use crate::commands::command::SinkCommandArgs; use crate::context::{SourceMap, SpanSource}; use crate::errors::ShellError; use crate::format::GenericView; use crate::prelude::*; use std::path::Path; pub fn autoview(args: SinkCommandArgs) -> Result<(), ShellError> { if args.input.len() > 0 { if let Spanned { item: Value::Binary(_), .. } = args.input[0] { args.ctx.get_sink("binaryview").run(args)?; } else if is_single_text_value(&args.input) { view_text_value(&args.input[0], &args.call_info.source_map); } else if equal_shapes(&args.input) { args.ctx.get_sink("table").run(args)?; } else { let mut host =; for i in args.input.iter() { let view = GenericView::new(&i); handle_unexpected(&mut *host, |host| crate::format::print_view(&view, host)); host.stdout(""); } } } Ok(()) } fn equal_shapes(input: &Vec>) -> bool { let mut items = input.iter(); let item = match { Some(item) => item, None => return false, }; let desc = item.data_descriptors(); for item in items { if desc != item.data_descriptors() { return false; } } true } fn is_single_text_value(input: &Vec>) -> bool { if input.len() != 1 { return false; } if let Spanned { item: Value::Primitive(Primitive::String(_)), .. } = input[0] { true } else { false } } fn scroll_view_lines(lines: Vec) { use crossterm::{cursor, input, terminal, InputEvent, KeyEvent, RawScreen}; use std::io::Write; let mut starting_row = 0; let terminal = terminal(); if let Ok(_raw) = RawScreen::into_raw_mode() { let input = input(); let cursor = cursor(); let _ = cursor.hide(); let mut sync_stdin = input.read_sync(); loop { let size = terminal.terminal_size(); let _ = terminal.clear(crossterm::ClearType::All); let _ = cursor.goto(0, 0); let mut total_max_num_lines = 0; for line in lines.iter().skip(starting_row).take(size.1 as usize) { //let pos = cursor.pos(); let stripped_line = strip_ansi_escapes::strip(&line.as_bytes()).unwrap(); let line_length = stripped_line.len(); let max_num_lines = line_length as u16 / size.0 + if (line_length as u16 % size.0) > 0 { 1 } else { 0 }; total_max_num_lines += max_num_lines; if total_max_num_lines < size.1 { print!("{}\r\n", line); } else { break; } } let _ = cursor.goto(0, size.1); print!( "{}", ansi_term::Colour::Blue.paint("[ESC to quit, arrow keys to move]") ); let _ = std::io::stdout().flush(); let event =; if let Some(key_event) = event { match key_event { InputEvent::Keyboard(k) => match k { KeyEvent::Esc => { break; } KeyEvent::Up => { if starting_row > 0 { starting_row -= 1; } } KeyEvent::Down => { if starting_row < (std::cmp::max(size.1 as usize, lines.len()) - size.1 as usize) { starting_row += 1; } } KeyEvent::PageUp => { starting_row -= std::cmp::min(starting_row, size.1 as usize); } KeyEvent::Char(c) if c == ' ' => { if starting_row < (std::cmp::max(size.1 as usize, lines.len()) - size.1 as usize) { starting_row += size.1 as usize; } } KeyEvent::PageDown => { if starting_row < (std::cmp::max(size.1 as usize, lines.len()) - size.1 as usize) { starting_row += size.1 as usize; } } _ => {} }, _ => {} } } } let _ =; } } fn scroll_view(s: &str) { let lines: Vec<_> = s.lines().map(|x| x.to_string()).collect(); scroll_view_lines(lines); } fn view_text_value(value: &Spanned, source_map: &SourceMap) { match value { Spanned { item: Value::Primitive(Primitive::String(s)), span, } => { let source =|x| source_map.get(&x)).flatten(); if let Some(source) = source { match source { SpanSource::File(file) => { let path = Path::new(file); match path.extension() { Some(extension) => { use syntect::easy::HighlightLines; use syntect::highlighting::{Style, ThemeSet}; use syntect::parsing::SyntaxSet; use syntect::util::as_24_bit_terminal_escaped; // Load these once at the start of your program let ps: SyntaxSet = syntect::dumps::from_binary(include_bytes!( "../../assets/syntaxes.bin" )); if let Some(syntax) = ps.find_syntax_by_extension(extension.to_str().unwrap()) { let ts: ThemeSet = syntect::dumps::from_binary(include_bytes!( "../../assets/themes.bin" )); let mut h = HighlightLines::new(syntax, &ts.themes["OneHalfDark"]); let mut v = vec![]; for line in s.lines() { let ranges: Vec<(Style, &str)> = h.highlight(line, &ps); let escaped = as_24_bit_terminal_escaped(&ranges[..], false); v.push(format!("{}", escaped)); } scroll_view_lines(v); } else { scroll_view(s); } } _ => { scroll_view(s); } } } _ => { scroll_view(s); } } } else { scroll_view(s); } } _ => {} } }