use nu_errors::ShellError; use nu_protocol::{CallInfo, Value}; use nu_source::{Tag, Tagged, TaggedItem}; use std::path::Path; #[cfg(not(target_os = "windows"))] use std::process::{Command, Stdio}; #[derive(Default)] pub struct Start { pub tag: Tag, pub filenames: Vec<Tagged<String>>, pub application: Option<String>, } impl Start { pub fn new() -> Start { Start { tag: Tag::unknown(), filenames: vec![], application: None, } } pub fn parse(&mut self, call_info: CallInfo) -> Result<(), ShellError> { self.tag = call_info.name_tag.clone(); self.parse_input_parameters(&call_info)?; self.parse_application(&call_info); Ok(()) } fn add_filename(&mut self, filename: Tagged<String>) -> Result<(), ShellError> { if Path::new(&filename.item).exists() || url::Url::parse(&filename.item).is_ok() { self.filenames.push(filename); Ok(()) } else { Err(ShellError::labeled_error( format!("The file '{}' does not exist", filename.item), "doesn't exist", filename.tag, )) } } fn glob_to_values(&self, value: &Value) -> Result<Vec<Tagged<String>>, ShellError> { let mut result = vec![]; match glob::glob(&value.as_string()?) { Ok(paths) => { for path_result in paths { match path_result { Ok(path) => result .push(path.to_string_lossy().to_string().tagged(value.tag.clone())), Err(glob_error) => { return Err(ShellError::labeled_error( format!("{}", glob_error), "glob error", value.tag.clone(), )); } } } } Err(pattern_error) => { return Err(ShellError::labeled_error( format!("{}", pattern_error), "invalid pattern", value.tag.clone(), )) } } Ok(result) } fn parse_input_parameters(&mut self, call_info: &CallInfo) -> Result<(), ShellError> { let candidates = match &call_info.args.positional { Some(values) => { let mut result = vec![]; for value in values.iter() { let val_str = value.as_string(); match val_str { Ok(s) => { if s.to_ascii_lowercase().starts_with("http") || s.to_ascii_lowercase().starts_with("https") { if webbrowser::open(&s).is_ok() { result.push("http/web".to_string().tagged_unknown()) } else { return Err(ShellError::labeled_error( &format!("error opening {}", &s), "error opening url", self.tag.span, )); } } else { let res = self.glob_to_values(value)?; result.extend(res); } } Err(e) => { return Err(ShellError::labeled_error( e.to_string(), "no input given", self.tag.span, )); } } } if result.is_empty() { return Err(ShellError::labeled_error( "No input given", "no input given", self.tag.span, )); } result } None => { return Err(ShellError::labeled_error( "No input given", "no input given", self.tag.span, )) } }; for candidate in candidates { if !candidate.contains("http/web") { self.add_filename(candidate)?; } } Ok(()) } fn parse_application(&mut self, call_info: &CallInfo) { self.application = if let Some(app) = call_info.args.get("application") { match app.as_string() { Ok(name) => Some(name), Err(_) => None, } } else { None }; } #[cfg(target_os = "macos")] pub fn exec(&mut self) -> Result<(), ShellError> { let mut args = vec![]; args.append( &mut self .filenames .iter() .map(|x| x.item.clone()) .collect::<Vec<_>>(), ); if let Some(app_name) = &self.application { args.append(&mut vec![String::from("-a"), app_name.to_string()]); } exec_cmd("open", &args, self.tag.clone()) } #[cfg(target_os = "windows")] pub fn exec(&mut self) -> Result<(), ShellError> { if let Some(app_name) = &self.application { for file in &self.filenames { match open::with(&file.item, app_name) { Ok(_) => continue, Err(_) => { return Err(ShellError::labeled_error( "Failed to open file with specified application", "can't open with specified application", file.tag.span, )) } } } } else { for file in &self.filenames { match open::that(&file.item) { Ok(_) => continue, Err(_) => { return Err(ShellError::labeled_error( "Failed to open file with default application", "can't open with default application", file.tag.span, )) } } } } Ok(()) } #[cfg(not(any(target_os = "windows", target_os = "macos")))] pub fn exec(&mut self) -> Result<(), ShellError> { let mut args = vec![]; args.append( &mut self .filenames .iter() .map(|x| x.item.clone()) .collect::<Vec<_>>(), ); if let Some(app_name) = &self.application { exec_cmd(&app_name, &args, self.tag.clone()) } else { for cmd in &["xdg-open", "gnome-open", "kde-open", "wslview"] { if exec_cmd(cmd, &args, self.tag.clone()).is_err() { continue; } else { return Ok(()); } } Err(ShellError::labeled_error( "Failed to open file(s) with xdg-open. gnome-open, kde-open, and wslview", "failed to open xdg-open. gnome-open, kde-open, and wslview", self.tag.span, )) } } } #[cfg(not(target_os = "windows"))] fn exec_cmd(cmd: &str, args: &[String], tag: Tag) -> Result<(), ShellError> { if args.is_empty() { return Err(ShellError::labeled_error( "No file(s) or application provided", "no file(s) or application provided", tag, )); } let status = match Command::new(cmd) .stdout(Stdio::null()) .stderr(Stdio::null()) .args(args) .status() { Ok(exit_code) => exit_code, Err(_) => { return Err(ShellError::labeled_error( "Failed to run native open syscall", "failed to run native open call", tag, )) } }; if status.success() { Ok(()) } else { Err(ShellError::labeled_error( "Failed to run start. Hint: The file(s)/application may not exist", "failed to run", tag, )) } }