# which

Finds a program file.

  > which <application> {flags}

## Parameters

- application: the name of the command to find the path to

## Flags

- --all: list all executables

## Examples

`which` finds the location of an executable:

> which python
 arg     │ python
 path    │ /usr/bin/python
 builtin │ No

> which cargo
 arg     │ cargo
 path    │ /home/bob/.cargo/bin/cargo
 builtin │ No

`which` will identify nushell commands:

> which ls
 arg     │ ls
 path    │ nushell built-in command
 builtin │ Yes

> which which
 arg     │ which
 path    │ nushell built-in command
 builtin │ Yes

Passing the `all` flag identifies all instances of a command or binary

> which ls --all
 # │ arg │ path                     │ builtin
 0 │ ls  │ nushell built-in command │ Yes
 1 │ ls  │ /bin/ls                  │ No

`which` will also identify local binaries

> touch foo
> chmod +x foo
> which ./foo
 arg     │ ./foo
 path    │ /Users/josephlyons/Desktop/foo
 builtin │ No

`which` also identifies aliases

> alias e = echo
> which e
 # │ arg │     path      │ builtin
 0 │ e   │ Nushell alias │ No

and custom commands

> def my_cool_echo [arg] { echo $arg }
> which my_cool_echo
 # │     arg      │          path          │ builtin
 0 │ my_cool_echo │ Nushell custom command │ No