def error-fmt [] { $"(ansi red)($in)(ansi reset)" } def throw-error [error: string, msg: string, span: record] { error make { msg: ($error | error-fmt) label: { text: $msg start: $span.start end: $span.end } } } def module-not-found-error [span: record] { throw-error "std::help::module_not_found" "module not found" $span } def alias-not-found-error [span: record] { throw-error "std::help::alias_not_found" "alias not found" $span } def extern-not-found-error [span: record] { throw-error "std::help::extern_not_found" "extern not found" $span } def operator-not-found-error [span: record] { throw-error "std::help::operator_not_found" "operator not found" $span } def command-not-found-error [span: record] { throw-error "std::help::command_not_found" "command not found" $span } def get-all-operators [] { return [ [type, operator, name, description, precedence]; [Assignment, =, Assign, "Assigns a value to a variable.", 10] [Assignment, +=, PlusAssign, "Adds a value to a variable.", 10] [Assignment, ++=, AppendAssign, "Appends a list or a value to a variable.", 10] [Assignment, -=, MinusAssign, "Subtracts a value from a variable.", 10] [Assignment, *=, MultiplyAssign, "Multiplies a variable by a value.", 10] [Assignment, /=, DivideAssign, "Divides a variable by a value.", 10] [Comparison, ==, Equal, "Checks if two values are equal.", 80] [Comparison, !=, NotEqual, "Checks if two values are not equal.", 80] [Comparison, <, LessThan, "Checks if a value is less than another.", 80] [Comparison, <=, LessThanOrEqual, "Checks if a value is less than or equal to another.", 80] [Comparison, >, GreaterThan, "Checks if a value is greater than another.", 80] [Comparison, >=, GreaterThanOrEqual, "Checks if a value is greater than or equal to another.", 80] [Comparison, =~, RegexMatch, "Checks if a value matches a regular expression.", 80] [Comparison, !~, NotRegexMatch, "Checks if a value does not match a regular expression.", 80] [Comparison, in, In, "Checks if a value is in a list or string.", 80] [Comparison, not-in, NotIn, "Checks if a value is not in a list or string.", 80] [Comparison, starts-with, StartsWith, "Checks if a string starts with another.", 80] [Comparison, ends-with, EndsWith, "Checks if a string ends with another.", 80] [Comparison, not, UnaryNot, "Negates a value or expression.", 0] [Math, +, Plus, "Adds two values.", 90] [Math, ++, Append, "Appends two lists or a list and a value.", 80] [Math, -, Minus, "Subtracts two values.", 90] [Math, *, Multiply, "Multiplies two values.", 95] [Math, /, Divide, "Divides two values.", 95] [Math, //, FloorDivision, "Divides two values and floors the result.", 95] [Math, mod, Modulo, "Divides two values and returns the remainder.", 95] [Math, **, "Pow ", "Raises one value to the power of another.", 100] [Bitwise, bit-or, BitOr, "Performs a bitwise OR on two values.", 60] [Bitwise, bit-xor, BitXor, "Performs a bitwise XOR on two values.", 70] [Bitwise, bit-and, BitAnd, "Performs a bitwise AND on two values.", 75] [Bitwise, bit-shl, ShiftLeft, "Shifts a value left by another.", 85] [Bitwise, bit-shr, ShiftRight, "Shifts a value right by another.", 85] [Boolean, and, And, "Checks if two values are true.", 50] [Boolean, or, Or, "Checks if either value is true.", 40] [Boolean, xor, Xor, "Checks if one value is true and the other is false.", 45] ]} def "nu-complete list-aliases" [] { $nu.scope.aliases | select name usage | rename value description } def "nu-complete list-modules" [] { $nu.scope.modules | select name usage | rename value description } def "nu-complete list-operators" [] { let completions = ( get-all-operators | select name description | rename value description ) $completions } def "nu-complete list-commands" [] { $nu.scope.commands | select name usage | rename value description } def "nu-complete list-externs" [] { $nu.scope.commands | where is_extern | select name usage | rename value description } def print-help-header [ text: string --no-newline (-n): bool ] { let header = $"(ansi green)($text)(ansi reset):" if $no_newline { print -n $header } else { print $header } } def show-module [module: record] { if not ($module.usage? | is-empty) { print $module.usage print "" } print-help-header -n "Module" print $" ($" print "" if not ($module.commands? | is-empty) { print-help-header "Exported commands" print -n " " let commands_string = ( $module.commands | each {|command| $"($command) (char lparen)($ ($command)(char rparen)" } | str join ", " ) print $commands_string print "" } if not ($module.aliases? | is-empty) { print-help-header "Exported aliases" print $" ($module.aliases | str join ', ')" print "" } if ($module.env_block? | is-empty) { print $"This module (ansi cyan)does not export(ansi reset) environment." } else { print $"This module (ansi cyan)exports(ansi reset) environment." print (view source $module.env_block) } } # Show help on nushell modules. # # When requesting help for a single module, its commands and aliases will be highlighted if they # are also available in the current scope. Commands/aliases that were imported under a different name # (such as with a prefix after `use some-module`) will be highlighted in parentheses. # # Examples: # > let us define some example modules to play with # > ```nushell # > # my foo module # > module foo { # > def bar [] { "foo::bar" } # > export def baz [] { "foo::baz" } # > # > export-env { # > let-env FOO = "foo::FOO" # > } # > } # > # > # my bar module # > module bar { # > def bar [] { "bar::bar" } # > export def baz [] { "bar::baz" } # > # > export-env { # > let-env BAR = "bar::BAR" # > } # > } # > # > # my baz module # > module baz { # > def foo [] { "baz::foo" } # > export def bar [] { "baz::bar" } # > # > export-env { # > let-env BAZ = "baz::BAZ" # > } # > } # > ``` # # show all aliases # > help modules # ╭───┬──────┬──────────┬────────────────┬──────────────┬───────────────╮ # │ # │ name │ commands │ aliases │ env_block │ usage │ # ├───┼──────┼──────────┼────────────────┼──────────────┼───────────────┤ # │ 0 │ bar │ [baz] │ [list 0 items] │ │ my bar module │ # │ 1 │ baz │ [bar] │ [list 0 items] │ │ my baz module │ # │ 2 │ foo │ [baz] │ [list 0 items] │ │ my foo module │ # ╰───┴──────┴──────────┴────────────────┴──────────────┴───────────────╯ # # search for string in module names # > help modules --find ba # ╭───┬──────┬─────────────┬────────────────┬──────────────┬───────────────╮ # │ # │ name │ commands │ aliases │ env_block │ usage │ # ├───┼──────┼─────────────┼────────────────┼──────────────┼───────────────┤ # │ 0 │ bar │ ╭───┬─────╮ │ [list 0 items] │ │ my bar module │ # │ │ │ │ 0 │ baz │ │ │ │ │ # │ │ │ ╰───┴─────╯ │ │ │ │ # │ 1 │ baz │ ╭───┬─────╮ │ [list 0 items] │ │ my baz module │ # │ │ │ │ 0 │ bar │ │ │ │ │ # │ │ │ ╰───┴─────╯ │ │ │ │ # ╰───┴──────┴─────────────┴────────────────┴──────────────┴───────────────╯ # # search help for single module # > help modules foo # my foo module # # Module: foo # # Exported commands: # baz [foo baz] # # This module exports environment. # { # let-env FOO = "foo::FOO" # } # # search for a module that does not exist # > help modules "does not exist" # Error: # × std::help::module_not_found # ╭─[entry #21:1:1] # 1 │ help modules "does not exist" # · ────────┬─────── # · ╰── module not found # ╰──── export def modules [ ...module: string@"nu-complete list-modules" # the name of module to get help on --find (-f): string # string to find in module names ] { let modules = $nu.scope.modules if not ($find | is-empty) { $modules | find $find --columns [name usage] } else if not ($module | is-empty) { let found_module = ($modules | where name == ($module | str join " ")) if ($found_module | is-empty) { module-not-found-error (metadata $module | get span) } show-module ($found_module | get 0) " " # signal something was shown } else { $modules } } def show-alias [alias: record] { if not ($alias.usage? | is-empty) { print $alias.usage print "" } print-help-header -n "Alias" print $" ($" print "" print-help-header "Expansion" print $" ($alias.expansion)" } # Show help on nushell aliases. # # Examples: # > let us define a bunch of aliases # > ```nushell # > # my foo alias # > alias foo = echo "this is foo" # > # > # my bar alias # > alias bar = echo "this is bar" # > # > # my baz alias # > alias baz = echo "this is baz" # > # > # a multiline alias # > alias multi = echo "this # > is # > a # > multiline # > string" # > ``` # # show all aliases # > help aliases # ╭───┬───────┬────────────────────┬───────────────────╮ # │ # │ name │ expansion │ usage │ # ├───┼───────┼────────────────────┼───────────────────┤ # │ 0 │ bar │ echo "this is bar" │ my bar alias │ # │ 1 │ baz │ echo "this is baz" │ my baz alias │ # │ 2 │ foo │ echo "this is foo" │ my foo alias │ # │ 3 │ multi │ echo "this │ a multiline alias │ # │ │ │ is │ │ # │ │ │ a │ │ # │ │ │ multiline │ │ # │ │ │ string" │ │ # ╰───┴───────┴────────────────────┴───────────────────╯ # # search for string in alias names # > help aliases --find ba # ╭───┬──────┬────────────────────┬──────────────╮ # │ # │ name │ expansion │ usage │ # ├───┼──────┼────────────────────┼──────────────┤ # │ 0 │ bar │ echo "this is bar" │ my bar alias │ # │ 1 │ baz │ echo "this is baz" │ my baz alias │ # ╰───┴──────┴────────────────────┴──────────────╯ # # search help for single alias # > help aliases multi # a multiline alias # # Alias: multi # # Expansion: # echo "this # is # a # multiline # string" # # search for an alias that does not exist # > help aliases "does not exist" # Error: # × std::help::alias_not_found # ╭─[entry #21:1:1] # 1 │ help aliases "does not exist" # · ────────┬─────── # · ╰── alias not found # ╰──── export def aliases [ ...alias: string@"nu-complete list-aliases" # the name of alias to get help on --find (-f): string # string to find in alias names ] { let aliases = ($nu.scope.aliases | sort-by name) if not ($find | is-empty) { $aliases | find $find --columns [name usage] } else if not ($alias | is-empty) { let found_alias = ($aliases | where name == ($alias | str join " ")) if ($found_alias | is-empty) { alias-not-found-error (metadata $alias | get span) } show-alias ($found_alias | get 0) " " # signal something was shown } else { $aliases } } def show-extern [extern: record] { if not ($extern.usage? | is-empty) { print $extern.usage print "" } print-help-header -n "Extern" print $" ($" } # Show help on nushell externs. export def externs [ ...extern: string@"nu-complete list-externs" # the name of extern to get help on --find (-f): string # string to find in extern names ] { let externs = ( $nu.scope.commands | where is_extern | select name module_name usage | sort-by name | str trim ) if not ($find | is-empty) { $externs | find $find --columns [name usage] } else if not ($extern | is-empty) { let found_extern = ($externs | where name == ($extern | str join " ")) if ($found_extern | is-empty) { extern-not-found-error (metadata $extern | get span) } show-extern ($found_extern | get 0) " " # signal something was shown } else { $externs } } def show-operator [operator: record] { print-help-header "Description" print $" ($operator.description)" print "" print-help-header -n "Operator" print ($" ($ (char lparen)(ansi cyan_bold)($operator.operator)(ansi reset)(char rparen)") print-help-header -n "Type" print $" ($operator.type)" print-help-header -n "Precedence" print $" ($operator.precedence)" } # Show help on nushell operators. # # Examples: # search for string in operators names # > help operators --find Bit # ╭───┬─────────┬──────────┬────────┬───────────────────────────────────────┬────────────╮ # │ # │ type │ operator │ name │ description │ precedence │ # ├───┼─────────┼──────────┼────────┼───────────────────────────────────────┼────────────┤ # │ 0 │ Bitwise │ bit-and │ BitAnd │ Performs a bitwise AND on two values. │ 75 │ # │ 1 │ Bitwise │ bit-or │ BitOr │ Performs a bitwise OR on two values. │ 60 │ # │ 2 │ Bitwise │ bit-xor │ BitXor │ Performs a bitwise XOR on two values. │ 70 │ # ╰───┴─────────┴──────────┴────────┴───────────────────────────────────────┴────────────╯ # # search help for single operator # > help operators NotRegexMatch # Description: # Checks if a value does not match a regular expression. # # Operator: NotRegexMatch (!~) # Type: Comparison # Precedence: 80 # # search for an operator that does not exist # > help operator "does not exist" # Error: # × std::help::operator_not_found # ╭─[entry #21:1:1] # 1 │ help operator "does not exist" # · ────────┬─────── # · ╰── operator not found # ╰──── export def operators [ ...operator: string@"nu-complete list-operators" # the name of operator to get help on --find (-f): string # string to find in operator names ] { let operators = (get-all-operators) if not ($find | is-empty) { $operators | find $find --columns [type name] } else if not ($operator | is-empty) { let found_operator = ($operators | where name == ($operator | str join " ")) if ($found_operator | is-empty) { operator-not-found-error (metadata $operator | get span) } show-operator ($found_operator | get 0) " " # signal something was shown } else { $operators } } def show-command [command: record] { if not ($command.usage? | is-empty) { print $command.usage } if not ($command.extra_usage? | is-empty) { print "" print $command.extra_usage } if not ($command.search_terms? | is-empty) { print "" print-help-header -n "Search terms" print $" ($command.search_terms)" } if not ($command.module_name? | is-empty) { print "" print-help-header -n "Module" print $" ($command.module_name)" } if not ($command.category? | is-empty) { print "" print-help-header -n "Category" print $" ($command.category)" } print "" print "This command:" if ($command.creates_scope) { print $"- (ansi cyan)does create(ansi reset) a scope." } else { print $"- (ansi cyan)does not create(ansi reset) a scope." } if ($command.is_builtin) { print $"- (ansi cyan)is(ansi reset) a built-in command." } else { print $"- (ansi cyan)is not(ansi reset) a built-in command." } if ($command.is_sub) { print $"- (ansi cyan)is(ansi reset) a subcommand." } else { print $"- (ansi cyan)is not(ansi reset) a subcommand." } if ($command.is_plugin) { print $"- (ansi cyan)is part(ansi reset) of a plugin." } else { print $"- (ansi cyan)is not part(ansi reset) of a plugin." } if ($command.is_custom) { print $"- (ansi cyan)is(ansi reset) a custom command." } else { print $"- (ansi cyan)is not(ansi reset) a custom command." } if ($command.is_keyword) { print $"- (ansi cyan)is(ansi reset) a keyword." } else { print $"- (ansi cyan)is not(ansi reset) a keyword." } let signatures = ($command.signatures | transpose | get column1) if not ($signatures | is-empty) { let parameters = ($signatures | get 0 | where parameter_type != input and parameter_type != output) let positionals = ($parameters | where parameter_type == positional and parameter_type != rest) let flags = ($parameters | where parameter_type != positional and parameter_type != rest) print "" print-help-header "Usage" print -n " > " print -n $"($ " if not ($flags | is-empty) { print -n $"{flags} " } for param in $positionals { print -n $"<($param.parameter_name)> " } print "" } let subcommands = ($nu.scope.commands | where name =~ $"^($ " | select name usage) if not ($subcommands | is-empty) { print "" print-help-header "Subcommands" for subcommand in $subcommands { print $" (ansi teal)($ reset) - ($subcommand.usage)" } } if not ($signatures | is-empty) { let parameters = ($signatures | get 0 | where parameter_type != input and parameter_type != output) let positionals = ($parameters | where parameter_type == positional and parameter_type != rest) let flags = ($parameters | where parameter_type != positional and parameter_type != rest) let is_rest = (not ($parameters | where parameter_type == rest | is-empty)) print "" print-help-header "Flags" for flag in $flags { let flag_parts = [ " ", (if ($flag.short_flag | is-empty) { "" } else { $"-(ansi teal)($flag.short_flag)(ansi reset), " }), (if ($flag.parameter_name | is-empty) { "" } else { $"--(ansi teal)($flag.parameter_name)(ansi reset)" }), (if ($flag.syntax_shape | is-empty) { "" } else { $": <(ansi light_blue)($flag.syntax_shape)(ansi reset)>" }), (if ($flag.description | is-empty) { "" } else { $" - ($flag.description)" }), (if ($flag.parameter_default | is-empty) { "" } else { $" \(default: ($flag.parameter_default)\)" }), ] print ($flag_parts | str join "") } print $" (ansi teal)-h(ansi reset), --(ansi teal)help(ansi reset) - Display the help message for this command" print "" print-help-header "Signatures" for signature in $signatures { let input = ($signature | where parameter_type == input | get 0) let output = ($signature | where parameter_type == output | get 0) print -n $" <($input.syntax_shape)> | ($" for positional in $positionals { print -n $" <($positional.syntax_shape)>" } print $" -> <($output.syntax_shape)>" } if (not ($positionals | is-empty)) or $is_rest { print "" print-help-header "Parameters" for positional in $positionals { let arg_parts = [ " ", $"(ansi teal)($positional.parameter_name)(ansi reset)", (if ($positional.syntax_shape | is-empty) { "" } else { $": <(ansi light_blue)($positional.syntax_shape)(ansi reset)>" }), (if ($positional.description | is-empty) { "" } else { $" ($positional.description)" }), (if ($positional.parameter_default | is-empty) { "" } else { $" \(optional, default: ($positional.parameter_default)\)" }) ] print ($arg_parts | str join "") } if $is_rest { let rest = ($parameters | where parameter_type == rest | get 0) print $" ...(ansi teal)rest(ansi reset): <(ansi light_blue)($rest.syntax_shape)(ansi reset)> ($rest.description)" } } } if not ($command.examples | is-empty) { print "" print-help-header -n "Examples" for example in $command.examples { print "" print $" ($example.description)" print $" > ($example.example | nu-highlight)" if not ($example.result | is-empty) { for line in ( $example.result | table | if ($example.result | describe) == "binary" { str join } else { lines } ) { print $" ($line)" } } } } print "" } # Show help on commands. export def commands [ ...command: string@"nu-complete list-commands" # the name of command to get help on --find (-f): string # string to find in command names and usage ] { let commands = ($nu.scope.commands | where not is_extern | reject is_extern | sort-by name) if not ($find | is-empty) { # TODO: impl find for external commands $commands | find $find --columns [name usage search_terms] | select name category usage signatures search_terms } else if not ($command | is-empty) { let target_command = ($command | str join " ") let found_command = ($commands | where name == $target_command) if ($found_command | is-empty) { try { print $"(ansi default_italic)Help pages from external command ($target_command | pretty-cmd):(ansi reset)" ^($env.NU_HELPER? | default "man") $target_command } catch { command-not-found-error (metadata $command | get span) } } show-command ($found_command | get 0) " " # signal something was shown } else { $commands | select name category usage signatures search_terms } } def pretty-cmd [] { let cmd = $in $"(ansi default_dimmed)(ansi default_italic)($cmd)(ansi reset)" } # Display help information about different parts of Nushell. # # `help word` searches for "word" in commands, aliases and modules, in that order. # # Examples: # show help for single command, alias, or module # > help match # # show help for single sub-command, alias, or module # > help str lpad # # search for string in command names, usage and search terms # > help --find char export def main [ ...item: string # the name of the help item to get help on --find (-f): string # string to find in help items names and usage ] { if ($item | is-empty) and ($find | is-empty) { print $"Welcome to Nushell. Here are some tips to help you get started. * ('help -h' | pretty-cmd) or ('help help' | pretty-cmd) - show available ('help' | pretty-cmd) subcommands and examples * ('help commands' | pretty-cmd) - list all available commands * ('help ' | pretty-cmd) - display help about a particular command, alias, or module * ('help --find ' | pretty-cmd) - search through all help commands table Nushell works on the idea of a "(ansi default_italic)pipeline(ansi reset)". Pipelines are commands connected with the '|' character. Each stage in the pipeline works together to load, parse, and display information to you. (ansi green)Examples(ansi reset): List the files in the current directory, sorted by size > ('ls | sort-by size' | nu-highlight) Get information about the current system > ('sys | get host' | nu-highlight) Get the processes on your system actively using CPU > ('ps | where cpu > 0' | nu-highlight) You can also learn more at (ansi default_italic)(ansi light_cyan_underline) reset)" return } let target_item = ($item | str join " ") let commands = (try { commands $target_item --find $find }) if not ($commands | is-empty) { return $commands } let aliases = (try { aliases $target_item --find $find }) if not ($aliases | is-empty) { return $aliases } let modules = (try { modules $target_item --find $find }) if not ($modules | is-empty) { return $modules } let span = (metadata $item | get span) error make { msg: ("std::help::item_not_found" | error-fmt) label: { text: "item not found" start: $span.start end: $span.end } } }