#!/usr/bin/env -S nu --stdin # Example of using a Nushell script as a Nushell plugin # # This is a port of the nu_plugin_python_example plugin to Nushell itself. There is probably not # really any reason to write a Nushell plugin in Nushell, but this is a fun proof of concept, and # it also allows us to test the plugin interface with something manually implemented in a scripting # language without adding any extra dependencies to our tests. const NUSHELL_VERSION = "0.93.1" def main [--stdio] { if ($stdio) { start_plugin } else { print -e "Run me from inside nushell!" exit 1 } } const SIGNATURES = [ { sig: { name: nu_plugin_nu_example, usage: "Signature test for Nushell plugin in Nushell", extra_usage: "", required_positional: [ [ name, desc, shape ]; [ a, "required integer value", Int ], [ b, "required string value", String ] ], optional_positional: [ [ name, desc, shape ]; [ opt, "Optional number", Int ] ], rest_positional: { name: rest, desc: "rest value string", shape: String }, named: [ [ long, short, arg, required, desc ]; [ help, h, null, false, "Display the help message for this command" ], [ flag, f, null, false, "a flag for the signature" ], [ named, n, String, false, "named string" ] ], input_output_types: [ [Any, Any] ], allow_variants_without_examples: true, search_terms: [ Example ], is_filter: false, creates_scope: false, allows_unknown_args: false, category: Experimental }, examples: [] } ] def process_call [ id: int, plugin_call: record< name: string, call: record< head: record<start: int, end: int>, positional: list, named: list, >, input: any > ] { # plugin_call is a dictionary with the information from the call # It should contain: # - The name of the call # - The call data which includes the positional and named values # - The input from the pipeline # Use this information to implement your plugin logic # Print the call to stderr, in raw nuon and as a table $plugin_call | to nuon --raw | print -e $plugin_call | table -e | print -e # Get the span from the call let span = $plugin_call.call.head # Create a Value of type List that will be encoded and sent to Nushell let value = { Value: { List: { vals: (0..9 | each { |x| { Record: { val: ( [one two three] | zip (0..2 | each { |y| { Int: { val: ($x * $y), span: $span, } } }) | each { into record } | transpose --as-record --header-row ), span: $span } } }), span: $span } } } write_response $id { PipelineData: $value } } def tell_nushell_encoding [] { print -n "\u{0004}json" } def tell_nushell_hello [] { # A `Hello` message is required at startup to inform nushell of the protocol capabilities and # compatibility of the plugin. The version specified should be the version of nushell that this # plugin was tested and developed against. let hello = { Hello: { protocol: "nu-plugin", # always this value version: $NUSHELL_VERSION, features: [] } } $hello | to json --raw | print } def write_response [id: int, response: record] { # Use this format to send a response to a plugin call. The ID of the plugin call is required. let wrapped_response = { CallResponse: [ $id, $response, ] } $wrapped_response | to json --raw | print } def write_error [id: int, text: string, span?: record<start: int, end: int>] { # Use this error format to send errors to nushell in response to a plugin call. The ID of the # plugin call is required. let error = if ($span | is-not-empty) { { Error: { msg: "ERROR from plugin", labels: [ { text: $text, span: $span, } ], } } } else { { Error: { msg: "ERROR from plugin", help: $text, } } } write_response $id $error } def handle_input []: any -> nothing { match $in { { Hello: $hello } => { if ($hello.version != $NUSHELL_VERSION) { exit 1 } } "Goodbye" => { exit 0 } { Call: [$id, $plugin_call] } => { match $plugin_call { "Signature" => { write_response $id { Signature: $SIGNATURES } } { Run: $call_info } => { process_call $id $call_info } _ => { write_error $id $"Operation not supported: ($plugin_call | to json --raw)" } } } $other => { print -e $"Unknown message: ($other | to json --raw)" exit 1 } } } def start_plugin [] { lines | prepend (do { # This is a hack so that we do this first, but we can also take input as a stream tell_nushell_encoding tell_nushell_hello [] }) | each { from json | handle_input } | ignore }