use nu_errors::ShellError; use nu_protocol::{ did_you_mean, serve_plugin, CallInfo, ColumnPath, Plugin, Primitive, ReturnSuccess, ReturnValue, ShellTypeName, Signature, SyntaxShape, UntaggedValue, Value, }; use nu_source::{span_for_spanned_list, HasSpan, SpannedItem, Tagged}; use nu_value_ext::ValueExt; enum Action { SemVerAction(SemVerAction), Default, } pub enum SemVerAction { Major, Minor, Patch, } struct Inc { field: Option>, error: Option, action: Option, } impl Inc { fn new() -> Inc { Inc { field: None, error: None, action: None, } } fn apply(&self, input: &str) -> Result { let applied = match &self.action { Some(Action::SemVerAction(act_on)) => { let mut ver = match semver::Version::parse(&input) { Ok(parsed_ver) => parsed_ver, Err(_) => return Ok(UntaggedValue::string(input.to_string())), }; match act_on { SemVerAction::Major => ver.increment_major(), SemVerAction::Minor => ver.increment_minor(), SemVerAction::Patch => ver.increment_patch(), } UntaggedValue::string(ver.to_string()) } Some(Action::Default) | None => match input.parse::() { Ok(v) => UntaggedValue::string(format!("{}", v + 1)), Err(_) => UntaggedValue::string(input), }, }; Ok(applied) } fn for_semver(&mut self, part: SemVerAction) { if self.permit() { self.action = Some(Action::SemVerAction(part)); } else { self.log_error("can only apply one"); } } fn permit(&mut self) -> bool { self.action.is_none() } fn log_error(&mut self, message: &str) { self.error = Some(message.to_string()); } pub fn usage() -> &'static str { "Usage: inc field [--major|--minor|--patch]" } fn inc(&self, value: Value) -> Result { match &value.value { UntaggedValue::Primitive(Primitive::Int(i)) => { Ok(UntaggedValue::int(i + 1).into_value(value.tag())) } UntaggedValue::Primitive(Primitive::Bytes(b)) => { Ok(UntaggedValue::bytes(b + 1 as u64).into_value(value.tag())) } UntaggedValue::Primitive(Primitive::String(ref s)) => { Ok(self.apply(&s)?.into_value(value.tag())) } UntaggedValue::Table(values) => { if values.len() == 1 { Ok(UntaggedValue::Table(vec![[0].clone())?]) .into_value(value.tag())) } else { Err(ShellError::type_error( "incrementable value", value.type_name().spanned(value.span()), )) } } UntaggedValue::Row(_) => match self.field { Some(ref f) => { let fields = f.clone(); let replace_for = value.get_data_by_column_path( &f, Box::new(move |(obj_source, column_path_tried, _)| { match did_you_mean(&obj_source, &column_path_tried) { Some(suggestions) => ShellError::labeled_error( "Unknown column", format!("did you mean '{}'?", suggestions[0].1), span_for_spanned_list(fields.iter().map(|p| p.span)), ), None => ShellError::labeled_error( "Unknown column", "row does not contain this column", span_for_spanned_list(fields.iter().map(|p| p.span)), ), } }), ); let got = replace_for?; let replacement =; match value.replace_data_at_column_path( &f, replacement.value.clone().into_untagged_value(), ) { Some(v) => Ok(v), None => Err(ShellError::labeled_error( "inc could not find field to replace", "column name", value.tag(), )), } } None => Err(ShellError::untagged_runtime_error( "inc needs a field when incrementing a column in a table", )), }, _ => Err(ShellError::type_error( "incrementable value", value.type_name().spanned(value.span()), )), } } } impl Plugin for Inc { fn config(&mut self) -> Result { Ok(Signature::build("inc") .desc("Increment a value or version. Optionally use the column of a table.") .switch("major", "increment the major version (eg 1.2.1 -> 2.0.0)") .switch("minor", "increment the minor version (eg 1.2.1 -> 1.3.0)") .switch("patch", "increment the patch version (eg 1.2.1 -> 1.2.2)") .rest(SyntaxShape::ColumnPath, "the column(s) to update") .filter()) } fn begin_filter(&mut self, call_info: CallInfo) -> Result, ShellError> { if call_info.args.has("major") { self.for_semver(SemVerAction::Major); } if call_info.args.has("minor") { self.for_semver(SemVerAction::Minor); } if call_info.args.has("patch") { self.for_semver(SemVerAction::Patch); } if let Some(args) = call_info.args.positional { for arg in args { match arg { table @ Value { value: UntaggedValue::Primitive(Primitive::ColumnPath(_)), .. } => { self.field = Some(table.as_column_path()?); } value => { return Err(ShellError::type_error( "table", value.type_name().spanned(value.span()), )) } } } } if self.action.is_none() { self.action = Some(Action::Default); } match &self.error { Some(reason) => Err(ShellError::untagged_runtime_error(format!( "{}: {}", reason, Inc::usage() ))), None => Ok(vec![]), } } fn filter(&mut self, input: Value) -> Result, ShellError> { Ok(vec![ReturnSuccess::value(]) } } fn main() { serve_plugin(&mut Inc::new()); } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::{Inc, SemVerAction}; use indexmap::IndexMap; use nu_protocol::{ CallInfo, EvaluatedArgs, PathMember, ReturnSuccess, UnspannedPathMember, UntaggedValue, Value, }; use nu_protocol::{Plugin, TaggedDictBuilder}; use nu_source::{Span, Tag}; struct CallStub { positionals: Vec, flags: IndexMap, } impl CallStub { fn new() -> CallStub { CallStub { positionals: vec![], flags: indexmap::IndexMap::new(), } } fn with_long_flag(&mut self, name: &str) -> &mut Self { self.flags.insert( name.to_string(), UntaggedValue::boolean(true).into_value(Tag::unknown()), ); self } fn with_parameter(&mut self, name: &str) -> &mut Self { let fields: Vec = name .split(".") .map(|s| { UnspannedPathMember::String(s.to_string()).into_path_member(Span::unknown()) }) .collect(); self.positionals .push(UntaggedValue::column_path(fields).into_untagged_value()); self } fn create(&self) -> CallInfo { CallInfo { args: EvaluatedArgs::new(Some(self.positionals.clone()), Some(self.flags.clone())), name_tag: Tag::unknown(), } } } fn cargo_sample_record(with_version: &str) -> Value { let mut package = TaggedDictBuilder::new(Tag::unknown()); package.insert_untagged("version", UntaggedValue::string(with_version)); package.into_value() } #[test] fn inc_plugin_configuration_flags_wired() { let mut plugin = Inc::new(); let configured = plugin.config().expect("Can not configure plugin"); for action_flag in &["major", "minor", "patch"] { assert!(configured.named.get(*action_flag).is_some()); } } #[test] fn inc_plugin_accepts_major() { let mut plugin = Inc::new(); assert!(plugin .begin_filter(CallStub::new().with_long_flag("major").create()) .is_ok()); assert!(plugin.action.is_some()); } #[test] fn inc_plugin_accepts_minor() { let mut plugin = Inc::new(); assert!(plugin .begin_filter(CallStub::new().with_long_flag("minor").create()) .is_ok()); assert!(plugin.action.is_some()); } #[test] fn inc_plugin_accepts_patch() { let mut plugin = Inc::new(); assert!(plugin .begin_filter(CallStub::new().with_long_flag("patch").create()) .is_ok()); assert!(plugin.action.is_some()); } #[test] fn inc_plugin_accepts_only_one_action() { let mut plugin = Inc::new(); assert!(plugin .begin_filter( CallStub::new() .with_long_flag("major") .with_long_flag("minor") .create(), ) .is_err()); assert_eq!(plugin.error, Some("can only apply one".to_string())); } #[test] fn inc_plugin_accepts_field() { let mut plugin = Inc::new(); assert!(plugin .begin_filter(CallStub::new().with_parameter("package.version").create()) .is_ok()); assert_eq!( plugin .field .map(|f| f.iter().map(|f| f.unspanned.clone()).collect()), Some(vec![ UnspannedPathMember::String("package".to_string()), UnspannedPathMember::String("version".to_string()) ]) ); } #[test] fn incs_major() { let mut inc = Inc::new(); inc.for_semver(SemVerAction::Major); assert_eq!(inc.apply("0.1.3").unwrap(), UntaggedValue::string("1.0.0")); } #[test] fn incs_minor() { let mut inc = Inc::new(); inc.for_semver(SemVerAction::Minor); assert_eq!(inc.apply("0.1.3").unwrap(), UntaggedValue::string("0.2.0")); } #[test] fn incs_patch() { let mut inc = Inc::new(); inc.for_semver(SemVerAction::Patch); assert_eq!(inc.apply("0.1.3").unwrap(), UntaggedValue::string("0.1.4")); } #[test] fn inc_plugin_applies_major() { let mut plugin = Inc::new(); assert!(plugin .begin_filter( CallStub::new() .with_long_flag("major") .with_parameter("version") .create() ) .is_ok()); let subject = cargo_sample_record("0.1.3"); let output = plugin.filter(subject).unwrap(); match output[0].as_ref().unwrap() { ReturnSuccess::Value(Value { value: UntaggedValue::Row(o), .. }) => assert_eq!( *o.get_data(&String::from("version")).borrow(), UntaggedValue::string(String::from("1.0.0")).into_untagged_value() ), _ => {} } } #[test] fn inc_plugin_applies_minor() { let mut plugin = Inc::new(); assert!(plugin .begin_filter( CallStub::new() .with_long_flag("minor") .with_parameter("version") .create() ) .is_ok()); let subject = cargo_sample_record("0.1.3"); let output = plugin.filter(subject).unwrap(); match output[0].as_ref().unwrap() { ReturnSuccess::Value(Value { value: UntaggedValue::Row(o), .. }) => assert_eq!( *o.get_data(&String::from("version")).borrow(), UntaggedValue::string(String::from("0.2.0")).into_untagged_value() ), _ => {} } } #[test] fn inc_plugin_applies_patch() { let field = String::from("version"); let mut plugin = Inc::new(); assert!(plugin .begin_filter( CallStub::new() .with_long_flag("patch") .with_parameter(&field) .create() ) .is_ok()); let subject = cargo_sample_record("0.1.3"); let output = plugin.filter(subject).unwrap(); match output[0].as_ref().unwrap() { ReturnSuccess::Value(Value { value: UntaggedValue::Row(o), .. }) => assert_eq!( *o.get_data(&field).borrow(), UntaggedValue::string(String::from("0.1.4")).into_untagged_value() ), _ => {} } } }