use nu_test_support::{nu, nu_repl_code, playground::Playground}; // Multiple nu! calls don't persist state, so we can't store it in a function const DATABASE_INIT: &str = r#"stor open | query db "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS test_db ( name TEXT, age INTEGER, height REAL, serious BOOLEAN, created_at DATETIME, largest_file INTEGER, time_slept INTEGER, null_field TEXT, data BLOB )""#; #[test] fn data_types() { Playground::setup("empty", |_, _| { let results = nu!(nu_repl_code(&[ DATABASE_INIT, // Add row with our data types r#"stor open | query db "INSERT INTO test_db VALUES ( 'nimurod', 20, 6.0, true, date('2024-03-23T00:15:24-03:00'), 72400000, 1000000, NULL, x'68656c6c6f' )" "#, // Query our table with the row we just added to get its nushell types r#" stor open | query db "SELECT * FROM test_db" | first | values | each { describe } | str join "-" "# ])); // Assert data types match. Booleans are mapped to "numeric" due to internal SQLite representations: // // They are simply 1 or 0 in practice, but the column could contain any valid SQLite value assert_eq!( results.out, "string-int-float-int-string-int-int-nothing-binary" ); }); } #[test] fn ordered_params() { Playground::setup("empty", |_, _| { let results = nu!(nu_repl_code(&[ DATABASE_INIT, // Add row with our data types r#"(stor open | query db "INSERT INTO test_db VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)" -p [ 'nimurod', 20, 6.0, true, ('2024-03-23T00:15:24-03:00' | into datetime), 72.4mb, 1ms, null, ("hello" | into binary) ] )"#, // Query our nu values and types r#" let values = (stor open | query db "SELECT * FROM test_db" | first | values); ($values | str join '-') + "_" + ($values | each { describe } | str join '-') "# ])); assert_eq!( results.out, "nimurod-20-6-1-2024-03-23 00:15:24-03:00-72400000-1000000--[104, 101, 108, 108, 111]_\ string-int-float-int-string-int-int-nothing-binary" ); }); } #[test] fn named_params() { Playground::setup("empty", |_, _| { let results = nu!(nu_repl_code(&[ DATABASE_INIT, // Add row with our data types. query db should support all possible named parameters // @-prefixed, $-prefixed, and :-prefixed // But :prefix is the "blessed" way to do it, and as such, the only one that's // promoted to from a bare word `key: value` property in the record // In practice, users should not use @param or $param r#"(stor open | query db "INSERT INTO test_db VALUES (:name, :age, @height, $serious, :created_at, :largest_file, :time_slept, :null_field, :data)" -p { name: 'nimurod', ':age': 20, '@height': 6.0, '$serious': true, created_at: ('2024-03-23T00:15:24-03:00' | into datetime), largest_file: 72.4mb, time_slept: 1ms, null_field: null, data: ("hello" | into binary) } )"#, // Query our nu values and types r#" let values = (stor open | query db "SELECT * FROM test_db" | first | values); ($values | str join '-') + "_" + ($values | each { describe } | str join '-') "# ])); assert_eq!( results.out, "nimurod-20-6-1-2024-03-23 00:15:24-03:00-72400000-1000000--[104, 101, 108, 108, 111]_\ string-int-float-int-string-int-int-nothing-binary" ); }); }