use nu_test_support::fs::Stub::FileWithContentToBeTrimmed; use nu_test_support::playground::Playground; use nu_test_support::{nu, pipeline}; use std::str::FromStr; #[test] fn all() { Playground::setup("sum_test_1", |dirs, sandbox| { sandbox.with_files(vec![FileWithContentToBeTrimmed( "meals.json", r#" { meals: [ {description: "1 large egg", calories: 90}, {description: "1 cup white rice", calories: 250}, {description: "1 tablespoon fish oil", calories: 108} ] } "#, )]); let actual = nu!( cwd: dirs.test(), pipeline( r#" open meals.json | get meals | get calories | math sum | echo $it "# )); assert_eq!(actual.out, "448"); }) } #[test] fn outputs_zero_with_no_input() { let actual = nu!(cwd: ".", "math sum | echo $it"); assert_eq!(actual.out, "0"); } #[test] #[allow(clippy::unreadable_literal)] #[allow(clippy::float_cmp)] fn compute_sum_of_individual_row() -> Result<(), String> { let answers_for_columns = [ ("cpu", 88.257434), ("mem", 3032375296.), ("virtual", 102579965952.), ]; for (column_name, expected_value) in answers_for_columns.iter() { let actual = nu!( cwd: "tests/fixtures/formats/", format!("open sample-ps-output.json | select {} | math sum | get {}", column_name, column_name) ); let result = f64::from_str(&actual.out).map_err(|_| String::from("Failed to parse float."))?; assert_eq!(result, *expected_value); } Ok(()) } #[test] #[allow(clippy::unreadable_literal)] #[allow(clippy::float_cmp)] fn compute_sum_of_table() -> Result<(), String> { let answers_for_columns = [ ("cpu", 88.257434), ("mem", 3032375296.), ("virtual", 102579965952.), ]; for (column_name, expected_value) in answers_for_columns.iter() { let actual = nu!( cwd: "tests/fixtures/formats/", format!("open sample-ps-output.json | select cpu mem virtual | math sum | get {}", column_name) ); let result = f64::from_str(&actual.out).map_err(|_| String::from("Failed to parse float."))?; assert_eq!(result, *expected_value); } Ok(()) } #[test] fn sum_of_a_row_containing_a_table_is_an_error() { let actual = nu!( cwd: "tests/fixtures/formats/", "open sample-sys-output.json | math sum" ); assert!(actual .err .contains("Attempted to compute values that can't be operated on")); }