################################################################################## # # Module testing # # Assert commands and test runner. # ################################################################################## use log * # Universal assert command # # If the condition is not true, it generates an error. # # # Example # # ```nushell # >_ assert (3 == 3) # >_ assert (42 == 3) # Error: # × Assertion failed: # ╭─[myscript.nu:11:1] # 11 │ assert (3 == 3) # 12 │ assert (42 == 3) # · ───┬──── # · ╰── It is not true. # 13 │ # ╰──── # ``` # # The --error-label flag can be used if you want to create a custom assert command: # ``` # def "assert even" [number: int] { # assert ($number mod 2 == 0) --error-label { # start: (metadata $number).span.start, # end: (metadata $number).span.end, # text: $"($number) is not an even number", # } # } # ``` export def assert [ condition: bool, # Condition, which should be true message?: string, # Optional error message --error-label: record # Label for `error make` if you want to create a custom assert ] { if $condition { return } let span = (metadata $condition).span error make { msg: ($message | default "Assertion failed."), label: ($error_label | default { text: "It is not true.", start: (metadata $condition).span.start, end: (metadata $condition).span.end }) } } # Assert that executing the code generates an error # # For more documentation see the assert command # # # Examples # # > assert error {|| missing_command} # passes # > assert error {|| 12} # fails export def "assert error" [ code: closure, message?: string ] { let error_raised = (try { do $code; false } catch { true }) assert ($error_raised) $message --error-label { start: (metadata $code).span.start end: (metadata $code).span.end text: $"There were no error during code execution: (view source $code)" } } # Skip the current test case # # # Examples # # if $condition { assert skip } export def "assert skip" [] { error make {msg: "ASSERT:SKIP"} } # Assert $left == $right # # For more documentation see the assert command # # # Examples # # > assert equal 1 1 # passes # > assert equal (0.1 + 0.2) 0.3 # > assert equal 1 2 # fails export def "assert equal" [left: any, right: any, message?: string] { assert ($left == $right) $message --error-label { start: (metadata $left).span.start end: (metadata $right).span.end text: $"They are not equal. Left = ($left). Right = ($right)." } } # Assert $left != $right # # For more documentation see the assert command # # # Examples # # > assert not equal 1 2 # passes # > assert not equal 1 "apple" # passes # > assert not equal 7 7 # fails export def "assert not equal" [left: any, right: any, message?: string] { assert ($left != $right) $message --error-label { start: (metadata $left).span.start end: (metadata $right).span.end text: $"They both are ($left)." } } # Assert $left <= $right # # For more documentation see the assert command # # # Examples # # > assert less or equal 1 2 # passes # > assert less or equal 1 1 # passes # > assert less or equal 1 0 # fails export def "assert less or equal" [left: any, right: any, message?: string] { assert ($left <= $right) $message --error-label { start: (metadata $left).span.start end: (metadata $right).span.end text: $"Left: ($left), Right: ($right)" } } # Assert $left < $right # # For more documentation see the assert command # # # Examples # # > assert less 1 2 # passes # > assert less 1 1 # fails export def "assert less" [left: any, right: any, message?: string] { assert ($left < $right) $message --error-label { start: (metadata $left).span.start end: (metadata $right).span.end text: $"Left: ($left), Right: ($right)" } } # Assert $left > $right # # For more documentation see the assert command # # # Examples # # > assert greater 2 1 # passes # > assert greater 2 2 # fails export def "assert greater" [left: any, right: any, message?: string] { assert ($left > $right) $message --error-label { start: (metadata $left).span.start end: (metadata $right).span.end text: $"Left: ($left), Right: ($right)" } } # Assert $left >= $right # # For more documentation see the assert command # # # Examples # # > assert greater or equal 2 1 # passes # > assert greater or equal 2 2 # passes # > assert greater or equal 1 2 # fails export def "assert greater or equal" [left: any, right: any, message?: string] { assert ($left >= $right) $message --error-label { start: (metadata $left).span.start end: (metadata $right).span.end text: $"Left: ($left), Right: ($right)" } } # Assert length of $left is $right # # For more documentation see the assert command # # # Examples # # > assert length [0, 0] 2 # passes # > assert length [0] 3 # fails export def "assert length" [left: list, right: int, message?: string] { assert (($left | length) == $right) $message --error-label { start: (metadata $left).span.start end: (metadata $right).span.end text: $"Length of ($left) is ($left | length), not ($right)" } } # Assert that ($left | str contains $right) # # For more documentation see the assert command # # # Examples # # > assert str contains "arst" "rs" # passes # > assert str contains "arst" "k" # fails export def "assert str contains" [left: string, right: string, message?: string] { assert ($left | str contains $right) $message --error-label { start: (metadata $left).span.start end: (metadata $right).span.end text: $"'($left)' does not contain '($right)'." } } # show a test record in a pretty way # # `$in` must be a `record`. # # the output would be like # - " x " all in red if failed # - " s " all in yellow if skipped # - " " all in green if passed def show-pretty-test [indent: int = 4] { let test = $in [ (" " * $indent) (match $test.result { "pass" => { ansi green }, "skip" => { ansi yellow }, _ => { ansi red } }) (match $test.result { "pass" => " ", "skip" => "s", _ => { char failed } }) " " $"($test.module) ($test.test)" (ansi reset) ] | str join } def throw-error [error: record] { error make { msg: $"(ansi red)($error.msg)(ansi reset)" label: { text: ($error.label) start: $error.span.start end: $error.span.end } } } # Run Nushell tests # # It executes exported "test_*" commands in "test_*" modules export def 'run-tests' [ --path: path, # Path to look for tests. Default: current directory. --module: string, # Test module to run. Default: all test modules found. --test: string, # Individual test to run. Default: all test command found in the files. --list, # list the selected tests without running them. ] { let module_search_pattern = ('**' | path join ({ stem: ($module | default "test_*") extension: nu } | path join)) let path = ($path | default $env.PWD) if not ($path | path exists) { throw-error { msg: "directory_not_found" label: "no such directory" span: (metadata $path | get span) } } if not ($module | is-empty) { try { ls ($path | path join $module_search_pattern) | null } catch { throw-error { msg: "module_not_found" label: $"no such module in ($path)" span: (metadata $module | get span) } } } let tests = ( ls ($path | path join $module_search_pattern) | each {|row| {file: $row.name name: ($row.name | path parse | get stem)}} | upsert commands {|module| ^$nu.current-exe -c $'use `($module.file)` *; $nu.scope.commands | select name module_name | to nuon' | from nuon | where module_name == $module.name | get name } | upsert test {|module| $module.commands | where ($it | str starts-with "test_") } | upsert setup {|module| "setup" in $module.commands } | upsert teardown {|module| "teardown" in $module.commands } | reject commands | flatten | rename file module test ) let tests_to_run = (if not ($test | is-empty) { $tests | where test == $test } else if not ($module | is-empty) { $tests | where module == $module } else { $tests }) if $list { return ($tests_to_run | select module test file) } if ($tests_to_run | is-empty) { error make --unspanned {msg: "no test to run"} } let tests = ( $tests_to_run | group-by module | transpose name tests | each {|module| log info $"Running tests in module ($module.name)" $module.tests | each {|test| log debug $"Running test ($test.test)" let context_setup = if $test.setup { $"use `($test.file)` setup; let context = \(setup\)" } else { "let context = {}" } let context_teardown = if $test.teardown { $"use `($test.file)` teardown; $context | teardown" } else { "" } let nu_script = $' ($context_setup) use `($test.file)` ($test.test) try { $context | ($test.test) ($context_teardown) } catch { |err| ($context_teardown) if $err.msg == "ASSERT:SKIP" { exit 2 } else { $err | get raw } } ' ^$nu.current-exe -c $nu_script let result = match $env.LAST_EXIT_CODE { 0 => "pass", 2 => "skip", _ => "fail", } if $result == "skip" { log warning $"Test case ($test.test) is skipped" } $test | merge ({result: $result}) } } | flatten ) if not ($tests | where result == "fail" | is-empty) { let text = ([ $"(ansi purple)some tests did not pass (char lparen)see complete errors above(char rparen):(ansi reset)" "" ($tests | each {|test| ($test | show-pretty-test 4)} | str join "\n") "" ] | str join "\n") error make --unspanned { msg: $text } } }