# path parse Convert a path into structured data. Each path is split into a table with 'parent', 'stem' and 'extension' fields. On Windows, an extra 'prefix' column is added. ## Usage ```shell > path parse ...args {flags} ``` ## Parameters * ...args: Optionally operate by column path ## Flags * -h, --help: Display this help message * -e, --extension : Manually supply the extension (without the dot) ## Examples Parse a path ```shell > echo '/home/viking/spam.txt' | path parse ``` Replace a complex extension ```shell > echo '/home/viking/spam.tar.gz' | path parse -e tar.gz | update extension { 'txt' } ``` Ignore the extension ```shell > echo '/etc/conf.d' | path parse -e '' ``` Parse all paths under the 'name' column ```shell > ls | path parse name ```