use nu_test_support::fs::Stub::EmptyFile; use nu_test_support::playground::Playground; use nu_test_support::{nu, pipeline}; #[test] fn lists_regular_files() { Playground::setup("ls_test_1", |dirs, sandbox| { sandbox.with_files(&[ EmptyFile("yehuda.txt"), EmptyFile("jttxt"), EmptyFile("andres.txt"), ]); let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.test(), pipeline( " ls | length " )); assert_eq!(actual.out, "3"); }) } #[test] fn lists_regular_files_using_asterisk_wildcard() { Playground::setup("ls_test_2", |dirs, sandbox| { sandbox.with_files(&[ EmptyFile("los.txt"), EmptyFile("tres.txt"), EmptyFile("amigos.txt"), EmptyFile("arepas.clu"), ]); let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.test(), pipeline( " ls *.txt | length " )); assert_eq!(actual.out, "3"); }) } #[cfg(not(target_os = "windows"))] #[test] fn lists_regular_files_in_special_folder() { Playground::setup("ls_test_3", |dirs, sandbox| { sandbox .mkdir("[abcd]") .mkdir("[bbcd]") .mkdir("abcd]") .mkdir("abcd") .mkdir("abcd/*") .mkdir("abcd/?") .with_files(&[EmptyFile("[abcd]/test.txt")]) .with_files(&[EmptyFile("abcd]/test.txt")]) .with_files(&[EmptyFile("abcd/*/test.txt")]) .with_files(&[EmptyFile("abcd/?/test.txt")]) .with_files(&[EmptyFile("abcd/?/test2.txt")]); let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.test().join("abcd]"), format!(r#"ls | length"#)); assert_eq!(actual.out, "1"); let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.test(), format!(r#"ls abcd] | length"#)); assert_eq!(actual.out, "1"); let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.test().join("[abcd]"), format!(r#"ls | length"#)); assert_eq!(actual.out, "1"); let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.test().join("[bbcd]"), format!(r#"ls | length"#)); assert_eq!(actual.out, "0"); let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.test().join("abcd/*"), format!(r#"ls | length"#)); assert_eq!(actual.out, "1"); let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.test().join("abcd/?"), format!(r#"ls | length"#)); assert_eq!(actual.out, "2"); let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.test().join("abcd/*"), format!(r#"ls -D ../* | length"#)); assert_eq!(actual.out, "2"); let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.test().join("abcd/*"), format!(r#"ls ../* | length"#)); assert_eq!(actual.out, "2"); let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.test().join("abcd/?"), format!(r#"ls -D ../* | length"#)); assert_eq!(actual.out, "2"); let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.test().join("abcd/?"), format!(r#"ls ../* | length"#)); assert_eq!(actual.out, "2"); }) } #[rstest::rstest] #[case("j?.??.txt", 1)] #[case("j????.txt", 2)] #[case("?????.txt", 3)] #[case("????c.txt", 1)] #[case("ye??da.10.txt", 1)] #[case("yehuda.?0.txt", 1)] #[case("??????.10.txt", 2)] #[case("[abcd]????.txt", 1)] #[case("??[ac.]??.txt", 3)] #[case("[ab]bcd/??.txt", 2)] #[case("?bcd/[xy]y.txt", 2)] #[case("?bcd/[xy]y.t?t", 2)] #[case("[[]abcd[]].txt", 1)] #[case("[[]?bcd[]].txt", 2)] #[case("??bcd[]].txt", 2)] #[case("??bcd].txt", 2)] #[case("[[]?bcd].txt", 2)] #[case("[[]abcd].txt", 1)] #[case("[[][abcd]bcd[]].txt", 2)] #[case("'[abcd].txt'", 1)] #[case("'[bbcd].txt'", 1)] fn lists_regular_files_using_question_mark(#[case] command: &str, #[case] expected: usize) { Playground::setup("ls_test_3", |dirs, sandbox| { sandbox.mkdir("abcd").mkdir("bbcd").with_files(&[ EmptyFile("abcd/xy.txt"), EmptyFile("bbcd/yy.txt"), EmptyFile("[abcd].txt"), EmptyFile("[bbcd].txt"), EmptyFile("yehuda.10.txt"), EmptyFile("jt.10.txt"), EmptyFile("jtabc.txt"), EmptyFile("abcde.txt"), EmptyFile("andres.10.txt"), EmptyFile("chicken_not_to_be_picked_up.100.txt"), ]); let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.test(), format!(r#"ls {command} | length"#)); assert_eq!(actual.out, expected.to_string()); }) } #[test] fn lists_regular_files_using_question_mark_wildcard() { Playground::setup("ls_test_3", |dirs, sandbox| { sandbox.with_files(&[ EmptyFile("yehuda.10.txt"), EmptyFile("jt.10.txt"), EmptyFile("andres.10.txt"), EmptyFile("chicken_not_to_be_picked_up.100.txt"), ]); let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.test(), pipeline( " ls *.??.txt | length " )); assert_eq!(actual.out, "3"); }) } #[test] fn lists_all_files_in_directories_from_stream() { Playground::setup("ls_test_4", |dirs, sandbox| { sandbox .with_files(&[EmptyFile("root1.txt"), EmptyFile("root2.txt")]) .within("dir_a") .with_files(&[EmptyFile("yehuda.10.txt"), EmptyFile("jt10.txt")]) .within("dir_b") .with_files(&[ EmptyFile("andres.10.txt"), EmptyFile("chicken_not_to_be_picked_up.100.txt"), ]); let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.test(), pipeline( " echo dir_a dir_b | each { |it| ls $it } | flatten | length " )); assert_eq!(actual.out, "4"); }) } #[test] fn does_not_fail_if_glob_matches_empty_directory() { Playground::setup("ls_test_5", |dirs, sandbox| { sandbox.within("dir_a"); let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.test(), pipeline( " ls dir_a | length " )); assert_eq!(actual.out, "0"); }) } #[test] fn fails_when_glob_doesnt_match() { Playground::setup("ls_test_5", |dirs, sandbox| { sandbox.with_files(&[EmptyFile("root1.txt"), EmptyFile("root2.txt")]); let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.test(), "ls root3*" ); assert!(actual.err.contains("no matches found")); }) } #[test] fn list_files_from_two_parents_up_using_multiple_dots() { Playground::setup("ls_test_6", |dirs, sandbox| { sandbox.with_files(&[ EmptyFile("yahuda.yaml"), EmptyFile("jtjson"), EmptyFile("andres.xml"), EmptyFile("kevin.txt"), ]); sandbox.within("foo").mkdir("bar"); let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.test().join("foo/bar"), " ls ... | length " ); assert_eq!(actual.out, "5"); let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.test().join("foo/bar"), r#"ls ... | sort-by name | get name.0 | str replace -a '\' '/'"# ); assert_eq!(actual.out, "../../andres.xml"); }) } #[test] fn lists_hidden_file_when_explicitly_specified() { Playground::setup("ls_test_7", |dirs, sandbox| { sandbox.with_files(&[ EmptyFile("los.txt"), EmptyFile("tres.txt"), EmptyFile("amigos.txt"), EmptyFile("arepas.clu"), EmptyFile(".testdotfile"), ]); let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.test(), pipeline( " ls .testdotfile | length " )); assert_eq!(actual.out, "1"); }) } #[test] fn lists_all_hidden_files_when_glob_contains_dot() { Playground::setup("ls_test_8", |dirs, sandbox| { sandbox .with_files(&[ EmptyFile("root1.txt"), EmptyFile("root2.txt"), EmptyFile(".dotfile1"), ]) .within("dir_a") .with_files(&[ EmptyFile("yehuda.10.txt"), EmptyFile("jt10.txt"), EmptyFile(".dotfile2"), ]) .within("dir_b") .with_files(&[ EmptyFile("andres.10.txt"), EmptyFile("chicken_not_to_be_picked_up.100.txt"), EmptyFile(".dotfile3"), ]); let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.test(), pipeline( " ls **/.* | length " )); assert_eq!(actual.out, "3"); }) } #[test] // TODO Remove this cfg value when we have an OS-agnostic way // of creating hidden files using the playground. #[cfg(unix)] fn lists_all_hidden_files_when_glob_does_not_contain_dot() { Playground::setup("ls_test_8", |dirs, sandbox| { sandbox .with_files(&[ EmptyFile("root1.txt"), EmptyFile("root2.txt"), EmptyFile(".dotfile1"), ]) .within("dir_a") .with_files(&[ EmptyFile("yehuda.10.txt"), EmptyFile("jt10.txt"), EmptyFile(".dotfile2"), ]) .within(".dir_b") .with_files(&[ EmptyFile("andres.10.txt"), EmptyFile("chicken_not_to_be_picked_up.100.txt"), EmptyFile(".dotfile3"), ]); let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.test(), pipeline( " ls **/* | length " )); assert_eq!(actual.out, "5"); }) } #[test] // TODO Remove this cfg value when we have an OS-agnostic way // of creating hidden files using the playground. #[cfg(unix)] fn glob_with_hidden_directory() { Playground::setup("ls_test_8", |dirs, sandbox| { sandbox.within(".dir_b").with_files(&[ EmptyFile("andres.10.txt"), EmptyFile("chicken_not_to_be_picked_up.100.txt"), EmptyFile(".dotfile3"), ]); let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.test(), pipeline( " ls **/* | length " )); assert_eq!(actual.out, ""); assert!(actual.err.contains("No matches found")); // will list files if provide `-a` flag. let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.test(), pipeline( " ls -a **/* | length " )); assert_eq!(actual.out, "4"); }) } #[test] #[cfg(unix)] fn fails_with_ls_to_dir_without_permission() { Playground::setup("ls_test_1", |dirs, sandbox| { sandbox .within("dir_a") .with_files(&[EmptyFile("yehuda.11.txt"), EmptyFile("jt10.txt")]); let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.test(), pipeline( " chmod 000 dir_a; ls dir_a " )); let check_not_root = nu!( cwd: dirs.test(), pipeline( " id -u " )); assert!( actual .err .contains("The permissions of 0 do not allow access for this user") || check_not_root.out == "0" ); }) } #[test] fn lists_files_including_starting_with_dot() { Playground::setup("ls_test_9", |dirs, sandbox| { sandbox.with_files(&[ EmptyFile("yehuda.txt"), EmptyFile("jttxt"), EmptyFile("andres.txt"), EmptyFile(".hidden1.txt"), EmptyFile(".hidden2.txt"), ]); let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.test(), pipeline( " ls -a | length " )); assert_eq!(actual.out, "5"); }) } #[test] fn list_all_columns() { Playground::setup("ls_test_all_columns", |dirs, sandbox| { sandbox.with_files(&[ EmptyFile("Leonardo.yaml"), EmptyFile("Raphael.json"), EmptyFile("Donatello.xml"), EmptyFile("Michelangelo.txt"), ]); // Normal Operation let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.test(), "ls | columns | to md" ); let expected = ["name", "type", "size", "modified"].join(""); assert_eq!(actual.out, expected, "column names are incorrect for ls"); // Long let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.test(), "ls -l | columns | to md" ); let expected = { #[cfg(unix)] { [ "name", "type", "target", "readonly", "mode", "num_links", "inode", "user", "group", "size", "created", "accessed", "modified", ] .join("") } #[cfg(windows)] { [ "name", "type", "target", "readonly", "size", "created", "accessed", "modified", ] .join("") } }; assert_eq!( actual.out, expected, "column names are incorrect for ls long" ); }); } #[test] fn lists_with_directory_flag() { Playground::setup("ls_test_flag_directory_1", |dirs, sandbox| { sandbox .within("dir_files") .with_files(&[EmptyFile("nushell.json")]) .within("dir_empty"); let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.test(), pipeline( r#" cd dir_empty; ['.' '././.' '..' '../dir_files' '../dir_files/*'] | each { |it| ls --directory ($it | into glob) } | flatten | get name | to text "# )); let expected = [".", ".", "..", "../dir_files", "../dir_files/nushell.json"].join(""); #[cfg(windows)] let expected = expected.replace('/', "\\"); assert_eq!( actual.out, expected, "column names are incorrect for ls --directory (-D)" ); }); } #[test] fn lists_with_directory_flag_without_argument() { Playground::setup("ls_test_flag_directory_2", |dirs, sandbox| { sandbox .within("dir_files") .with_files(&[EmptyFile("nushell.json")]) .within("dir_empty"); // Test if there are some files in the current directory let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.test(), pipeline( " cd dir_files; ls --directory | get name | to text " )); let expected = "."; assert_eq!( actual.out, expected, "column names are incorrect for ls --directory (-D)" ); // Test if there is no file in the current directory let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.test(), pipeline( " cd dir_empty; ls -D | get name | to text " )); let expected = "."; assert_eq!( actual.out, expected, "column names are incorrect for ls --directory (-D)" ); }); } /// Rust's fs::metadata function is unable to read info for certain system files on Windows, /// like the `C:\Windows\System32\Configuration` folder. /// This test confirms that Nu can work around this successfully. #[test] #[cfg(windows)] fn can_list_system_folder() { // the awkward `ls Configuration* | where name == "Configuration"` thing is for speed; // listing the entire System32 folder is slow and `ls Configuration*` alone // might return more than 1 file someday let file_type = nu!( cwd: "C:\\Windows\\System32", pipeline( r#"ls Configuration* | where name == "Configuration" | get type.0"# )); assert_eq!(file_type.out, "dir"); let file_size = nu!( cwd: "C:\\Windows\\System32", pipeline( r#"ls Configuration* | where name == "Configuration" | get size.0"# )); assert_ne!(file_size.out.trim(), ""); let file_modified = nu!( cwd: "C:\\Windows\\System32", pipeline( r#"ls Configuration* | where name == "Configuration" | get modified.0"# )); assert_ne!(file_modified.out.trim(), ""); let file_accessed = nu!( cwd: "C:\\Windows\\System32", pipeline( r#"ls -l Configuration* | where name == "Configuration" | get accessed.0"# )); assert_ne!(file_accessed.out.trim(), ""); let file_created = nu!( cwd: "C:\\Windows\\System32", pipeline( r#"ls -l Configuration* | where name == "Configuration" | get created.0"# )); assert_ne!(file_created.out.trim(), ""); let ls_with_filter = nu!( cwd: "C:\\Windows\\System32", pipeline( "ls | where size > 10mb" )); assert_eq!(ls_with_filter.err, ""); } #[test] fn list_a_directory_not_exists() { Playground::setup("ls_test_directory_not_exists", |dirs, _sandbox| { let actual = nu!(cwd: dirs.test(), "ls a_directory_not_exists"); assert!(actual.err.contains("directory not found")); }) } #[cfg(any(target_os = "linux", target_os = "freebsd"))] #[test] fn list_directory_contains_invalid_utf8() { use std::ffi::OsStr; use std::os::unix::ffi::OsStrExt; Playground::setup( "ls_test_directory_contains_invalid_utf8", |dirs, _sandbox| { let v: [u8; 4] = [7, 196, 144, 188]; let s = OsStr::from_bytes(&v); let cwd = dirs.test(); let path = cwd.join(s); std::fs::create_dir_all(path).expect("failed to create directory"); let actual = nu!(cwd: cwd, "ls"); assert!(actual.out.contains("warning: get non-utf8 filename")); assert!(actual.err.contains("No matches found for")); }, ) } #[test] fn list_ignores_ansi() { Playground::setup("ls_test_ansi", |dirs, sandbox| { sandbox.with_files(&[ EmptyFile("los.txt"), EmptyFile("tres.txt"), EmptyFile("amigos.txt"), EmptyFile("arepas.clu"), ]); let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.test(), pipeline( " ls | find .txt | each {|| ls $ } " )); assert!(actual.err.is_empty()); }) } #[test] fn list_unknown_flag() { let actual = nu!("ls -r"); assert!(actual .err .contains("Available flags: --help(-h), --all(-a),")); } #[test] fn list_flag_false() { // Check that ls flags respect explicit values Playground::setup("ls_test_false_flag", |dirs, sandbox| { sandbox.with_files(&[ EmptyFile(".hidden"), EmptyFile("normal"), EmptyFile("another_normal"), ]); // TODO Remove this cfg value when we have an OS-agnostic way // of creating hidden files using the playground. #[cfg(unix)] { let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.test(), pipeline( " ls --all=false | length " )); assert_eq!(actual.out, "2"); } let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.test(), pipeline( " ls --long=false | columns | length " )); assert_eq!(actual.out, "4"); let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.test(), pipeline( " ls --full-paths=false | get name | any { $in =~ / } " )); assert_eq!(actual.out, "false"); }) } #[test] fn list_empty_string() { Playground::setup("ls_empty_string", |dirs, sandbox| { sandbox.with_files(&[EmptyFile("yehuda.txt")]); let actual = nu!(cwd: dirs.test(), "ls ''"); assert!(actual.err.contains("does not exist")); }) } #[test] fn list_with_tilde() { Playground::setup("ls_tilde", |dirs, sandbox| { sandbox .within("~tilde") .with_files(&[EmptyFile("f1.txt"), EmptyFile("f2.txt")]); let actual = nu!(cwd: dirs.test(), "ls '~tilde'"); assert!(actual.out.contains("f1.txt")); assert!(actual.out.contains("f2.txt")); assert!(actual.out.contains("~tilde")); let actual = nu!(cwd: dirs.test(), "ls ~tilde"); assert!(actual.err.contains("does not exist")); // pass variable let actual = nu!(cwd: dirs.test(), "let f = '~tilde'; ls $f"); assert!(actual.out.contains("f1.txt")); assert!(actual.out.contains("f2.txt")); assert!(actual.out.contains("~tilde")); }) } #[test] fn list_with_multiple_path() { Playground::setup("ls_multiple_path", |dirs, sandbox| { sandbox.with_files(&[ EmptyFile("f1.txt"), EmptyFile("f2.txt"), EmptyFile("f3.txt"), ]); let actual = nu!(cwd: dirs.test(), "ls f1.txt f2.txt"); assert!(actual.out.contains("f1.txt")); assert!(actual.out.contains("f2.txt")); assert!(!actual.out.contains("f3.txt")); assert!(actual.status.success()); // report errors if one path not exists let actual = nu!(cwd: dirs.test(), "ls asdf f1.txt"); assert!(actual.err.contains("directory not found")); assert!(!actual.status.success()); // ls with spreading empty list should returns nothing. let actual = nu!(cwd: dirs.test(), "ls ...[] | length"); assert_eq!(actual.out, "0"); }) } #[test] fn list_inside_glob_metachars_dir() { Playground::setup("list_files_inside_glob_metachars_dir", |dirs, sandbox| { let sub_dir = "test[]"; sandbox .within(sub_dir) .with_files(&[EmptyFile("test_file.txt")]); let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.test().join(sub_dir), "ls test_file.txt | get name.0 | path basename", ); assert!(actual.out.contains("test_file.txt")); }); } #[test] fn list_inside_tilde_glob_metachars_dir() { Playground::setup( "list_files_inside_tilde_glob_metachars_dir", |dirs, sandbox| { let sub_dir = "~test[]"; sandbox .within(sub_dir) .with_files(&[EmptyFile("test_file.txt")]); // need getname.0 | path basename because the output path // might be too long to output as a single line. let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.test().join(sub_dir), "ls test_file.txt | get name.0 | path basename", ); assert!(actual.out.contains("test_file.txt")); let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.test(), "ls '~test[]' | get name.0 | path basename" ); assert!(actual.out.contains("test_file.txt")); }, ); } #[test] fn list_symlink_with_full_path() { Playground::setup("list_symlink_with_full_path", |dirs, sandbox| { sandbox.with_files(&[EmptyFile("test_file.txt")]); #[cfg(unix)] let _ = std::os::unix::fs::symlink("test_file.txt", dirs.test().join("test_link1")); #[cfg(windows)] let _ = std::os::windows::fs::symlink_file("test_file.txt", dirs.test().join("test_link1")); let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.test(), "ls -l test_link1 | get target.0" ); assert_eq!(actual.out, "test_file.txt"); let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.test(), "ls -lf test_link1 | get target.0" ); assert_eq!( actual.out, dirs.test().join("test_file.txt").to_string_lossy() ); }) } #[test] fn consistent_list_order() { Playground::setup("ls_test_order", |dirs, sandbox| { sandbox.with_files(&[ EmptyFile("los.txt"), EmptyFile("tres.txt"), EmptyFile("amigos.txt"), EmptyFile("arepas.clu"), ]); let no_arg = nu!( cwd: dirs.test(), pipeline( "ls" )); let with_arg = nu!( cwd: dirs.test(), pipeline( "ls ." )); assert_eq!(no_arg.out, with_arg.out); }) }