use nu_test_support::nu; #[test] fn while_sum() { let actual = nu!( "mut total = 0; mut x = 0; while $x <= 10 { $total = $total + $x; $x = $x + 1 }; $total" ); assert_eq!(actual.out, "55"); } #[test] fn while_doesnt_auto_print_in_each_iteration() { let actual = nu!("mut total = 0; while $total < 2 { $total = $total + 1; echo 1 }"); // Make sure we don't see any of these values in the output // As we do not auto-print loops anymore assert!(!actual.out.contains('1')); } #[test] fn while_break_on_external_failed() { let actual = nu!("mut total = 0; while $total < 2 { $total = $total + 1; print 1; nu --testbin fail }"); // Note: nu! macro auto replace "\n" and "\r\n" with "" // so our output will be `1` assert_eq!(actual.out, "1"); } #[test] fn failed_while_should_break_running() { let actual = nu!("mut total = 0; while $total < 2 { $total = $total + 1; nu --testbin fail }; print 3"); assert!(!actual.out.contains('3')); }