use nu_test_support::fs::Stub::EmptyFile; use nu_test_support::nu; use nu_test_support::playground::Playground; use rstest::rstest; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; #[test] fn empty_glob_pattern_triggers_error() { Playground::setup("glob_test_1", |dirs, sandbox| { sandbox.with_files(vec![ EmptyFile("yehuda.txt"), EmptyFile("jttxt"), EmptyFile("andres.txt"), ]); let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.test(), "glob ''", ); assert!(actual.err.contains("must not be empty")); }) } #[test] fn nonempty_glob_lists_matching_paths() { Playground::setup("glob_sanity_star", |dirs, sandbox| { sandbox.with_files(vec![ EmptyFile("yehuda.txt"), EmptyFile("jttxt"), EmptyFile("andres.txt"), ]); let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.test(), "glob '*' | length", ); assert_eq!(actual.out, "3"); }) } #[test] fn glob_subdirs() { Playground::setup("glob_subdirs", |dirs, sandbox| { sandbox.with_files(vec![ EmptyFile("yehuda.txt"), EmptyFile("jttxt"), EmptyFile("andres.txt"), ]); sandbox.mkdir("children"); sandbox.within("children").with_files(vec![ EmptyFile("timothy.txt"), EmptyFile("tiffany.txt"), EmptyFile("trish.txt"), ]); let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.test(), "glob '**/*' | length", ); assert_eq!( actual.out, "8", "count must be 8 due to 6 files and 2 folders, including the cwd" ); }) } #[test] fn glob_subdirs_ignore_dirs() { Playground::setup("glob_subdirs_ignore_directories", |dirs, sandbox| { sandbox.with_files(vec![ EmptyFile("yehuda.txt"), EmptyFile("jttxt"), EmptyFile("andres.txt"), ]); sandbox.mkdir("children"); sandbox.within("children").with_files(vec![ EmptyFile("timothy.txt"), EmptyFile("tiffany.txt"), EmptyFile("trish.txt"), ]); let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.test(), "glob '**/*' -D | length", ); assert_eq!( actual.out, "6", "directory count must be 6, ignoring the cwd and the children folders" ); }) } #[test] fn glob_ignore_files() { Playground::setup("glob_ignore_files", |dirs, sandbox| { sandbox.with_files(vec![ EmptyFile("yehuda.txt"), EmptyFile("jttxt"), EmptyFile("andres.txt"), ]); sandbox.mkdir("children"); sandbox.within("children").with_files(vec![ EmptyFile("timothy.txt"), EmptyFile("tiffany.txt"), EmptyFile("trish.txt"), ]); let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.test(), "glob '*' -F | length", ); assert_eq!( actual.out, "1", "should only find one folder; ignoring cwd, files, subfolders" ); }) } // clone of fs::create_file_at removing the parent panic, whose purpose I do not grok. pub fn create_file_at(full_path: impl AsRef<Path>) -> Result<(), std::io::Error> { let full_path = full_path.as_ref(); std::fs::write(full_path, b"fake data") } // playground has root directory and subdirectories foo and foo/bar to play with // specify all test files relative to root directory. // OK to use fwd slash in paths, they're hacked to OS dir separator when needed (windows) #[rstest] #[case(".", r#"'*z'"#, &["ablez", "baker", "charliez"], &["ablez", "charliez"], "simple glob")] #[case(".", r#"'qqq'"#, &["ablez", "baker", "charliez"], &[], "glob matches none")] #[case("foo/bar", r"'*[\]}]*'", &[r#"foo/bar/ab}le"#, "foo/bar/baker", r#"foo/bar/cha]rlie"#], &[r#"foo/bar/ab}le"#, r#"foo/bar/cha]rlie"#], "glob has quoted metachars")] #[case("foo/bar", r#"'../*'"#, &["foo/able", "foo/bar/baker", "foo/charlie"], &["foo/able", "foo/bar", "foo/charlie"], "glob matches files in parent")] #[case("foo", r#"'./{a,b}*'"#, &["foo/able", "foo/bar/baker", "foo/charlie"], &["foo/able", "foo/bar"], "glob with leading ./ matches peer files")] fn glob_files_in_parent( #[case] wd: &str, #[case] glob: &str, #[case] ini: &[&str], #[case] exp: &[&str], #[case] tag: &str, ) { Playground::setup("glob_test", |dirs, sandbox| { sandbox.within("foo").within("bar"); let working_directory = &dirs.test().join(wd); for f in ini { create_file_at(dirs.test().join(f)).expect("couldn't create file"); } let actual = nu!( cwd: working_directory, r#"glob {} | sort | str join " ""#, glob ); let mut expected: Vec<String> = vec![]; for e in exp { expected.push( dirs.test() .join(PathBuf::from(e)) // sadly, does *not" convert "foo/bar" to "foo\\bar" on Windows. .to_string_lossy() .to_string(), ); } let expected = expected .join(" ") .replace('/', std::path::MAIN_SEPARATOR_STR); assert_eq!(actual.out, expected, "\n test: {}", tag); }); }