use nu_test_support::fs::{file_contents, Stub}; use nu_test_support::playground::Playground; use nu_test_support::{nu, pipeline}; use std::io::Write; #[test] fn writes_out_csv() { Playground::setup("save_test_2", |dirs, sandbox| { sandbox.with_files(vec![]); let expected_file = dirs.test().join("cargo_sample.csv"); nu!( cwd: dirs.root(), r#"[[name, version, description, license, edition]; [nu, "0.14", "A new type of shell", "MIT", "2018"]] | save save_test_2/cargo_sample.csv"#, ); let actual = file_contents(expected_file); println!("{actual}"); assert!(actual.contains("nu,0.14,A new type of shell,MIT,2018")); }) } #[test] fn writes_out_list() { Playground::setup("save_test_3", |dirs, sandbox| { sandbox.with_files(vec![]); let expected_file = dirs.test().join("list_sample.txt"); nu!( cwd: dirs.root(), "[a b c d] | save save_test_3/list_sample.txt", ); let actual = file_contents(expected_file); println!("{actual}"); assert_eq!(actual, "a\nb\nc\nd\n") }) } #[test] fn save_append_will_create_file_if_not_exists() { Playground::setup("save_test_3", |dirs, sandbox| { sandbox.with_files(vec![]); let expected_file = dirs.test().join("new-file.txt"); nu!( cwd: dirs.root(), r#"'hello' | save --raw --append save_test_3/new-file.txt"#, ); let actual = file_contents(expected_file); println!("{actual}"); assert_eq!(actual, "hello"); }) } #[test] fn save_append_will_not_overwrite_content() { Playground::setup("save_test_4", |dirs, sandbox| { sandbox.with_files(vec![]); let expected_file = dirs.test().join("new-file.txt"); { let mut file = std::fs::File::create(&expected_file).expect("Failed to create test file"); file.write_all("hello ".as_bytes()) .expect("Failed to write to test file"); file.flush().expect("Failed to flush io") } nu!( cwd: dirs.root(), r#"'world' | save --append save_test_4/new-file.txt"#, ); let actual = file_contents(expected_file); println!("{actual}"); assert_eq!(actual, "hello world"); }) } #[test] fn save_stderr_and_stdout_to_afame_file() { Playground::setup("save_test_5", |dirs, sandbox| { sandbox.with_files(vec![]); let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.root(), r#" $env.FOO = "bar"; $env.BAZ = "ZZZ"; do -c {nu -n -c 'nu --testbin echo_env FOO; nu --testbin echo_env_stderr BAZ'} | save -r save_test_5/new-file.txt --stderr save_test_5/new-file.txt "#, ); assert!(actual .err .contains("can't save both input and stderr input to the same file")); }) } #[test] fn save_stderr_and_stdout_to_diff_file() { Playground::setup("save_test_6", |dirs, sandbox| { sandbox.with_files(vec![]); let expected_file = dirs.test().join("log.txt"); let expected_stderr_file = dirs.test().join("err.txt"); nu!( cwd: dirs.root(), r#" $env.FOO = "bar"; $env.BAZ = "ZZZ"; do -c {nu -n -c 'nu --testbin echo_env FOO; nu --testbin echo_env_stderr BAZ'} | save -r save_test_6/log.txt --stderr save_test_6/err.txt "#, ); let actual = file_contents(expected_file); assert!(actual.contains("bar")); assert!(!actual.contains("ZZZ")); let actual = file_contents(expected_stderr_file); assert!(actual.contains("ZZZ")); assert!(!actual.contains("bar")); }) } #[test] fn save_string_and_stream_as_raw() { Playground::setup("save_test_7", |dirs, sandbox| { sandbox.with_files(vec![]); let expected_file = dirs.test().join("temp.html"); nu!( cwd: dirs.root(), r#" "<!DOCTYPE html><html><body><a href=''>Example</a></body></html>" | save save_test_7/temp.html "#, ); let actual = file_contents(expected_file); assert_eq!( actual, r#"<!DOCTYPE html><html><body><a href=''>Example</a></body></html>"# ) }) } #[test] fn save_not_override_file_by_default() { Playground::setup("save_test_8", |dirs, sandbox| { sandbox.with_files(vec![Stub::EmptyFile("log.txt")]); let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.root(), r#""abcd" | save save_test_8/log.txt"# ); assert!(actual.err.contains("Destination file already exists")); }) } #[test] fn save_override_works() { Playground::setup("save_test_9", |dirs, sandbox| { sandbox.with_files(vec![Stub::EmptyFile("log.txt")]); let expected_file = dirs.test().join("log.txt"); nu!( cwd: dirs.root(), r#""abcd" | save save_test_9/log.txt -f"# ); let actual = file_contents(expected_file); assert_eq!(actual, "abcd"); }) } #[test] fn save_failure_not_overrides() { Playground::setup("save_test_10", |dirs, sandbox| { sandbox.with_files(vec![Stub::FileWithContent("result.toml", "Old content")]); let expected_file = dirs.test().join("result.toml"); nu!( cwd: dirs.root(), // Writing number to file as toml fails "3 | save save_test_10/result.toml -f" ); let actual = file_contents(expected_file); assert_eq!(actual, "Old content"); }) } #[test] fn save_append_works_on_stderr() { Playground::setup("save_test_11", |dirs, sandbox| { sandbox.with_files(vec![ Stub::FileWithContent("log.txt", "Old"), Stub::FileWithContent("err.txt", "Old Err"), ]); let expected_file = dirs.test().join("log.txt"); let expected_stderr_file = dirs.test().join("err.txt"); nu!( cwd: dirs.root(), r#" $env.FOO = " New"; $env.BAZ = " New Err"; do -i {nu -n -c 'nu --testbin echo_env FOO; nu --testbin echo_env_stderr BAZ'} | save -a -r save_test_11/log.txt --stderr save_test_11/err.txt"#, ); let actual = file_contents(expected_file); assert_eq!(actual, "Old New\n"); let actual = file_contents(expected_stderr_file); assert_eq!(actual, "Old Err New Err\n"); }) } #[test] fn save_not_overrides_err_by_default() { Playground::setup("save_test_12", |dirs, sandbox| { sandbox.with_files(vec![Stub::FileWithContent("err.txt", "Old Err")]); let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.root(), r#" $env.FOO = " New"; $env.BAZ = " New Err"; do -i {nu -n -c 'nu --testbin echo_env FOO; nu --testbin echo_env_stderr BAZ'} | save -r save_test_12/log.txt --stderr save_test_12/err.txt"#, ); assert!(actual.err.contains("Destination file already exists")); }) } #[test] fn save_override_works_stderr() { Playground::setup("save_test_13", |dirs, sandbox| { sandbox.with_files(vec![ Stub::FileWithContent("log.txt", "Old"), Stub::FileWithContent("err.txt", "Old Err"), ]); let expected_file = dirs.test().join("log.txt"); let expected_stderr_file = dirs.test().join("err.txt"); nu!( cwd: dirs.root(), r#" $env.FOO = "New"; $env.BAZ = "New Err"; do -i {nu -n -c 'nu --testbin echo_env FOO; nu --testbin echo_env_stderr BAZ'} | save -f -r save_test_13/log.txt --stderr save_test_13/err.txt"#, ); let actual = file_contents(expected_file); assert_eq!(actual, "New\n"); let actual = file_contents(expected_stderr_file); assert_eq!(actual, "New Err\n"); }) } #[test] fn save_list_stream() { Playground::setup("save_test_13", |dirs, sandbox| { sandbox.with_files(vec![]); let expected_file = dirs.test().join("list_sample.txt"); nu!( cwd: dirs.root(), "[a b c d] | each {|i| $i} | save -r save_test_13/list_sample.txt", ); let actual = file_contents(expected_file); assert_eq!(actual, "a\nb\nc\nd\n") }) } #[test] fn writes_out_range() { Playground::setup("save_test_14", |dirs, sandbox| { sandbox.with_files(vec![]); let expected_file = dirs.test().join("list_sample.json"); nu!( cwd: dirs.root(), "1..3 | save save_test_14/list_sample.json", ); let actual = file_contents(expected_file); println!("{actual}"); assert_eq!(actual, "[\n 1,\n 2,\n 3\n]") }) } // #[test] fn save_file_correct_relative_path() { Playground::setup("save_test_15", |dirs, sandbox| { sandbox.with_files(vec![Stub::FileWithContent( "", r#" export def main [] { let foo = "foo" mkdir bar cd bar 'foo!' | save $foo } "#, )]); let expected_file = dirs.test().join("bar/foo"); nu!( cwd: dirs.test(), r#"use; test"# ); let actual = file_contents(expected_file); assert_eq!(actual, "foo!"); }) } #[test] fn save_same_file_with_extension() { Playground::setup("save_test_16", |dirs, _sandbox| { let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.test(), pipeline( " echo 'world' | save --raw; open --raw | save --raw --force " ) ); assert!(actual .err .contains("pipeline input and output are the same file")); }) } #[test] fn save_same_file_with_extension_pipeline() { Playground::setup("save_test_17", |dirs, _sandbox| { let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.test(), pipeline( " echo 'world' | save --raw; open --raw | prepend 'hello' | save --raw --force " ) ); assert!(actual .err .contains("pipeline input and output are the same file")); }) } #[test] fn save_same_file_without_extension() { Playground::setup("save_test_18", |dirs, _sandbox| { let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.test(), pipeline( " echo 'world' | save hello; open hello | save --force hello " ) ); assert!(actual .err .contains("pipeline input and output are the same file")); }) } #[test] fn save_same_file_without_extension_pipeline() { Playground::setup("save_test_19", |dirs, _sandbox| { let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.test(), pipeline( " echo 'world' | save hello; open hello | prepend 'hello' | save --force hello " ) ); assert!(actual .err .contains("pipeline input and output are the same file")); }) }