use indexmap::map::IndexMap; use nu_protocol::ast::Call; use nu_protocol::{IntoPipelineData, PipelineData, ShellError, Span, Spanned, Value}; pub fn run_with_function( call: &Call, input: PipelineData, mf: impl Fn(&[Value], &Span) -> Result, ) -> Result { let name = call.head; let res = calculate(input, name, mf); match res { Ok(v) => Ok(v.into_pipeline_data()), Err(e) => Err(e), } } fn helper_for_tables( values: &[Value], name: Span, mf: impl Fn(&[Value], &Span) -> Result, ) -> Result { // If we are not dealing with Primitives, then perhaps we are dealing with a table // Create a key for each column name let mut column_values = IndexMap::new(); for val in values { if let Value::Record { cols, vals, .. } = val { for (key, value) in cols.iter().zip(vals.iter()) { column_values .entry(key.clone()) .and_modify(|v: &mut Vec| v.push(value.clone())) .or_insert_with(|| vec![value.clone()]); } } else { //Turns out we are not dealing with a table return mf(values, &name); } } // The mathematical function operates over the columns of the table let mut column_totals = IndexMap::new(); for (col_name, col_vals) in column_values { if let Ok(out) = mf(&col_vals, &name) { column_totals.insert(col_name, out); } } if column_totals.keys().len() == 0 { return Err(ShellError::UnsupportedInput( "Unable to give a result with this input".to_string(), name, )); } Ok(Value::from(Spanned { item: column_totals, span: name, })) } pub fn calculate( values: PipelineData, name: Span, mf: impl Fn(&[Value], &Span) -> Result, ) -> Result { match values { PipelineData::Stream(s) => helper_for_tables(&s.collect::>(), name, mf), PipelineData::Value(Value::List { ref vals, .. }) => match &vals[..] { [Value::Record { .. }, _end @ ..] => helper_for_tables(vals, name, mf), _ => mf(vals, &name), }, PipelineData::Value(Value::Record { vals, cols, span }) => { let new_vals: Result, ShellError> = vals.into_iter().map(|val| mf(&[val], &name)).collect(); match new_vals { Ok(vec) => Ok(Value::Record { cols, vals: vec, span, }), Err(err) => Err(err), } } PipelineData::Value(Value::Range { val, .. }) => { let new_vals: Result, ShellError> = val .into_range_iter()? .map(|val| mf(&[val], &name)) .collect(); mf(&new_vals?, &name) } PipelineData::Value(val) => mf(&[val], &name), } }