use nu_test_support::{nu, pipeline}; #[test] fn capture_errors_works() { let actual = nu!( cwd: ".", pipeline( r#" do -c {$env.use} "# )); eprintln!("actual.err: {:?}", actual.err); assert!(actual.err.contains("column_not_found")); } #[test] fn capture_errors_works_for_external() { let actual = nu!( cwd: ".", pipeline( r#" do -c {nu --testbin fail} "# )); assert!(actual.err.contains("External command failed")); assert_eq!(actual.out, ""); } #[test] fn capture_errors_works_for_external_with_pipeline() { let actual = nu!( cwd: ".", pipeline( r#" do -c {nu --testbin fail} | echo `text` "# )); assert!(actual.err.contains("External command failed")); assert_eq!(actual.out, ""); } #[test] fn capture_errors_works_for_external_with_semicolon() { let actual = nu!( cwd: ".", pipeline( r#" do -c {nu --testbin fail}; echo `text` "# )); assert!(actual.err.contains("External command failed")); assert_eq!(actual.out, ""); } #[test] fn do_with_semicolon_break_on_failed_external() { let actual = nu!( cwd: ".", pipeline( r#" do { nu --not_exist_flag }; `text` "# )); assert_eq!(actual.out, ""); } #[test] fn ignore_shell_errors_works_for_external_with_semicolon() { let actual = nu!( cwd: ".", pipeline( r#" do -s { open asdfasdf.txt }; "text" "# )); assert_eq!(actual.err, ""); assert_eq!(actual.out, "text"); } #[test] fn ignore_program_errors_works_for_external_with_semicolon() { let actual = nu!( cwd: ".", pipeline( r#" do -p { nu -c 'exit 1' }; `text` "# )); assert_eq!(actual.err, ""); assert_eq!(actual.out, "text"); } #[test] fn ignore_error_should_work_for_external_command() { let actual = nu!(cwd: ".", pipeline( r#"do -i { nu --testbin fail asdf }; echo post"# )); assert_eq!(actual.err, ""); assert_eq!(actual.out, "post"); } #[test] #[cfg(not(windows))] fn ignore_error_with_too_much_stderr_not_hang_nushell() { use nu_test_support::fs::Stub::FileWithContent; use nu_test_support::pipeline; use nu_test_support::playground::Playground; Playground::setup("external with many stderr message", |dirs, sandbox| { let bytes: usize = 81920; let mut large_file_body = String::with_capacity(bytes); for _ in 0..bytes { large_file_body.push('a'); } sandbox.with_files(vec![FileWithContent("a_large_file.txt", &large_file_body)]); let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.test(), pipeline( r#" do -i {sh -c "cat a_large_file.txt 1>&2"} | complete | get stderr "# )); assert_eq!(actual.out, large_file_body); }) } #[test] #[cfg(not(windows))] fn ignore_error_with_too_much_stdout_not_hang_nushell() { use nu_test_support::fs::Stub::FileWithContent; use nu_test_support::pipeline; use nu_test_support::playground::Playground; Playground::setup("external with many stdout message", |dirs, sandbox| { let bytes: usize = 81920; let mut large_file_body = String::with_capacity(bytes); for _ in 0..bytes { large_file_body.push('a'); } sandbox.with_files(vec![FileWithContent("a_large_file.txt", &large_file_body)]); let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.test(), pipeline( r#" do -i {sh -c "cat a_large_file.txt"} | complete | get stdout "# )); assert_eq!(actual.out, large_file_body); }) } #[test] #[cfg(not(windows))] fn ignore_error_with_both_stdout_stderr_messages_not_hang_nushell() { use nu_test_support::fs::Stub::FileWithContent; use nu_test_support::playground::Playground; Playground::setup( "external with many stdout and stderr messages", |dirs, sandbox| { let script_body = r#" x=$(printf '=%.0s' {1..40960}) echo $x echo $x 1>&2 "#; let mut expect_body = String::new(); for _ in 0..40960 { expect_body.push('='); } sandbox.with_files(vec![FileWithContent("", script_body)]); // check for stdout let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.test(), pipeline( r#" do -i {bash} | complete | get stdout | str trim "# )); assert_eq!(actual.out, expect_body); // check for stderr let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.test(), pipeline( r#" do -i {bash} | complete | get stderr | str trim "# )); assert_eq!(actual.out, expect_body); }, ) }