disable_table_indexes = false header_align = "l" header_color = "c" header_bold = true nonzero_exit_errors = true startup = ["alias la [path] {ls --full $path}", "alias nudown [] {fetch https://api.github.com/repos/nushell/nushell/releases | get assets | select name download_count}"] table_mode = "other" plugin_dirs = ["D:\\Src\\GitHub\\nu-plugin-lib\\samples\\Nu.Plugin.Len\\bin\\Debug\\netcoreapp3.1"] pivot_mode = "auto" ctrlc_exit = false complete_from_path = true rm_always_trash = true use_starship = false prompt = "echo [ $(ansi gb) $(pwd) $(ansi reset) \"(\" $(ansi cb) $(do -i { git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD | trim }) $(ansi reset) \")\" $(char newline) $(ansi yb) $(date --format \"%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S%.3f %p\" --raw) $(ansi reset) \"> \" ] | str collect" [line_editor] max_history_size = 100000 history_duplicates = "alwaysadd" # alwaysadd,ignoreconsecutive history_ignore_space = true completion_type = "circular" # circular, list, fuzzy completion_prompt_limit = 1 keyseq_timeout_ms = 500 # ms edit_mode = "vi" # vi, emacs auto_add_history = true bell_style = "audible" # audible, none, visible color_mode = "enabled" # enabled, forced, disabled tab_stop = 4 [textview] term_width = "default" tab_width = 4 colored_output = true true_color = true header = true line_numbers = true grid = false vcs_modification_markers = true snip = true wrapping_mode = "NoWrapping" use_italics = true paging_mode = "QuitIfOneScreen" pager = "less" theme = "TwoDark" # To add path and env do this # > config set path $nu.path # > config set env $nu.env