Improve XML error messages, move helper function into Span

This commit is contained in:
132ikl 2025-03-09 00:54:01 -05:00
parent 16473a00be
commit d5ad36df3d
4 changed files with 100 additions and 107 deletions

View File

@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ fn convert_string_to_value(
Err(x) => match x {
nu_json::Error::Syntax(_, row, col) => {
let label = x.to_string();
let label_span = convert_row_column_to_span(row, col, string_input);
let label_span = Span::from_row_column(row, col, string_input);
Err(ShellError::GenericError {
error: "Error while parsing JSON text".into(),
msg: "error parsing JSON text".into(),
@ -173,23 +173,3 @@ fn expand_closure(
_ => None,
// Converts row+column to a Span, assuming bytes (1-based rows)
fn convert_row_column_to_span(row: usize, col: usize, contents: &str) -> Span {
let mut cur_row = 1;
let mut cur_col = 1;
for (offset, curr_byte) in contents.bytes().enumerate() {
if curr_byte == b'\n' {
cur_row += 1;
cur_col = 1;
if cur_row >= row && cur_col >= col {
return Span::new(offset, offset);
} else {
cur_col += 1;
Span::new(contents.len(), contents.len())

View File

@ -184,26 +184,6 @@ fn convert_nujson_to_value(value: nu_json::Value, span: Span) -> Value {
// Converts row+column to a Span, assuming bytes (1-based rows)
fn convert_row_column_to_span(row: usize, col: usize, contents: &str) -> Span {
let mut cur_row = 1;
let mut cur_col = 1;
for (offset, curr_byte) in contents.bytes().enumerate() {
if curr_byte == b'\n' {
cur_row += 1;
cur_col = 1;
if cur_row >= row && cur_col >= col {
return Span::new(offset, offset);
} else {
cur_col += 1;
Span::new(contents.len(), contents.len())
fn convert_string_to_value(string_input: &str, span: Span) -> Result<Value, ShellError> {
match nu_json::from_str(string_input) {
Ok(value) => Ok(convert_nujson_to_value(value, span)),
@ -211,7 +191,7 @@ fn convert_string_to_value(string_input: &str, span: Span) -> Result<Value, Shel
Err(x) => match x {
nu_json::Error::Syntax(_, row, col) => {
let label = x.to_string();
let label_span = convert_row_column_to_span(row, col, string_input);
let label_span = Span::from_row_column(row, col, string_input);
Err(ShellError::GenericError {
error: "Error while parsing JSON text".into(),
msg: "error parsing JSON text".into(),
@ -240,7 +220,7 @@ fn convert_string_to_value_strict(string_input: &str, span: Span) -> Result<Valu
Ok(value) => Ok(convert_nujson_to_value(value, span)),
Err(err) => Err(if err.is_syntax() {
let label = err.to_string();
let label_span = convert_row_column_to_span(err.line(), err.column(), string_input);
let label_span = Span::from_row_column(err.line(), err.column(), string_input);
ShellError::GenericError {
error: "Error while parsing JSON text".into(),
msg: "error parsing JSON text".into(),

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ use crate::formats::nu_xml_format::{COLUMN_ATTRS_NAME, COLUMN_CONTENT_NAME, COLU
use indexmap::IndexMap;
use nu_engine::command_prelude::*;
use roxmltree::{NodeType, ParsingOptions};
use roxmltree::{NodeType, ParsingOptions, TextPos};
pub struct FromXml;
@ -220,116 +220,127 @@ fn from_xml(input: PipelineData, info: &ParsingInfo) -> Result<PipelineData, She
Ok(x) => {
Ok(x.into_pipeline_data_with_metadata(|md| md.with_content_type(None))))
Err(err) => Err(process_xml_parse_error(err, span)),
Err(err) => Err(process_xml_parse_error(concat_string, err, span)),
fn process_xml_parse_error(err: roxmltree::Error, span: Span) -> ShellError {
fn process_xml_parse_error(source: String, err: roxmltree::Error, span: Span) -> ShellError {
match err {
roxmltree::Error::InvalidXmlPrefixUri(_) => make_cant_convert_error(
roxmltree::Error::InvalidXmlPrefixUri(pos) => make_xml_error_spanned(
"The `xmlns:xml` attribute must have an <> URI.",
source, pos,
roxmltree::Error::UnexpectedXmlUri(_) => make_cant_convert_error(
roxmltree::Error::UnexpectedXmlUri(pos) => make_xml_error_spanned(
"Only the xmlns:xml attribute can have the URI.",
source, pos,
roxmltree::Error::UnexpectedXmlnsUri(_) => make_cant_convert_error(
roxmltree::Error::UnexpectedXmlnsUri(pos) => make_xml_error_spanned(
"The URI must not be declared.",
source, pos,
roxmltree::Error::InvalidElementNamePrefix(_) => {
make_cant_convert_error("xmlns can't be used as an element prefix.", span)
roxmltree::Error::InvalidElementNamePrefix(pos) => {
make_xml_error_spanned("xmlns can't be used as an element prefix.", source, pos)
roxmltree::Error::DuplicatedNamespace(_, _) => {
make_cant_convert_error("A namespace was already defined on this element.", span)
roxmltree::Error::DuplicatedNamespace(namespace, pos) => {
make_xml_error_spanned(format!("Namespace {namespace} was already defined on this element."), source, pos)
roxmltree::Error::UnknownNamespace(prefix, _) => {
make_cant_convert_error(format!("Unknown prefix {}", prefix), span)
roxmltree::Error::UnknownNamespace(prefix, pos) => {
make_xml_error_spanned(format!("Unknown prefix {}", prefix), source, pos)
roxmltree::Error::UnexpectedCloseTag { .. } => {
make_cant_convert_error("Unexpected close tag", span)
roxmltree::Error::UnexpectedCloseTag(expected, actual, pos) => {
make_xml_error_spanned(format!("Unexpected close tag {actual}, expected {expected}"), source, pos)
roxmltree::Error::UnexpectedEntityCloseTag(_) => {
make_cant_convert_error("Entity value starts with a close tag.", span)
roxmltree::Error::UnexpectedEntityCloseTag(pos) => {
make_xml_error_spanned("Entity value starts with a close tag.", source, pos)
roxmltree::Error::UnknownEntityReference(_, _) => make_cant_convert_error(
"A reference to an entity that was not defined in the DTD.",
roxmltree::Error::UnknownEntityReference(entity, pos) => make_xml_error_spanned(
format!("Reference to unknown entity {entity} (was not defined in the DTD)"),
source, pos,
roxmltree::Error::MalformedEntityReference(_) => {
make_cant_convert_error("A malformed entity reference.", span)
roxmltree::Error::MalformedEntityReference(pos) => {
make_xml_error_spanned("Malformed entity reference.", source, pos)
roxmltree::Error::EntityReferenceLoop(_) => {
make_cant_convert_error("A possible entity reference loop.", span)
roxmltree::Error::EntityReferenceLoop(pos) => {
make_xml_error_spanned("Possible entity reference loop.", source, pos)
roxmltree::Error::InvalidAttributeValue(_) => {
make_cant_convert_error("Attribute value cannot have a < character.", span)
roxmltree::Error::InvalidAttributeValue(pos) => {
make_xml_error_spanned("Attribute value cannot have a < character.", source, pos)
roxmltree::Error::DuplicatedAttribute(_, _) => {
make_cant_convert_error("An element has a duplicated attributes.", span)
roxmltree::Error::DuplicatedAttribute(attribute, pos) => {
make_xml_error_spanned(format!("Element has a duplicated attribute: {attribute}"), source, pos)
roxmltree::Error::NoRootNode => {
make_cant_convert_error("The XML document must have at least one element.", span)
make_xml_error("The XML document must have at least one element.", span)
roxmltree::Error::UnclosedRootNode => {
make_cant_convert_error("The root node was opened but never closed.", span)
make_xml_error("The root node was opened but never closed.", span)
roxmltree::Error::DtdDetected => make_cant_convert_error(
"An XML with DTD detected. DTDs are disabled by default due to security reasons.",
roxmltree::Error::DtdDetected => make_xml_error(
"XML document with DTD detected. DTDs are disabled by default due to security reasons.",
roxmltree::Error::NodesLimitReached => {
make_cant_convert_error("Node limit was reached.", span)
make_xml_error("Node limit was reached.", span)
roxmltree::Error::AttributesLimitReached => {
make_cant_convert_error("Attribute limit reached", span)
make_xml_error("Attribute limit reached", span)
roxmltree::Error::NamespacesLimitReached => {
make_cant_convert_error("Namespace limit reached", span)
make_xml_error("Namespace limit reached", span)
roxmltree::Error::UnexpectedDeclaration(_) => {
make_cant_convert_error("An XML document can have only one XML declaration and it must be at the start of the document.", span)
roxmltree::Error::UnexpectedDeclaration(pos) => {
make_xml_error_spanned("An XML document can have only one XML declaration and it must be at the start of the document.", source, pos)
roxmltree::Error::InvalidName(_) => {
make_cant_convert_error("Invalid name found.", span)
roxmltree::Error::InvalidName(pos) => {
make_xml_error_spanned("Invalid name.", source, pos)
roxmltree::Error::NonXmlChar(_, _) => {
make_cant_convert_error("A non-XML character has occurred. Valid characters are: <>", span)
roxmltree::Error::NonXmlChar(_, pos) => {
make_xml_error_spanned(format!("Non-XML character found. Valid characters are: <>"), source, pos)
roxmltree::Error::InvalidChar(_, _, _) => {
make_cant_convert_error("An invalid/unexpected character in XML.", span)
roxmltree::Error::InvalidChar(expected, actual, pos) => {
make_xml_error_spanned(format!("Unexpected character {actual}, expected {expected}"), source, pos)
roxmltree::Error::InvalidChar2(_, _, _) => {
make_cant_convert_error("An invalid/unexpected character in XML.", span)
roxmltree::Error::InvalidChar2(expected, actual, pos) => {
make_xml_error_spanned(format!("Unexpected character {actual}, expected {expected}"), source, pos)
roxmltree::Error::InvalidString(_, _) => {
make_cant_convert_error("An invalid/unexpected string in XML.", span)
roxmltree::Error::InvalidString(_, pos) => {
make_xml_error_spanned("Invalid/unexpected string in XML.", source, pos)
roxmltree::Error::InvalidExternalID(_) => {
make_cant_convert_error("An invalid ExternalID in the DTD.", span)
roxmltree::Error::InvalidExternalID(pos) => {
make_xml_error_spanned("Invalid ExternalID in the DTD.", source, pos)
roxmltree::Error::InvalidComment(_) => {
make_cant_convert_error("A comment cannot contain `--` or end with `-`.", span)
roxmltree::Error::InvalidComment(pos) => {
make_xml_error_spanned("A comment cannot contain `--` or end with `-`.", source, pos)
roxmltree::Error::InvalidCharacterData(_) => {
make_cant_convert_error("A Character Data node contains an invalid data. Currently, only `]]>` is not allowed.", span)
roxmltree::Error::InvalidCharacterData(pos) => {
make_xml_error_spanned("Character Data node contains an invalid data. Currently, only `]]>` is not allowed.", source, pos)
roxmltree::Error::UnknownToken(_) => {
make_cant_convert_error("Unknown token in XML.", span)
roxmltree::Error::UnknownToken(pos) => {
make_xml_error_spanned("Unknown token in XML.", source, pos)
roxmltree::Error::UnexpectedEndOfStream => {
make_cant_convert_error("Unexpected end of stream while parsing XML.", span)
make_xml_error("Unexpected end of stream while parsing XML.", span)
fn make_cant_convert_error(help: impl Into<String>, span: Span) -> ShellError {
ShellError::CantConvert {
from_type: Type::String.to_string(),
to_type: "XML".to_string(),
fn make_xml_error(msg: impl Into<String>, span: Span) -> ShellError {
ShellError::GenericError {
error: "Failed to parse XML".into(),
msg: msg.into(),
help: None,
span: Some(span),
inner: vec![],
fn make_xml_error_spanned(msg: impl Into<String>, src: String, pos: TextPos) -> ShellError {
let span = Span::from_row_column(pos.row as usize, pos.col as usize, &src);
ShellError::OutsideSpannedLabeledError {
error: "Failed to parse XML".into(),
msg: msg.into(),
help: Some(help.into()),

View File

@ -148,6 +148,28 @@ impl Span {
/// Converts row and column in a String to a Span, assuming bytes (1-based rows)
pub fn from_row_column(row: usize, col: usize, contents: &str) -> Span {
let mut cur_row = 1;
let mut cur_col = 1;
for (offset, curr_byte) in contents.bytes().enumerate() {
if curr_byte == b'\n' {
cur_row += 1;
cur_col = 1;
} else if cur_row >= row && cur_col >= col {
return Span::new(offset, offset);
} else {
cur_col += 1;
Self {
start: contents.len(),
end: contents.len(),
/// Returns the minimal [`Span`] that encompasses both of the given spans.
/// The two `Spans` can overlap in the middle,