#!/usr/bin/env nu use std assert # Usage: # docker run -it --rm -v $"(pwd):/work" nushell:alpine /work/test_docker.nu def main [] { let test_plan = ( scope commands | where ($it.type == "custom") and ($it.name | str starts-with "test ") and not ($it.description | str starts-with "ignore") | each { |test| create_execution_plan $test.name } | str join ", " ) let plan = $"run_tests [ ($test_plan) ]" ^$nu.current-exe --commands $"source ($env.CURRENT_FILE); ($plan)" } def create_execution_plan [test: string]: nothing -> string { $"{ name: \"($test)\", execute: { ($test) } }" } def run_tests [tests: list>] { let results = $tests | par-each { run_test $in } print_results $results print_summary $results if ($results | any { |test| $test.result == "FAIL" }) { exit 1 } } def print_results [results: list>] { let display_table = $results | update result { |row| let emoji = if ($row.result == "PASS") { "✅" } else { "❌" } $"($emoji) ($row.result)" } if ("GITHUB_ACTIONS" in $env) { print ($display_table | to md --pretty) } else { print $display_table } } def print_summary [results: list>]: nothing -> bool { let success = $results | where ($it.result == "PASS") | length let failure = $results | where ($it.result == "FAIL") | length let count = $results | length if ($failure == 0) { print $"\nTesting completed: ($success) of ($count) were successful" } else { print $"\nTesting completed: ($failure) of ($count) failed" } } def run_test [test: record]: nothing -> record { try { do ($test.execute) { result: $"PASS",name: $test.name, error: "" } } catch { |error| { result: $"FAIL", name: $test.name, error: $"($error.msg) (format_error $error.debug)" } } } def format_error [error: string] { $error # Get the value for the text key in a partly non-json error message | parse --regex ".+text: \"(.+)\"" | first | get capture0 | str replace --all --regex "\\\\n" " " | str replace --all --regex " +" " " } def "test nu is pid 1 to ensure it is handling interrupts" [] { let process_id = ps | where ($it.pid == 1) | get name | first assert equal $process_id "nu" } def "test user is nushell" [] { assert equal (whoami) "nushell" } def "test user is not root" [] { let user_info = id | parse "uid={uid}({user}) gid={gid}({group}){rest}" | select uid user gid group assert equal $user_info [ [uid user gid group]; ["1000" nushell "1000" nushell] ] } def "test nu is added as a shell" [] { let shell = cat /etc/shells | lines | where ($it | str contains "nu") | first assert str contains $shell "/nu" } def "test temp directory is cleared" [] { let temp = ls /tmp assert equal $temp [] } def "test apt install cache is cleared on Debian-like containers" [] { let distro = cat /etc/os-release | lines | parse "{key}={value}" | where $it.key == "ID" | get value | first if ($distro == "debian" or $distro == "ubuntu") { let package_cache = ls /var/lib/apt/lists assert equal $package_cache [] } } def "test main plugins are installed" [] { let plugins = (plugin list) | get name assert ("formats" in $plugins) assert ("gstat" in $plugins) assert ("inc" in $plugins) assert ("polars" in $plugins) assert ("query" in $plugins) } def "test config initialised" [] { let files = ls ~/.config/nushell | select name size | where name ends-with '.nu' | insert file { |row| $row.name | parse --regex ".+/(.+\\.nu)" | first | get capture0 } let env_size = $files | where file == "env.nu" | get size | first let config_size = $files | where file == "config.nu" | get size | first assert greater $env_size 1KiB assert greater $config_size 1KiB }