins.readFile lib.wip.setup-scripts.disk) "partition-disk"; };
esc = lib.escapeShellArg;
esc = lib.escapeShellArg; native = pkgs.buildPackages;
in pkgs.runCommand "partitioning-${config.networking.hostName}" { } ''
${lib.wip.substituteImplicit { inherit pkgs; scripts = [ partition-disk ]; context = { inherit config; native = pkgs; }; }} # inherit (builtins) trace;
${lib.wip.substituteImplicit { inherit pkgs; scripts = [ partition-disk ]; context = { inherit config native; }; }} # inherit (builtins) trace;
set -u ; mkdir -p $out ; declare -A args=([debug]=1)
${lib.concatStrings (lib.mapAttrsToList (name: disk: ''
name=${esc name} ; img=$name.img
${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/truncate -s ${esc disk.size} "$img"
${native.coreutils}/bin/truncate -s ${esc disk.size} "$img"
partition-disk "$name" "$img" ${toString (lib.wip.parseSizeSuffix disk.size)}
${pkgs.gptfdisk}/bin/sgdisk --backup=$out/"$name".backup "$img"
${pkgs.gptfdisk}/bin/sgdisk --print "$img" >$out/"$name".gpt
${native.gptfdisk}/bin/sgdisk --backup=$out/"$name".backup "$img"
${native.gptfdisk}/bin/sgdisk --print "$img" >$out/"$name".gpt
${if disk.mbrParts != null then ''
${pkgs.util-linux}/bin/fdisk --type mbr --list "$img" >$out/"$name".mbr
${native.util-linux}/bin/fdisk --type mbr --list "$img" >$out/"$name".mbr
'' else ""}
'') cfg.devices)}
@ -29,23 +29,23 @@ nix run .../nixos-config'#'nixosConfigurations.${hostName}.config.system.build.v
#*/# end of MarkDown, beginning of NixOS module:
dirname: inputs: { config, pkgs, lib, modulesPath, extendModules, ... }: let inherit (inputs.self) lib; in let
dirname: inputs: { config, options, pkgs, lib, modulesPath, extendModules, ... }: let inherit (inputs.self) lib; in let
prefix = inputs.config.prefix;
cfg = config.virtualisation.vmVariantExec;
in {
in let hostModule = {
options = { virtualisation.vmVariantExec = lib.mkOption {
description = lib.mdDoc ''Machine configuration to be added to the system's qemu exec VM.'';
inherit (extendModules { modules = [ "${modulesPath}/virtualisation/qemu-vm.nix" ]; }) type;
inherit (extendModules { modules = [ "${modulesPath}/virtualisation/qemu-vm.nix" vmModule ]; }) type;
default = { }; visible = "shallow";
}; };
config = {
system.build.vmExec = (let vmPkgs = pkgs; in let
system.build.vmExec = (let hostPkgs = pkgs; in let
name = "run-${config.system.name}-vm-exec";
launch = "${cfg.system.build.vm}/bin/${cfg.system.build.vm.meta.mainProgram}";
pkgs = if cfg.virtualisation?host.pkgs then cfg.virtualisation.host.pkgs else vmPkgs;
pkgs = if cfg.virtualisation?host.pkgs then cfg.virtualisation.host.pkgs else hostPkgs;
in pkgs.runCommand "nixos-vm" {
preferLocalBuild = true; meta.mainProgram = name;
} ''
@ -79,8 +79,11 @@ in {
''} $out/bin/${name}
} // { virtualisation.vmVariantExec = lib.mkMerge [ ({
}; vmModule = { config, ... }: {
_file = "${dirname}/vm-exec.nix.md#vmModule";
imports = [ ({
# Instead of tearing down the initrd environment, adjust some mounts and run the »command« in the initrd:
boot.initrd.postMountCommands = ''
@ -150,9 +153,21 @@ in {
}; };
virtualisation.diskSize = 4; #MB, not needed at all
}) ({
virtualisation = if (lib.fileContents "${pkgs.path}/.version") > "22.05" then { host.pkgs = pkgs.buildPackages; } else { };
}) ({
virtualisation.qemu.package = lib.mkIf (pkgs.buildPackages.system != pkgs.system) cfg.virtualisation.host.pkgs.qemu_full;
}) ({
specialisation = lib.mkForce { };
services.qemuGuest.enable = lib.mkForce false;
# tag this to make clearer what's what
system.nixos.tags = [ "vmExec" ];
system.build.isVmExec = true;
}) ]; };
}) ];
}; in hostModule
@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ in {
owner = "sbabic"; repo = pname; rev = "ba7564f5006d09bec51058cf4f5ac90d4dc18b3c"; # 2018-11-18
hash = "sha256-6cHkr3s7/2BVXBTn9bUfPFbYAfv9VYh6C9GAbWILNjs=";
nativeBuildInputs = [ pkgs.cmake ];
buildInputs = [ pkgs.cmake pkgs.zlib ];
nativeBuildInputs = [ pkgs.buildPackages.cmake ];
buildInputs = [ pkgs.zlib ];
outputs = [ "out" "lib" ];
meta = {
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ in {
# Creates a (user) env blob for this u-boot by merging »env« over its »defaultEnv«. The resulting file can be flashed to »CONFIG_ENV_OFFSET« to replace the default env.
mkEnv = env: pkgs.runCommandLocal "uboot-env.img" {
env = envTxt (defaultEnv' // env);
} "${pkgs.ubootTools}/bin/mkenvimage -p 0x00 -s ${toString envSize} -o $out $env";
} "${pkgs.buildPackages.ubootTools}/bin/mkenvimage -p 0x00 -s ${toString envSize} -o $out $env";
extraConfig = (old.extraConfig or "") + "${lib.concatStringsSep "\n" ([
Reference in New Issue
Block a user