use nu_protocol::{ ast::Expr, engine::{Command, EngineState, Stack, Visibility}, record, ModuleId, Signature, Span, SyntaxShape, Type, Value, }; use std::{cmp::Ordering, collections::HashMap}; pub struct ScopeData<'e, 's> { engine_state: &'e EngineState, stack: &'s Stack, vars_map: HashMap<&'e Vec, &'e usize>, decls_map: HashMap<&'e Vec, &'e usize>, modules_map: HashMap<&'e Vec, &'e usize>, visibility: Visibility, } impl<'e, 's> ScopeData<'e, 's> { pub fn new(engine_state: &'e EngineState, stack: &'s Stack) -> Self { Self { engine_state, stack, vars_map: HashMap::new(), decls_map: HashMap::new(), modules_map: HashMap::new(), visibility: Visibility::new(), } } pub fn populate_vars(&mut self) { for overlay_frame in self.engine_state.active_overlays(&[]) { self.vars_map.extend(&overlay_frame.vars); } } // decls include all commands, i.e., normal commands, aliases, and externals pub fn populate_decls(&mut self) { for overlay_frame in self.engine_state.active_overlays(&[]) { self.decls_map.extend(&overlay_frame.decls); self.visibility.merge_with(overlay_frame.visibility.clone()); } } pub fn populate_modules(&mut self) { for overlay_frame in self.engine_state.active_overlays(&[]) { self.modules_map.extend(&overlay_frame.modules); } } pub fn collect_vars(&self, span: Span) -> Vec { let mut vars = vec![]; for (var_name, var_id) in &self.vars_map { let var_name = Value::string(String::from_utf8_lossy(var_name).to_string(), span); let var = self.engine_state.get_var(**var_id); let var_type = Value::string(var.ty.to_string(), span); let is_const = Value::bool(var.const_val.is_some(), span); let var_value = if let Ok(val) = self.stack.get_var(**var_id, span) { val } else { Value::nothing(span) }; let var_id_val = Value::int(**var_id as i64, span); vars.push(Value::record( record! { "name" => var_name, "type" => var_type, "value" => var_value, "is_const" => is_const, "var_id" => var_id_val, }, span, )); } sort_rows(&mut vars); vars } pub fn collect_commands(&self, span: Span) -> Vec { let mut commands = vec![]; for (command_name, decl_id) in &self.decls_map { if self.visibility.is_decl_id_visible(decl_id) && !self.engine_state.get_decl(**decl_id).is_alias() { let decl = self.engine_state.get_decl(**decl_id); let signature = decl.signature(); let examples = decl .examples() .into_iter() .map(|x| { Value::record( record! { "description" => Value::string(x.description, span), "example" => Value::string(x.example, span), "result" => x.result.unwrap_or(Value::nothing(span)), }, span, ) }) .collect(); let record = record! { "name" => Value::string(String::from_utf8_lossy(command_name), span), "category" => Value::string(signature.category.to_string(), span), "signatures" => self.collect_signatures(&signature, span), "usage" => Value::string(decl.usage(), span), "examples" => Value::list(examples, span), // we can only be a is_builtin or is_custom, not both "is_builtin" => Value::bool(!decl.is_custom_command(), span), "is_sub" => Value::bool(decl.is_sub(), span), "is_plugin" => Value::bool(decl.is_plugin(), span), "is_custom" => Value::bool(decl.is_custom_command(), span), "is_keyword" => Value::bool(decl.is_parser_keyword(), span), "is_extern" => Value::bool(decl.is_known_external(), span), "creates_scope" => Value::bool(signature.creates_scope, span), "extra_usage" => Value::string(decl.extra_usage(), span), "search_terms" => Value::string(decl.search_terms().join(", "), span), "decl_id" => Value::int(**decl_id as i64, span), }; commands.push(Value::record(record, span)) } } sort_rows(&mut commands); commands } fn collect_signatures(&self, signature: &Signature, span: Span) -> Value { let mut sigs = signature .input_output_types .iter() .map(|(input_type, output_type)| { ( input_type.to_shape().to_string(), Value::list( self.collect_signature_entries(input_type, output_type, signature, span), span, ), ) }) .collect::>(); // Until we allow custom commands to have input and output types, let's just // make them Type::Any Type::Any so they can show up in our `scope commands` // a little bit better. If sigs is empty, we're pretty sure that we're dealing // with a custom command. if sigs.is_empty() { let any_type = &Type::Any; sigs.push(( any_type.to_shape().to_string(), Value::list( self.collect_signature_entries(any_type, any_type, signature, span), span, ), )); } sigs.sort_unstable_by(|(k1, _), (k2, _)| k1.cmp(k2)); // For most commands, input types are not repeated in // `input_output_types`, i.e. each input type has only one associated // output type. Furthermore, we want this to always be true. However, // there are currently some exceptions, such as `hash sha256` which // takes in string but may output string or binary depending on the // presence of the --binary flag. In such cases, the "special case" // signature usually comes later in the input_output_types, so this will // remove them from the record. sigs.dedup_by(|(k1, _), (k2, _)| k1 == k2); Value::record(sigs.into_iter().collect(), span) } fn collect_signature_entries( &self, input_type: &Type, output_type: &Type, signature: &Signature, span: Span, ) -> Vec { let mut sig_records = vec![]; // input sig_records.push(Value::record( record! { "parameter_name" => Value::nothing(span), "parameter_type" => Value::string("input", span), "syntax_shape" => Value::string(input_type.to_shape().to_string(), span), "is_optional" => Value::bool(false, span), "short_flag" => Value::nothing(span), "description" => Value::nothing(span), "custom_completion" => Value::nothing(span), "parameter_default" => Value::nothing(span), }, span, )); // required_positional for req in &signature.required_positional { let custom = extract_custom_completion_from_arg(self.engine_state, &req.shape); sig_records.push(Value::record( record! { "parameter_name" => Value::string(&, span), "parameter_type" => Value::string("positional", span), "syntax_shape" => Value::string(req.shape.to_string(), span), "is_optional" => Value::bool(false, span), "short_flag" => Value::nothing(span), "description" => Value::string(&req.desc, span), "custom_completion" => Value::string(custom, span), "parameter_default" => Value::nothing(span), }, span, )); } // optional_positional for opt in &signature.optional_positional { let custom = extract_custom_completion_from_arg(self.engine_state, &opt.shape); let default = if let Some(val) = &opt.default_value { val.clone() } else { Value::nothing(span) }; sig_records.push(Value::record( record! { "parameter_name" => Value::string(&, span), "parameter_type" => Value::string("positional", span), "syntax_shape" => Value::string(opt.shape.to_string(), span), "is_optional" => Value::bool(true, span), "short_flag" => Value::nothing(span), "description" => Value::string(&opt.desc, span), "custom_completion" => Value::string(custom, span), "parameter_default" => default, }, span, )); } // rest_positional if let Some(rest) = &signature.rest_positional { let name = if == "rest" { "" } else { & }; let custom = extract_custom_completion_from_arg(self.engine_state, &rest.shape); sig_records.push(Value::record( record! { "parameter_name" => Value::string(name, span), "parameter_type" => Value::string("rest", span), "syntax_shape" => Value::string(rest.shape.to_string(), span), "is_optional" => Value::bool(true, span), "short_flag" => Value::nothing(span), "description" => Value::string(&rest.desc, span), "custom_completion" => Value::string(custom, span), // rest_positional does have default, but parser prohibits specifying it?! "parameter_default" => Value::nothing(span), }, span, )); } // named flags for named in &signature.named { let flag_type; // Skip the help flag if named.long == "help" { continue; } let mut custom_completion_command_name: String = "".to_string(); let shape = if let Some(arg) = &named.arg { flag_type = Value::string("named", span); custom_completion_command_name = extract_custom_completion_from_arg(self.engine_state, arg); Value::string(arg.to_string(), span) } else { flag_type = Value::string("switch", span); Value::nothing(span) }; let short_flag = if let Some(c) = named.short { Value::string(c, span) } else { Value::nothing(span) }; let default = if let Some(val) = &named.default_value { val.clone() } else { Value::nothing(span) }; sig_records.push(Value::record( record! { "parameter_name" => Value::string(&named.long, span), "parameter_type" => flag_type, "syntax_shape" => shape, "is_optional" => Value::bool(!named.required, span), "short_flag" => short_flag, "description" => Value::string(&named.desc, span), "custom_completion" => Value::string(custom_completion_command_name, span), "parameter_default" => default, }, span, )); } // output sig_records.push(Value::record( record! { "parameter_name" => Value::nothing(span), "parameter_type" => Value::string("output", span), "syntax_shape" => Value::string(output_type.to_shape().to_string(), span), "is_optional" => Value::bool(false, span), "short_flag" => Value::nothing(span), "description" => Value::nothing(span), "custom_completion" => Value::nothing(span), "parameter_default" => Value::nothing(span), }, span, )); sig_records } pub fn collect_externs(&self, span: Span) -> Vec { let mut externals = vec![]; for (command_name, decl_id) in &self.decls_map { let decl = self.engine_state.get_decl(**decl_id); if decl.is_known_external() { let record = record! { "name" => Value::string(String::from_utf8_lossy(command_name), span), "usage" => Value::string(decl.usage(), span), "decl_id" => Value::int(**decl_id as i64, span), }; externals.push(Value::record(record, span)) } } sort_rows(&mut externals); externals } pub fn collect_aliases(&self, span: Span) -> Vec { let mut aliases = vec![]; for (decl_name, decl_id) in self.engine_state.get_decls_sorted(false) { if self.visibility.is_decl_id_visible(&decl_id) { let decl = self.engine_state.get_decl(decl_id); if let Some(alias) = decl.as_alias() { let aliased_decl_id = if let Expr::Call(wrapped_call) = &alias.wrapped_call.expr { Value::int(wrapped_call.decl_id as i64, span) } else { Value::nothing(span) }; let expansion = String::from_utf8_lossy( self.engine_state.get_span_contents(alias.wrapped_call.span), ); aliases.push(Value::record( record! { "name" => Value::string(String::from_utf8_lossy(&decl_name), span), "expansion" => Value::string(expansion, span), "usage" => Value::string(alias.usage(), span), "decl_id" => Value::int(decl_id as i64, span), "aliased_decl_id" => aliased_decl_id, }, span, )); } } } sort_rows(&mut aliases); // aliases.sort_by(|a, b| a.partial_cmp(b).unwrap_or(Ordering::Equal)); aliases } fn collect_module(&self, module_name: &[u8], module_id: &ModuleId, span: Span) -> Value { let module = self.engine_state.get_module(*module_id); let all_decls = module.decls(); let mut export_commands: Vec = all_decls .iter() .filter_map(|(name_bytes, decl_id)| { let decl = self.engine_state.get_decl(*decl_id); if !decl.is_alias() && !decl.is_known_external() { Some(Value::record( record! { "name" => Value::string(String::from_utf8_lossy(name_bytes), span), "decl_id" => Value::int(*decl_id as i64, span), }, span, )) } else { None } }) .collect(); let mut export_aliases: Vec = all_decls .iter() .filter_map(|(name_bytes, decl_id)| { let decl = self.engine_state.get_decl(*decl_id); if decl.is_alias() { Some(Value::record( record! { "name" => Value::string(String::from_utf8_lossy(name_bytes), span), "decl_id" => Value::int(*decl_id as i64, span), }, span, )) } else { None } }) .collect(); let mut export_externs: Vec = all_decls .iter() .filter_map(|(name_bytes, decl_id)| { let decl = self.engine_state.get_decl(*decl_id); if decl.is_known_external() { Some(Value::record( record! { "name" => Value::string(String::from_utf8_lossy(name_bytes), span), "decl_id" => Value::int(*decl_id as i64, span), }, span, )) } else { None } }) .collect(); let mut export_submodules: Vec = module .submodules() .iter() .map(|(name_bytes, submodule_id)| self.collect_module(name_bytes, submodule_id, span)) .collect(); let mut export_consts: Vec = module .consts() .iter() .map(|(name_bytes, var_id)| { Value::record( record! { "name" => Value::string(String::from_utf8_lossy(name_bytes), span), "type" => Value::string(self.engine_state.get_var(*var_id).ty.to_string(), span), "var_id" => Value::int(*var_id as i64, span), }, span, ) }) .collect(); sort_rows(&mut export_commands); sort_rows(&mut export_aliases); sort_rows(&mut export_externs); sort_rows(&mut export_submodules); sort_rows(&mut export_consts); let (module_usage, module_extra_usage) = self .engine_state .build_module_usage(*module_id) .unwrap_or_default(); Value::record( record! { "name" => Value::string(String::from_utf8_lossy(module_name), span), "commands" => Value::list(export_commands, span), "aliases" => Value::list(export_aliases, span), "externs" => Value::list(export_externs, span), "submodules" => Value::list(export_submodules, span), "constants" => Value::list(export_consts, span), "has_env_block" => Value::bool(module.env_block.is_some(), span), "usage" => Value::string(module_usage, span), "extra_usage" => Value::string(module_extra_usage, span), "module_id" => Value::int(*module_id as i64, span), }, span, ) } pub fn collect_modules(&self, span: Span) -> Vec { let mut modules = vec![]; for (module_name, module_id) in &self.modules_map { modules.push(self.collect_module(module_name, module_id, span)); } modules.sort_by(|a, b| a.partial_cmp(b).unwrap_or(Ordering::Equal)); modules } pub fn collect_engine_state(&self, span: Span) -> Value { let num_env_vars = self .engine_state .env_vars .values() .map(|overlay| overlay.len() as i64) .sum(); Value::record( record! { "source_bytes" => Value::int(self.engine_state.next_span_start() as i64, span), "num_vars" => Value::int(self.engine_state.num_vars() as i64, span), "num_decls" => Value::int(self.engine_state.num_decls() as i64, span), "num_blocks" => Value::int(self.engine_state.num_blocks() as i64, span), "num_modules" => Value::int(self.engine_state.num_modules() as i64, span), "num_env_vars" => Value::int(num_env_vars, span), }, span, ) } } fn extract_custom_completion_from_arg(engine_state: &EngineState, shape: &SyntaxShape) -> String { return match shape { SyntaxShape::CompleterWrapper(_, custom_completion_decl_id) => { let custom_completion_command = engine_state.get_decl(*custom_completion_decl_id); let custom_completion_command_name: &str =; custom_completion_command_name.to_string() } _ => "".to_string(), }; } fn sort_rows(decls: &mut [Value]) { decls.sort_by(|a, b| match (a, b) { (Value::Record { val: rec_a, .. }, Value::Record { val: rec_b, .. }) => { // Comparing the first value from the record // It is expected that the first value is the name of the entry (command, module, alias, etc.) match (rec_a.values().next(), rec_b.values().next()) { (Some(val_a), Some(val_b)) => match (val_a, val_b) { (Value::String { val: str_a, .. }, Value::String { val: str_b, .. }) => { str_a.cmp(str_b) } _ => Ordering::Equal, }, _ => Ordering::Equal, } } _ => Ordering::Equal, }); }