# Streaming Plugin Example

Crate with a simple example of the `StreamingPlugin` trait that needs to be implemented
in order to create a binary that can be registered into nushell declaration list

## `stream_example seq`

This command demonstrates generating list streams. It generates numbers from the first argument
to the second argument just like the builtin `seq` command does.


> ```nushell
> stream_example seq 1 10
> ```

    [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10]

> ```nushell
> stream_example seq 1 10 | describe
> ```

    list<int> (stream)

## `stream_example sum`

This command demonstrates consuming list streams. It consumes a stream of numbers and calculates the
sum just like the builtin `math sum` command does.


> ```nushell
> seq 1 5 | stream_example sum
> ```


## `stream_example collect-external`

This command demonstrates transforming streams into external streams. The list (or stream) of
strings on input will be concatenated into an external stream (raw input) on stdout.

> ```nushell
> [Hello "\n" world how are you] | stream_example collect-external
> ````
