use log::trace; use nu_ansi_term::Style; use nu_color_config::{get_matching_brackets_style, get_shape_color}; use nu_engine::env; use nu_parser::{flatten_block, parse, FlatShape}; use nu_protocol::{ ast::{Block, Expr, Expression, PipelineRedirection, RecordItem}, engine::{EngineState, Stack, StateWorkingSet}, Span, }; use reedline::{Highlighter, StyledText}; use std::sync::Arc; pub struct NuHighlighter { pub engine_state: Arc, pub stack: Arc, } impl Highlighter for NuHighlighter { fn highlight(&self, line: &str, _cursor: usize) -> StyledText { trace!("highlighting: {}", line); let config = self.stack.get_config(&self.engine_state); let highlight_resolved_externals = config.highlight_resolved_externals; let mut working_set = StateWorkingSet::new(&self.engine_state); let block = parse(&mut working_set, None, line.as_bytes(), false); let (shapes, global_span_offset) = { let mut shapes = flatten_block(&working_set, &block); // Highlighting externals has a config point because of concerns that using which to resolve // externals may slow down things too much. if highlight_resolved_externals { for (span, shape) in shapes.iter_mut() { if *shape == FlatShape::External { let str_contents = working_set.get_span_contents(Span::new(span.start, span.end)); let str_word = String::from_utf8_lossy(str_contents).to_string(); let paths = env::path_str(&self.engine_state, &self.stack, *span).ok(); #[allow(deprecated)] let res = if let Ok(cwd) = env::current_dir_str(&self.engine_state, &self.stack) { which::which_in(str_word, paths.as_ref(), cwd).ok() } else { which::which_in_global(str_word, paths.as_ref()) .ok() .and_then(|mut i| }; if res.is_some() { *shape = FlatShape::ExternalResolved; } } } } (shapes, self.engine_state.next_span_start()) }; let mut output = StyledText::default(); let mut last_seen_span = global_span_offset; let global_cursor_offset = _cursor + global_span_offset; let matching_brackets_pos = find_matching_brackets( line, &working_set, &block, global_span_offset, global_cursor_offset, ); for shape in &shapes { if shape.0.end <= last_seen_span || last_seen_span < global_span_offset || shape.0.start < global_span_offset { // We've already output something for this span // so just skip this one continue; } if shape.0.start > last_seen_span { let gap = line [(last_seen_span - global_span_offset)..(shape.0.start - global_span_offset)] .to_string(); output.push((Style::new(), gap)); } let next_token = line [(shape.0.start - global_span_offset)..(shape.0.end - global_span_offset)] .to_string(); let mut add_colored_token = |shape: &FlatShape, text: String| { output.push((get_shape_color(shape.as_str(), &config), text)); }; match shape.1 { FlatShape::Garbage => add_colored_token(&shape.1, next_token), FlatShape::Nothing => add_colored_token(&shape.1, next_token), FlatShape::Binary => add_colored_token(&shape.1, next_token), FlatShape::Bool => add_colored_token(&shape.1, next_token), FlatShape::Int => add_colored_token(&shape.1, next_token), FlatShape::Float => add_colored_token(&shape.1, next_token), FlatShape::Range => add_colored_token(&shape.1, next_token), FlatShape::InternalCall(_) => add_colored_token(&shape.1, next_token), FlatShape::External => add_colored_token(&shape.1, next_token), FlatShape::ExternalArg => add_colored_token(&shape.1, next_token), FlatShape::ExternalResolved => add_colored_token(&shape.1, next_token), FlatShape::Keyword => add_colored_token(&shape.1, next_token), FlatShape::Literal => add_colored_token(&shape.1, next_token), FlatShape::Operator => add_colored_token(&shape.1, next_token), FlatShape::Signature => add_colored_token(&shape.1, next_token), FlatShape::String => add_colored_token(&shape.1, next_token), FlatShape::RawString => add_colored_token(&shape.1, next_token), FlatShape::StringInterpolation => add_colored_token(&shape.1, next_token), FlatShape::DateTime => add_colored_token(&shape.1, next_token), FlatShape::List | FlatShape::Table | FlatShape::Record | FlatShape::Block | FlatShape::Closure => { let span = shape.0; let shape = &shape.1; let spans = split_span_by_highlight_positions( line, span, &matching_brackets_pos, global_span_offset, ); for (part, highlight) in spans { let start = part.start - span.start; let end = part.end - span.start; let text = next_token[start..end].to_string(); let mut style = get_shape_color(shape.as_str(), &config); if highlight { style = get_matching_brackets_style(style, &config); } output.push((style, text)); } } FlatShape::Filepath => add_colored_token(&shape.1, next_token), FlatShape::Directory => add_colored_token(&shape.1, next_token), FlatShape::GlobInterpolation => add_colored_token(&shape.1, next_token), FlatShape::GlobPattern => add_colored_token(&shape.1, next_token), FlatShape::Variable(_) | FlatShape::VarDecl(_) => { add_colored_token(&shape.1, next_token) } FlatShape::Flag => add_colored_token(&shape.1, next_token), FlatShape::Pipe => add_colored_token(&shape.1, next_token), FlatShape::Redirection => add_colored_token(&shape.1, next_token), FlatShape::Custom(..) => add_colored_token(&shape.1, next_token), FlatShape::MatchPattern => add_colored_token(&shape.1, next_token), } last_seen_span = shape.0.end; } let remainder = line[(last_seen_span - global_span_offset)..].to_string(); if !remainder.is_empty() { output.push((Style::new(), remainder)); } output } } fn split_span_by_highlight_positions( line: &str, span: Span, highlight_positions: &[usize], global_span_offset: usize, ) -> Vec<(Span, bool)> { let mut start = span.start; let mut result: Vec<(Span, bool)> = Vec::new(); for pos in highlight_positions { if start <= *pos && pos < &span.end { if start < *pos { result.push((Span::new(start, *pos), false)); } let span_str = &line[pos - global_span_offset..span.end - global_span_offset]; let end = span_str .chars() .next() .map(|c| pos + get_char_length(c)) .unwrap_or(pos + 1); result.push((Span::new(*pos, end), true)); start = end; } } if start < span.end { result.push((Span::new(start, span.end), false)); } result } fn find_matching_brackets( line: &str, working_set: &StateWorkingSet, block: &Block, global_span_offset: usize, global_cursor_offset: usize, ) -> Vec { const BRACKETS: &str = "{}[]()"; // calculate first bracket position let global_end_offset = line.len() + global_span_offset; let global_bracket_pos = if global_cursor_offset == global_end_offset && global_end_offset > global_span_offset { // cursor is at the end of a non-empty string -- find block end at the previous position if let Some(last_char) = line.chars().last() { global_cursor_offset - get_char_length(last_char) } else { global_cursor_offset } } else { // cursor is in the middle of a string -- find block end at the current position global_cursor_offset }; // check that position contains bracket let match_idx = global_bracket_pos - global_span_offset; if match_idx >= line.len() || !BRACKETS.contains(get_char_at_index(line, match_idx).unwrap_or_default()) { return Vec::new(); } // find matching bracket by finding matching block end let matching_block_end = find_matching_block_end_in_block( line, working_set, block, global_span_offset, global_bracket_pos, ); if let Some(pos) = matching_block_end { let matching_idx = pos - global_span_offset; if BRACKETS.contains(get_char_at_index(line, matching_idx).unwrap_or_default()) { return if global_bracket_pos < pos { vec![global_bracket_pos, pos] } else { vec![pos, global_bracket_pos] }; } } Vec::new() } fn find_matching_block_end_in_block( line: &str, working_set: &StateWorkingSet, block: &Block, global_span_offset: usize, global_cursor_offset: usize, ) -> Option { for p in &block.pipelines { for e in &p.elements { if e.expr.span.contains(global_cursor_offset) { if let Some(pos) = find_matching_block_end_in_expr( line, working_set, &e.expr, global_span_offset, global_cursor_offset, ) { return Some(pos); } } if let Some(redirection) = e.redirection.as_ref() { match redirection { PipelineRedirection::Single { target, .. } | PipelineRedirection::Separate { out: target, .. } | PipelineRedirection::Separate { err: target, .. } if target.span().contains(global_cursor_offset) => { if let Some(pos) = target.expr().and_then(|expr| { find_matching_block_end_in_expr( line, working_set, expr, global_span_offset, global_cursor_offset, ) }) { return Some(pos); } } _ => {} } } } } None } fn find_matching_block_end_in_expr( line: &str, working_set: &StateWorkingSet, expression: &Expression, global_span_offset: usize, global_cursor_offset: usize, ) -> Option { if expression.span.contains(global_cursor_offset) && expression.span.start >= global_span_offset { let expr_first = expression.span.start; let span_str = &line [expression.span.start - global_span_offset..expression.span.end - global_span_offset]; let expr_last = span_str .chars() .last() .map(|c| expression.span.end - get_char_length(c)) .unwrap_or(expression.span.start); return match &expression.expr { Expr::Bool(_) => None, Expr::Int(_) => None, Expr::Float(_) => None, Expr::Binary(_) => None, Expr::Range(..) => None, Expr::Var(_) => None, Expr::VarDecl(_) => None, Expr::ExternalCall(..) => None, Expr::Operator(_) => None, Expr::UnaryNot(_) => None, Expr::Keyword(..) => None, Expr::ValueWithUnit(..) => None, Expr::DateTime(_) => None, Expr::Filepath(_, _) => None, Expr::Directory(_, _) => None, Expr::GlobPattern(_, _) => None, Expr::String(_) => None, Expr::RawString(_) => None, Expr::CellPath(_) => None, Expr::ImportPattern(_) => None, Expr::Overlay(_) => None, Expr::Signature(_) => None, Expr::MatchBlock(_) => None, Expr::Nothing => None, Expr::Garbage => None, Expr::Table(table) => { if expr_last == global_cursor_offset { // cursor is at table end Some(expr_first) } else if expr_first == global_cursor_offset { // cursor is at table start Some(expr_last) } else { // cursor is inside table table .columns .iter() .chain(table.rows.iter().flat_map(AsRef::as_ref)) .find_map(|expr| { find_matching_block_end_in_expr( line, working_set, expr, global_span_offset, global_cursor_offset, ) }) } } Expr::Record(exprs) => { if expr_last == global_cursor_offset { // cursor is at record end Some(expr_first) } else if expr_first == global_cursor_offset { // cursor is at record start Some(expr_last) } else { // cursor is inside record exprs.iter().find_map(|expr| match expr { RecordItem::Pair(k, v) => find_matching_block_end_in_expr( line, working_set, k, global_span_offset, global_cursor_offset, ) .or_else(|| { find_matching_block_end_in_expr( line, working_set, v, global_span_offset, global_cursor_offset, ) }), RecordItem::Spread(_, record) => find_matching_block_end_in_expr( line, working_set, record, global_span_offset, global_cursor_offset, ), }) } } Expr::Call(call) => call.arguments.iter().find_map(|arg| { arg.expr().and_then(|expr| { find_matching_block_end_in_expr( line, working_set, expr, global_span_offset, global_cursor_offset, ) }) }), Expr::FullCellPath(b) => find_matching_block_end_in_expr( line, working_set, &b.head, global_span_offset, global_cursor_offset, ), Expr::BinaryOp(lhs, op, rhs) => [lhs, op, rhs].into_iter().find_map(|expr| { find_matching_block_end_in_expr( line, working_set, expr, global_span_offset, global_cursor_offset, ) }), Expr::Collect(_, expr) => find_matching_block_end_in_expr( line, working_set, expr, global_span_offset, global_cursor_offset, ), Expr::Block(block_id) | Expr::Closure(block_id) | Expr::RowCondition(block_id) | Expr::Subexpression(block_id) => { if expr_last == global_cursor_offset { // cursor is at block end Some(expr_first) } else if expr_first == global_cursor_offset { // cursor is at block start Some(expr_last) } else { // cursor is inside block let nested_block = working_set.get_block(*block_id); find_matching_block_end_in_block( line, working_set, nested_block, global_span_offset, global_cursor_offset, ) } } Expr::StringInterpolation(exprs) | Expr::GlobInterpolation(exprs, _) => { exprs.iter().find_map(|expr| { find_matching_block_end_in_expr( line, working_set, expr, global_span_offset, global_cursor_offset, ) }) } Expr::List(list) => { if expr_last == global_cursor_offset { // cursor is at list end Some(expr_first) } else if expr_first == global_cursor_offset { // cursor is at list start Some(expr_last) } else { list.iter().find_map(|item| { find_matching_block_end_in_expr( line, working_set, item.expr(), global_span_offset, global_cursor_offset, ) }) } } }; } None } fn get_char_at_index(s: &str, index: usize) -> Option { s[index..].chars().next() } fn get_char_length(c: char) -> usize { c.to_string().len() }