use nu_test_support::nu; #[test] fn find_with_list_search_with_string() { let actual = nu!("[moe larry curly] | find moe | get 0"); assert_eq!( actual.out, "\u{1b}[37m\u{1b}[0m\u{1b}[41;37mmoe\u{1b}[0m\u{1b}[37m\u{1b}[0m" ); } #[test] fn find_with_list_search_with_char() { let actual = nu!("[moe larry curly] | find l | to json -r"); assert_eq!(actual.out, "[\"\\u001b[37m\\u001b[0m\\u001b[41;37ml\\u001b[0m\\u001b[37marry\\u001b[0m\",\"\\u001b[37mcur\\u001b[0m\\u001b[41;37ml\\u001b[0m\\u001b[37my\\u001b[0m\"]"); } #[test] fn find_with_bytestream_search_with_char() { let actual = nu!("\"ABC\" | save foo.txt; let res = open foo.txt | find abc; rm foo.txt; $res | get 0"); assert_eq!( actual.out, "\u{1b}[37m\u{1b}[0m\u{1b}[41;37mABC\u{1b}[0m\u{1b}[37m\u{1b}[0m" ) } #[test] fn find_with_list_search_with_number() { let actual = nu!("[1 2 3 4 5] | find 3 | get 0"); assert_eq!(actual.out, "3"); } #[test] fn find_with_string_search_with_string() { let actual = nu!("echo Cargo.toml | find toml"); assert_eq!( actual.out, "\u{1b}[37mCargo.\u{1b}[0m\u{1b}[41;37mtoml\u{1b}[0m\u{1b}[37m\u{1b}[0m" ); } #[test] fn find_with_string_search_with_string_not_found() { let actual = nu!("[moe larry curly] | find shemp | is-empty"); assert_eq!(actual.out, "true"); } #[test] fn find_with_filepath_search_with_string() { let actual = nu!(r#"["amigos.txt","arepas.clu","los.txt","tres.txt"] | find arep | to json -r"#); assert_eq!( actual.out, "[\"\\u001b[37m\\u001b[0m\\u001b[41;37marep\\u001b[0m\\u001b[37mas.clu\\u001b[0m\"]" ); } #[test] fn find_with_filepath_search_with_multiple_patterns() { let actual = nu!(r#"["amigos.txt","arepas.clu","los.txt","tres.txt"] | find arep ami | to json -r"#); assert_eq!(actual.out, "[\"\\u001b[37m\\u001b[0m\\u001b[41;37mami\\u001b[0m\\u001b[37mgos.txt\\u001b[0m\",\"\\u001b[37m\\u001b[0m\\u001b[41;37marep\\u001b[0m\\u001b[37mas.clu\\u001b[0m\"]"); } #[test] fn find_takes_into_account_linebreaks_in_string() { let actual = nu!(r#""atest\nanothertest\nnohit\n" | find a | length"#); assert_eq!(actual.out, "2"); } #[test] fn find_with_regex_in_table_keeps_row_if_one_column_matches() { let actual = nu!( "[[name nickname]; [Maurice moe] [Laurence larry]] | find --regex ce | get name | to json -r" ); assert_eq!(actual.out, r#"["Maurice","Laurence"]"#); } #[test] fn inverted_find_with_regex_in_table_keeps_row_if_none_of_the_columns_matches() { let actual = nu!( "[[name nickname]; [Maurice moe] [Laurence larry]] | find --regex moe --invert | get name | to json -r" ); assert_eq!(actual.out, r#"["Laurence"]"#); } #[test] fn find_in_table_only_keep_rows_with_matches_on_selected_columns() { let actual = nu!( "[[name nickname]; [Maurice moe] [Laurence larry]] | find r --columns [nickname] | get name | to json -r" ); assert!(actual.out.contains("Laurence")); assert!(!actual.out.contains("Maurice")); } #[test] fn inverted_find_in_table_keeps_row_if_none_of_the_selected_columns_matches() { let actual = nu!( "[[name nickname]; [Maurice moe] [Laurence larry]] | find r --columns [nickname] --invert | get name | to json -r" ); assert_eq!(actual.out, r#"["Maurice"]"#); } #[test] fn find_in_table_keeps_row_with_single_matched_and_keeps_other_columns() { let actual = nu!("[[name nickname Age]; [Maurice moe 23] [Laurence larry 67] [William will 18]] | find Maurice"); println!("{:?}", actual.out); assert!(actual.out.contains("moe")); assert!(actual.out.contains("Maurice")); assert!(actual.out.contains("23")); } #[test] fn find_in_table_keeps_row_with_multiple_matched_and_keeps_other_columns() { let actual = nu!("[[name nickname Age]; [Maurice moe 23] [Laurence larry 67] [William will 18] [William bill 60]] | find moe William"); println!("{:?}", actual.out); assert!(actual.out.contains("moe")); assert!(actual.out.contains("Maurice")); assert!(actual.out.contains("23")); assert!(actual.out.contains("William")); assert!(actual.out.contains("will")); assert!(actual.out.contains("18")); assert!(actual.out.contains("bill")); assert!(actual.out.contains("60")); } #[test] fn find_with_string_search_with_special_char_1() { let actual = nu!("[[d]; [a?b] [a*b] [a{1}b] ] | find '?' | to json -r"); assert_eq!( actual.out, "[{\"d\":\"\\u001b[37ma\\u001b[0m\\u001b[41;37m?\\u001b[0m\\u001b[37mb\\u001b[0m\"}]" ); } #[test] fn find_with_string_search_with_special_char_2() { let actual = nu!("[[d]; [a?b] [a*b] [a{1}b]] | find '*' | to json -r"); assert_eq!( actual.out, "[{\"d\":\"\\u001b[37ma\\u001b[0m\\u001b[41;37m*\\u001b[0m\\u001b[37mb\\u001b[0m\"}]" ); } #[test] fn find_with_string_search_with_special_char_3() { let actual = nu!("[[d]; [a?b] [a*b] [a{1}b] ] | find '{1}' | to json -r"); assert_eq!( actual.out, "[{\"d\":\"\\u001b[37ma\\u001b[0m\\u001b[41;37m{1}\\u001b[0m\\u001b[37mb\\u001b[0m\"}]" ); } #[test] fn find_with_string_search_with_special_char_4() { let actual = nu!("[{d: a?b} {d: a*b} {d: a{1}b} {d: a[]b}] | find '[' | to json -r"); assert_eq!( actual.out, "[{\"d\":\"\\u001b[37ma\\u001b[0m\\u001b[41;37m[\\u001b[0m\\u001b[37m]b\\u001b[0m\"}]" ); } #[test] fn find_with_string_search_with_special_char_5() { let actual = nu!("[{d: a?b} {d: a*b} {d: a{1}b} {d: a[]b}] | find ']' | to json -r"); assert_eq!( actual.out, "[{\"d\":\"\\u001b[37ma[\\u001b[0m\\u001b[41;37m]\\u001b[0m\\u001b[37mb\\u001b[0m\"}]" ); } #[test] fn find_with_string_search_with_special_char_6() { let actual = nu!("[{d: a?b} {d: a*b} {d: a{1}b} {d: a[]b}] | find '[]' | to json -r"); assert_eq!( actual.out, "[{\"d\":\"\\u001b[37ma\\u001b[0m\\u001b[41;37m[]\\u001b[0m\\u001b[37mb\\u001b[0m\"}]" ); }