use crate::repl::tests::{fail_test, run_test, TestResult}; use nu_test_support::nu; #[test] fn spread_in_list() -> TestResult { run_test(r#"[...[]] | to nuon"#, "[]").unwrap(); run_test( r#"[1 2 ...[[3] {x: 1}] 5] | to nuon"#, "[1, 2, [3], {x: 1}, 5]", ) .unwrap(); run_test( r#"[...("foo" | split chars) 10] | to nuon"#, "[f, o, o, 10]", ) .unwrap(); run_test( r#"let l = [1, 2, [3]]; [...$l $l] | to nuon"#, "[1, 2, [3], [1, 2, [3]]]", ) .unwrap(); run_test( r#"[ ...[ ...[ ...[ a ] b ] c ] d ] | to nuon"#, "[a, b, c, d]", ) } #[test] fn not_spread() -> TestResult { run_test(r#"def ... [x] { $x }; ... ..."#, "...").unwrap(); run_test( r#"let a = 4; [... $a ... [1] ... (5) ...bare ...] | to nuon"#, "[..., 4, ..., [1], ..., 5, ...bare, ...]", ) } #[test] fn bad_spread_on_non_list() -> TestResult { fail_test(r#"let x = 5; [...$x]"#, "cannot spread").unwrap(); fail_test(r#"[...({ x: 1 })]"#, "cannot spread") } #[test] fn spread_type_list() -> TestResult { run_test( r#"def f [a: list<int>] { $a | describe }; f [1 ...[]]"#, "list<int>", ) .unwrap(); run_test( r#"def f [a: list<int>] { $a | describe }; f [1 ...[2]]"#, "list<int>", ) .unwrap(); fail_test( r#"def f [a: list<int>] { }; f ["foo" ...[4 5 6]]"#, "expected int", ) .unwrap(); fail_test( r#"def f [a: list<int>] { }; f [1 2 ...["misfit"] 4]"#, "expected int", ) } #[test] fn spread_in_record() -> TestResult { run_test(r#"{...{...{...{}}}} | to nuon"#, "{}").unwrap(); run_test( r#"{foo: bar ...{a: {x: 1}} b: 3} | to nuon"#, "{foo: bar, a: {x: 1}, b: 3}", ) } #[test] fn duplicate_cols() -> TestResult { fail_test(r#"{a: 1, ...{a: 3}}"#, "column used twice").unwrap(); fail_test(r#"{...{a: 4, x: 3}, x: 1}"#, "column used twice").unwrap(); fail_test(r#"{...{a: 0, x: 2}, ...{x: 5}}"#, "column used twice") } #[test] fn bad_spread_on_non_record() -> TestResult { fail_test(r#"let x = 5; { ...$x }"#, "cannot spread").unwrap(); fail_test(r#"{...([1, 2])}"#, "cannot spread") } #[test] fn spread_type_record() -> TestResult { run_test( r#"def f [a: record<x: int>] { $a.x }; f { ...{x: 0} }"#, "0", ) .unwrap(); fail_test( r#"def f [a: record<x: int>] {}; f { ...{x: "not an int"} }"#, "type_mismatch", ) } #[test] fn spread_external_args() { assert_eq!( nu!(r#"nu --testbin cococo ...[1 "foo"] 2 ...[3 "bar"]"#).out, "1 foo 2 3 bar", ); // exec doesn't have rest parameters but allows unknown arguments assert_eq!( nu!(r#"exec nu --testbin cococo "foo" ...[5 6]"#).out, "foo 5 6" ); } #[test] fn spread_internal_args() -> TestResult { run_test( r#" let list = ["foo" 4] def f [a b c? d? ...x] { [$a $b $c $d $x] | to nuon } f 1 2 ...[5 6] 7 ...$list"#, "[1, 2, null, null, [5, 6, 7, foo, 4]]", ) .unwrap(); run_test( r#" def f [a b c? d? ...x] { [$a $b $c $d $x] | to nuon } f 1 2 3 ...[5 6]"#, "[1, 2, 3, null, [5, 6]]", ) .unwrap(); run_test( r#" def f [--flag: int ...x] { [$flag $x] | to nuon } f 2 ...[foo] 4 --flag 5 6 ...[7 8]"#, "[5, [2, foo, 4, 6, 7, 8]]", ) .unwrap(); run_test( r#" def f [a b? --flag: int ...x] { [$a $b $flag $x] | to nuon } f 1 ...[foo] 4 --flag 5 6 ...[7 8]"#, "[1, null, 5, [foo, 4, 6, 7, 8]]", ) } #[test] fn bad_spread_internal_args() -> TestResult { fail_test( r#" def f [a b c? d? ...x] { echo $a $b $c $d $x } f 1 ...[5 6]"#, "Missing required positional argument", ) .unwrap(); fail_test( r#" def f [a b?] { echo a b c d } f ...[5 6]"#, "unexpected spread argument", ) } #[test] fn spread_non_list_args() { fail_test(r#"echo ...(1)"#, "cannot spread value").unwrap(); assert!(nu!(r#"nu --testbin cococo ...(1)"#) .err .contains("cannot spread value")); } #[test] fn spread_args_type() -> TestResult { fail_test(r#"def f [...x: int] {}; f ...["abc"]"#, "expected int") } #[test] fn explain_spread_args() -> TestResult { run_test( r#"(explain { || echo ...[1 2] }).cmd_args.0 | select arg_type name type | to nuon"#, r#"[[arg_type, name, type]; [spread, "[1 2]", list<int>]]"#, ) } #[test] fn disallow_implicit_spread_for_externals() -> TestResult { fail_test(r#"^echo [1 2]"#, "Lists are not automatically spread") } #[test] fn respect_shape() -> TestResult { fail_test( "def foo [] { ...$rest }; foo bar baz", "Command `...$rest` not found", ) .unwrap(); fail_test("module foo { ...$bar }", "expected_keyword").unwrap(); run_test(r#"def "...$foo" [] {2}; do { ...$foo }"#, "2").unwrap(); run_test(r#"match "...$foo" { ...$foo => 5 }"#, "5") }