use crate::repl::tests::{fail_test, run_test, TestResult};
use rstest::rstest;

fn concrete_variable_assignment() -> TestResult {
        "let x = (1..100 | each { |y| $y + 100 }); let y = ($x | length); $x | length",

fn proper_shadow() -> TestResult {
    run_test("let x = 10; let x = $x + 9; $x", "19")

fn in_variable_1() -> TestResult {
    run_test(r#"[3] | if $in.0 > 4 { "yay!" } else { "boo" }"#, "boo")

fn in_variable_2() -> TestResult {
    run_test(r#"3 | if $in > 2 { "yay!" } else { "boo" }"#, "yay!")

fn in_variable_3() -> TestResult {
    run_test(r#"3 | if $in > 4 { "yay!" } else { $in }"#, "3")

fn in_variable_4() -> TestResult {
    run_test(r#"3 | do { $in }"#, "3")

fn in_variable_5() -> TestResult {
    run_test(r#"3 | if $in > 2 { $in - 10 } else { $in * 10 }"#, "-7")

fn in_variable_6() -> TestResult {
    run_test(r#"3 | if $in > 6 { $in - 10 } else { $in * 10 }"#, "30")

fn in_and_if_else() -> TestResult {
        r#"[1, 2, 3] | if false {} else if true { $in | length }"#,

fn in_with_closure() -> TestResult {
    // Can use $in twice
    run_test(r#"3 | do { let x = $in; let y = $in; $x + $y }"#, "6")

fn in_with_custom_command() -> TestResult {
    // Can use $in twice
        r#"def foo [] { let x = $in; let y = $in; $x + $y }; 3 | foo"#,

fn in_used_twice_and_also_in_pipeline() -> TestResult {
        r#"3 | do { let x = $in; let y = $in; $x + $y | $in * 4 }"#,

// #13441
fn in_used_in_range_from() -> TestResult {
    run_test(r#"6 | $in..10 | math sum"#, "40")
fn in_used_in_range_to() -> TestResult {
    run_test(r#"6 | 3..$in | math sum"#, "18")

fn help_works_with_missing_requirements() -> TestResult {
    run_test(r#"each --help | lines | length"#, "72")

#[case("let x = 3", "$x", "int", "3")]
#[case("const x = 3", "$x", "int", "3")]
fn scope_variable(
    #[case] var_decl: &str,
    #[case] exp_name: &str,
    #[case] exp_type: &str,
    #[case] exp_value: &str,
) -> TestResult {
    let get_var_info =
        format!(r#"{var_decl}; scope variables | where name == "{exp_name}" | first"#);
    run_test(&format!(r#"{get_var_info} | get type"#), exp_type)?;
    run_test(&format!(r#"{get_var_info} | get value"#), exp_value)

#[case("a", "<> nothing")]
#[case("b", "<1.23> float")]
#[case("flag1", "<> nothing")]
#[case("flag2", "<4.56> float")]
fn scope_command_defaults(#[case] var: &str, #[case] exp_result: &str) -> TestResult {
            r#"def t1 [a:int b?:float=1.23 --flag1:string --flag2:float=4.56] {{ true }};
            let rslt = (scope commands | where name == 't1' | get signatures.0.any | where parameter_name == '{var}' | get parameter_default.0);
            $"<($rslt)> ($rslt | describe)""#

fn earlier_errors() -> TestResult {
        r#"[1, "bob"] | each { |it| $it + 3 } | each { |it| $it / $it } | table"#,

fn missing_flags_are_nothing() -> TestResult {
        r#"def foo [--aaa(-a): int, --bbb(-b): int] { (if $aaa == null { 10 } else { $aaa }) + (if $bbb == null { 100 } else { $bbb }) }; foo"#,

fn missing_flags_are_nothing2() -> TestResult {
        r#"def foo [--aaa(-a): int, --bbb(-b): int] { (if $aaa == null { 10 } else { $aaa }) + (if $bbb == null { 100 } else { $bbb }) }; foo -a 90"#,

fn missing_flags_are_nothing3() -> TestResult {
        r#"def foo [--aaa(-a): int, --bbb(-b): int] { (if $aaa == null { 10 } else { $aaa }) + (if $bbb == null { 100 } else { $bbb }) }; foo -b 45"#,

fn missing_flags_are_nothing4() -> TestResult {
        r#"def foo [--aaa(-a): int, --bbb(-b): int] { (if $aaa == null { 10 } else { $aaa }) + (if $bbb == null { 100 } else { $bbb }) }; foo -a 3 -b 10000"#,

fn proper_variable_captures() -> TestResult {
        r#"def foo [x] { let y = 100; { || $y + $x } }; do (foo 23)"#,

fn proper_variable_captures_with_calls() -> TestResult {
        r#"def foo [] { let y = 60; def bar [] { $y }; {|| bar } }; do (foo)"#,

fn proper_variable_captures_with_nesting() -> TestResult {
        r#"def foo [x] { let z = 100; def bar [y] { $y - $x + $z } ; { |z| bar $z } }; do (foo 11) 13"#,

fn divide_duration() -> TestResult {
    run_test(r#"4ms / 4ms"#, "1")

fn divide_filesize() -> TestResult {
    run_test(r#"4mb / 4mb"#, "1")

fn date_comparison() -> TestResult {
    run_test(r#"(date now) < ((date now) + 2min)"#, "true")

fn let_sees_input() -> TestResult {
        r#"def c [] { let x = (str length); $x }; "hello world" | c"#,

fn let_sees_in_variable() -> TestResult {
        r#"def c [] { let x = $; $x | str length }; {name: bob, size: 100 } | c"#,

fn let_sees_in_variable2() -> TestResult {
        r#"def c [] { let x = ($in | str length); $x }; 'bob' | c"#,

fn def_env() -> TestResult {
        r#"def --env bob [] { $env.BAR = "BAZ" }; bob; $env.BAR"#,

fn not_def_env() -> TestResult {
    fail_test(r#"def bob [] { $env.BAR = "BAZ" }; bob; $env.BAR"#, "")

fn def_env_hiding_something() -> TestResult {
        r#"$env.FOO = "foo"; def --env bob [] { hide-env FOO }; bob; $env.FOO"#,

fn def_env_then_hide() -> TestResult {
        r#"def --env bob [] { $env.BOB = "bob" }; def --env un-bob [] { hide-env BOB }; bob; un-bob; $env.BOB"#,

fn export_def_env() -> TestResult {
        r#"module foo { export def --env bob [] { $env.BAR = "BAZ" } }; use foo bob; bob; $env.BAR"#,

fn dynamic_load_env() -> TestResult {
    run_test(r#"let x = "FOO"; load-env {$x: "BAZ"}; $env.FOO"#, "BAZ")

fn reduce_spans() -> TestResult {
        r#"let x = ([1, 2, 3] | reduce --fold 0 { $it.item + 2 * $it.acc }); error make {msg: "oh that hurts", label: {text: "right here", start: (metadata $x).span.start, end: (metadata $x).span.end } }"#,
        "right here",

fn with_env_shorthand_nested_quotes() -> TestResult {
        r#"FOO='-arg "hello world"' echo $env | get FOO"#,
        "-arg \"hello world\"",

fn test_redirection_stderr() -> TestResult {
    // try a nonsense binary
    run_test(r#"do -i { asdjw4j5cnaabw44rd }; echo done"#, "done")

fn datetime_literal() -> TestResult {
    run_test(r#"(date now) - 2019-08-23 > 1hr"#, "true")

fn shortcircuiting_and() -> TestResult {
    run_test(r#"false and (5 / 0; false)"#, "false")

fn shortcircuiting_or() -> TestResult {
    run_test(r#"true or (5 / 0; false)"#, "true")

fn nonshortcircuiting_xor() -> TestResult {
    run_test(r#"true xor (print "hello"; false) | ignore"#, "hello")

fn open_ended_range() -> TestResult {
    run_test(r#"1.. | first 100000 | length"#, "100000")

fn default_value1() -> TestResult {
    run_test(r#"def foo [x = 3] { $x }; foo"#, "3")

fn default_value2() -> TestResult {
    run_test(r#"def foo [x: int = 3] { $x }; foo"#, "3")

fn default_value3() -> TestResult {
    run_test(r#"def foo [--x = 3] { $x }; foo"#, "3")

fn default_value4() -> TestResult {
    run_test(r#"def foo [--x: int = 3] { $x }; foo"#, "3")

fn default_value5() -> TestResult {
    run_test(r#"def foo [x = 3] { $x }; foo 10"#, "10")

fn default_value6() -> TestResult {
    run_test(r#"def foo [x: int = 3] { $x }; foo 10"#, "10")

fn default_value7() -> TestResult {
    run_test(r#"def foo [--x = 3] { $x }; foo --x 10"#, "10")

fn default_value8() -> TestResult {
    run_test(r#"def foo [--x: int = 3] { $x }; foo --x 10"#, "10")

fn default_value9() -> TestResult {
    fail_test(r#"def foo [--x = 3] { $x }; foo --x a"#, "expected int")

fn default_value10() -> TestResult {
    fail_test(r#"def foo [x = 3] { $x }; foo a"#, "expected int")

fn default_value11() -> TestResult {
        r#"def foo [x = 3, y] { $x }; foo a"#,
        "after optional parameter",

fn default_value12() -> TestResult {
        r#"def foo [--x:int = "a"] { $x }"#,
        "expected default value to be `int`",

fn default_value_constant1() -> TestResult {
    run_test(r#"def foo [x = "foo"] { $x }; foo"#, "foo")

fn default_value_constant2() -> TestResult {
    run_test(r#"def foo [secs = 1sec] { $secs }; foo"#, "1sec")

fn default_value_constant3() -> TestResult {
    run_test(r#"def foo [x = ("foo" | str length)] { $x }; foo"#, "3")

fn default_value_not_constant2() -> TestResult {
        r#"def foo [x = (loop { break })] { $x }; foo"#,
        "expected a constant",

fn loose_each() -> TestResult {
        r#"[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]] | each {|| $in.1 } | math sum"#,

fn in_means_input() -> TestResult {
    run_test(r#"def shl [] { $in * 2 }; 2 | shl"#, "4")

fn in_iteration() -> TestResult {
        r#"[3, 4, 5] | each {|| echo $"hi ($in)" } | str join"#,
        "hi 3hi 4hi 5",

fn reusable_in() -> TestResult {
        r#"[1, 2, 3, 4] | take (($in | length) - 1) | math sum"#,

fn better_operator_spans() -> TestResult {
        r#"metadata ({foo: 10} | (20 - $ | get span | $in.start < $in.end"#,

fn range_right_exclusive() -> TestResult {
    run_test(r#"[1, 4, 5, 8, 9] | range 1..<3 | math sum"#, "9")

/// Issue #7872
fn assignment_to_in_var_no_panic() -> TestResult {
    fail_test(r#"$in = 3"#, "needs to be a mutable variable")

fn assignment_to_env_no_panic() -> TestResult {
    fail_test(r#"$env = 3"#, "cannot_replace_env")

fn short_flags() -> TestResult {
        r#"def foobar [-a: int, -b: string, -c: string] { echo $'($a) ($c) ($b)' }; foobar -b "balh balh" -a 1543  -c "FALSE123""#,
        "1543 FALSE123 balh balh",

fn short_flags_1() -> TestResult {
        r#"def foobar [-a: string, -b: string, -s: int] { if ( $s == 0 ) { echo $'($b)($a)' }}; foobar -a test -b case -s 0  "#,

fn short_flags_2() -> TestResult {
        r#"def foobar [-a: int, -b: string, -c: int] { $a + $c };foobar -b "balh balh" -a 10  -c 1 "#,