2021-06-30 03:42:56 +02:00
use std ::str ::Utf8Error ;
2021-07-01 02:01:04 +02:00
use crate ::{
lex , lite_parse ,
parser_state ::{ Type , VarId } ,
LiteBlock , LiteCommand , LiteStatement , ParseError , ParserWorkingSet , Span ,
} ;
/// The syntactic shapes that values must match to be passed into a command. You can think of this as the type-checking that occurs when you call a function.
#[ derive(Debug, Copy, Clone) ]
pub enum SyntaxShape {
/// Any syntactic form is allowed
Any ,
/// Strings and string-like bare words are allowed
String ,
/// A dotted path to navigate the table
ColumnPath ,
/// A dotted path to navigate the table (including variable)
FullColumnPath ,
/// Only a numeric (integer or decimal) value is allowed
Number ,
/// A range is allowed (eg, `1..3`)
Range ,
/// Only an integer value is allowed
Int ,
/// A filepath is allowed
FilePath ,
/// A glob pattern is allowed, eg `foo*`
GlobPattern ,
/// A block is allowed, eg `{start this thing}`
Block ,
/// A table is allowed, eg `[first second]`
Table ,
/// A filesize value is allowed, eg `10kb`
Filesize ,
/// A duration value is allowed, eg `19day`
Duration ,
/// An operator
Operator ,
/// A math expression which expands shorthand forms on the lefthand side, eg `foo > 1`
/// The shorthand allows us to more easily reach columns inside of the row being passed in
RowCondition ,
/// A general math expression, eg the `1 + 2` of `= 1 + 2`
MathExpression ,
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#[ derive(Debug) ]
2021-07-01 02:01:04 +02:00
pub enum Expr {
Int ( i64 ) ,
Var ( VarId ) ,
Garbage ,
#[ derive(Debug) ]
pub struct Expression {
expr : Expr ,
ty : Type ,
span : Span ,
impl Expression {
pub fn garbage ( span : Span ) -> Expression {
Expression {
expr : Expr ::Garbage ,
span ,
ty : Type ::Unknown ,
2021-06-30 03:42:56 +02:00
#[ derive(Debug) ]
pub enum Import { }
#[ derive(Debug) ]
pub struct Block {
stmts : Vec < Statement > ,
2021-07-01 02:01:04 +02:00
impl Default for Block {
fn default ( ) -> Self {
Self ::new ( )
2021-06-30 03:42:56 +02:00
impl Block {
pub fn new ( ) -> Self {
Self { stmts : vec ! [ ] }
#[ derive(Debug) ]
pub struct VarDecl {
2021-07-01 02:01:04 +02:00
var_id : VarId ,
expression : Expression ,
2021-06-30 03:42:56 +02:00
#[ derive(Debug) ]
pub enum Statement {
Pipeline ( Pipeline ) ,
VarDecl ( VarDecl ) ,
Import ( Import ) ,
2021-07-01 02:01:04 +02:00
Expression ( Expression ) ,
2021-06-30 03:42:56 +02:00
None ,
#[ derive(Debug) ]
pub struct Pipeline { }
2021-07-01 02:01:04 +02:00
impl Default for Pipeline {
fn default ( ) -> Self {
Self ::new ( )
2021-06-30 03:42:56 +02:00
impl Pipeline {
pub fn new ( ) -> Self {
Self { }
2021-07-01 02:01:04 +02:00
fn garbage ( span : Span ) -> Expression {
Expression ::garbage ( span )
fn span ( spans : & [ Span ] ) -> Span {
let length = spans . len ( ) ;
if length = = 0 {
Span ::unknown ( )
} else if length = = 1 | | spans [ 0 ] . file_id ! = spans [ length - 1 ] . file_id {
spans [ 0 ]
} else {
Span {
start : spans [ 0 ] . start ,
end : spans [ length - 1 ] . end ,
file_id : spans [ 0 ] . file_id ,
2021-06-30 03:42:56 +02:00
impl ParserWorkingSet {
2021-07-01 02:01:04 +02:00
fn parse_let ( & mut self , command : & LiteCommand ) -> ( Statement , Option < ParseError > ) {
fn parse_special_command ( & mut self , command : & LiteCommand ) -> ( Statement , Option < ParseError > ) {
let command_name = self . get_span_contents ( command . parts [ 0 ] ) ;
println! ( " {:?} " , command_name ) ;
match command_name {
b " let " = > self . parse_let ( command ) ,
b " def " = > self . parse_def ( command ) ,
b " source " = > self . parse_source ( command ) ,
_ = > (
Statement ::None ,
Some ( ParseError ::UnknownStatement ( command . parts [ 0 ] ) ) ,
) ,
2021-06-30 03:42:56 +02:00
fn parse_statement (
& mut self ,
block : & mut Block ,
lite_pipeline : & LiteStatement ,
) -> Option < ParseError > {
match lite_pipeline . commands . len ( ) {
0 = > None ,
2021-07-01 02:01:04 +02:00
1 = > None ,
2021-06-30 03:42:56 +02:00
_ = > {
// pipeline
2021-07-01 02:01:04 +02:00
* /
pub fn parse_int ( & mut self , token : & str , span : Span ) -> ( Expression , Option < ParseError > ) {
if let Some ( token ) = token . strip_prefix ( " 0x " ) {
if let Ok ( v ) = i64 ::from_str_radix ( token , 16 ) {
Expression {
expr : Expr ::Int ( v ) ,
ty : Type ::Int ,
span ,
} ,
None ,
} else {
garbage ( span ) ,
Some ( ParseError ::Mismatch ( " int " . into ( ) , span ) ) ,
} else if let Some ( token ) = token . strip_prefix ( " 0b " ) {
if let Ok ( v ) = i64 ::from_str_radix ( token , 2 ) {
Expression {
expr : Expr ::Int ( v ) ,
ty : Type ::Int ,
span ,
} ,
None ,
} else {
garbage ( span ) ,
Some ( ParseError ::Mismatch ( " int " . into ( ) , span ) ) ,
} else if let Some ( token ) = token . strip_prefix ( " 0o " ) {
if let Ok ( v ) = i64 ::from_str_radix ( token , 8 ) {
Expression {
expr : Expr ::Int ( v ) ,
ty : Type ::Int ,
span ,
} ,
None ,
} else {
garbage ( span ) ,
Some ( ParseError ::Mismatch ( " int " . into ( ) , span ) ) ,
} else if let Ok ( x ) = token . parse ::< i64 > ( ) {
Expression {
expr : Expr ::Int ( x ) ,
ty : Type ::Int ,
span ,
} ,
None ,
} else {
garbage ( span ) ,
Some ( ParseError ::Mismatch ( " int " . into ( ) , span ) ) ,
pub fn parse_number ( & mut self , token : & str , span : Span ) -> ( Expression , Option < ParseError > ) {
if let ( x , None ) = self . parse_int ( token , span ) {
( x , None )
} else {
garbage ( span ) ,
Some ( ParseError ::Mismatch ( " number " . into ( ) , span ) ) ,
pub fn parse_arg (
& mut self ,
span : Span ,
shape : SyntaxShape ,
) -> ( Expression , Option < ParseError > ) {
match shape {
SyntaxShape ::Number = > {
if let Ok ( token ) = String ::from_utf8 ( self . get_span_contents ( span ) . into ( ) ) {
self . parse_number ( & token , span )
} else {
garbage ( span ) ,
Some ( ParseError ::Mismatch ( " number " . into ( ) , span ) ) ,
_ = > (
garbage ( span ) ,
Some ( ParseError ::Mismatch ( " number " . into ( ) , span ) ) ,
) ,
pub fn parse_math_expression ( & mut self , spans : & [ Span ] ) -> ( Expression , Option < ParseError > ) {
self . parse_arg ( spans [ 0 ] , SyntaxShape ::Number )
pub fn parse_expression ( & mut self , spans : & [ Span ] ) -> ( Expression , Option < ParseError > ) {
self . parse_math_expression ( spans )
pub fn parse_variable ( & mut self , span : Span ) -> Option < ParseError > {
let contents = self . get_span_contents ( span ) ;
if ! contents . is_empty ( ) & & contents [ 0 ] = = b '$' {
} else {
Some ( ParseError ::Mismatch ( " variable " . into ( ) , span ) )
pub fn parse_keyword ( & self , span : Span , keyword : & [ u8 ] ) -> Option < ParseError > {
if self . get_span_contents ( span ) = = keyword {
} else {
Some ( ParseError ::Mismatch (
String ::from_utf8_lossy ( keyword ) . to_string ( ) ,
span ,
) )
pub fn parse_let ( & mut self , spans : & [ Span ] ) -> ( Statement , Option < ParseError > ) {
let mut error = None ;
if spans . len ( ) > = 4 & & self . parse_keyword ( spans [ 0 ] , b " let " ) . is_none ( ) {
let err = self . parse_variable ( spans [ 1 ] ) ;
error = error . or ( err ) ;
let err = self . parse_keyword ( spans [ 2 ] , b " = " ) ;
error = error . or ( err ) ;
let ( expression , err ) = self . parse_expression ( & spans [ 3 .. ] ) ;
error = error . or ( err ) ;
let var_name : Vec < _ > = self . get_span_contents ( spans [ 1 ] ) . into ( ) ;
let var_id = self . add_variable ( var_name , expression . ty ) ;
( Statement ::VarDecl ( VarDecl { var_id , expression } ) , error )
} else {
let span = span ( spans ) ;
Statement ::Expression ( garbage ( span ) ) ,
Some ( ParseError ::Mismatch ( " let " . into ( ) , span ) ) ,
pub fn parse_statement ( & mut self , spans : & [ Span ] ) -> ( Statement , Option < ParseError > ) {
if let ( stmt , None ) = self . parse_let ( spans ) {
( stmt , None )
} else if let ( expr , None ) = self . parse_expression ( spans ) {
( Statement ::Expression ( expr ) , None )
} else {
let span = span ( spans ) ;
Statement ::Expression ( garbage ( span ) ) ,
Some ( ParseError ::Mismatch ( " statement " . into ( ) , span ) ) ,
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pub fn parse_block ( & mut self , lite_block : & LiteBlock ) -> ( Block , Option < ParseError > ) {
let mut error = None ;
self . enter_scope ( ) ;
let mut block = Block ::new ( ) ;
for pipeline in & lite_block . block {
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let ( stmt , err ) = self . parse_statement ( & pipeline . commands [ 0 ] . parts ) ;
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error = error . or ( err ) ;
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block . stmts . push ( stmt ) ;
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self . exit_scope ( ) ;
( block , error )
pub fn parse_file ( & mut self , fname : & str , contents : & [ u8 ] ) -> ( Block , Option < ParseError > ) {
let mut error = None ;
let file_id = self . add_file ( fname . into ( ) , contents . into ( ) ) ;
let ( output , err ) = lex ( contents , file_id , 0 , crate ::LexMode ::Normal ) ;
error = error . or ( err ) ;
let ( output , err ) = lite_parse ( & output ) ;
error = error . or ( err ) ;
println! ( " {:?} " , output ) ;
let ( output , err ) = self . parse_block ( & output ) ;
error = error . or ( err ) ;
( output , error )
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pub fn parse_source ( & mut self , source : & [ u8 ] ) -> ( Block , Option < ParseError > ) {
let mut error = None ;
let file_id = self . add_file ( " source " . into ( ) , source . into ( ) ) ;
let ( output , err ) = lex ( source , file_id , 0 , crate ::LexMode ::Normal ) ;
error = error . or ( err ) ;
let ( output , err ) = lite_parse ( & output ) ;
error = error . or ( err ) ;
let ( output , err ) = self . parse_block ( & output ) ;
error = error . or ( err ) ;
( output , error )
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