/// Run a command in nu and get its output
/// The `nu!` macro accepts a number of options like the `cwd` in which the
/// command should be run. It is also possible to specify a different `locale`
/// to test locale dependent commands.
/// Pass options as the first arguments in the form of `key_1: value_1, key_1:
/// value_2, ...`. The options are defined in the `NuOpts` struct inside the
/// `nu!` macro.
/// The command can be formatted using `{}` just like `println!` or `format!`.
/// Pass the format arguments comma separated after the command itself.
/// # Examples
/// ```no_run
/// # // NOTE: The `nu!` macro needs the `nu` binary to exist. The test are
/// # //       therefore only compiled but not run (that's what the `no_run` at
/// # //       the beginning of this code block is for).
/// #
/// use nu_test_support::nu;
/// let outcome = nu!(
///     "date now | date to-record | get year"
/// );
/// let dir = "/";
/// let outcome = nu!(
///     "ls {} | get name",
///     dir,
/// );
/// let outcome = nu!(
///     cwd: "/",
///     "ls | get name",
/// );
/// let cell = "size";
/// let outcome = nu!(
///     locale: "de_DE.UTF-8",
///     "ls | into int {}",
///     cell,
/// );
/// let decimals = 2;
/// let outcome = nu!(
///     locale: "de_DE.UTF-8",
///     "10 | into string --decimals {}",
///     decimals,
/// );
/// ```
macro_rules! nu {
    // In the `@options` phase, we restucture all the
    // `$field_1: $value_1, $field_2: $value_2, ...`
    // pairs to a structure like
    // `@options[ $field_1 => $value_1 ; $field_2 => $value_2 ; ... ]`.
    // We do this to later distinguish the options from the `$path` and `$part`s.
    // (See
    //   https://users.rust-lang.org/t/i-dont-think-this-local-ambiguity-when-calling-macro-is-ambiguous/79401?u=x3ro
    // )
    // If there is any special treatment needed for the `$value`, we can just
    // match for the specific `field` name.
        @options [ $($options:tt)* ]
        cwd: $value:expr,
    ) => {
        nu!(@options [ $($options)* cwd => $crate::fs::in_directory($value) ; ] $($rest)*)
    // For all other options, we call `.into()` on the `$value` and hope for the best. ;)
        @options [ $($options:tt)* ]
        $field:ident : $value:expr,
    ) => {
        nu!(@options [ $($options)* $field => $value.into() ; ] $($rest)*)

    // When the `$field: $value,` pairs are all parsed, the next tokens are the `$path` and any
    // number of `$part`s, potentially followed by a trailing comma.
        @options [ $($options:tt)* ]
        $(, $part:expr)*
    ) => {{
        // Here we parse the options into a `NuOpts` struct
        let opts = nu!(@nu_opts $($options)*);
        // and format the `$path` using the `$part`s
        let path = nu!(@format_path $path, $($part),*);
        // Then finally we go to the `@main` phase, where the actual work is done.
        nu!(@main opts, path)

    // Create the NuOpts struct from the `field => value ;` pairs
    (@nu_opts $( $field:ident => $value:expr ; )*) => {
                $field: Some($value),

    // Helper to format `$path`.
    (@format_path $path:expr $(,)?) => {
        // When there are no `$part`s, do not format anything
    (@format_path $path:expr, $($part:expr),* $(,)?) => {{
        format!($path, $( $part ),*)

    // Do the actual work.
    (@main $opts:expr, $path:expr) => {{
        $crate::macros::nu_run_test($opts, $path, false)

    // This is the entrypoint for this macro.
    ($($token:tt)*) => {{

        nu!(@options [ ] $($token)*)

macro_rules! nu_with_std {
    // In the `@options` phase, we restucture all the
    // `$field_1: $value_1, $field_2: $value_2, ...`
    // pairs to a structure like
    // `@options[ $field_1 => $value_1 ; $field_2 => $value_2 ; ... ]`.
    // We do this to later distinguish the options from the `$path` and `$part`s.
    // (See
    //   https://users.rust-lang.org/t/i-dont-think-this-local-ambiguity-when-calling-macro-is-ambiguous/79401?u=x3ro
    // )
    // If there is any special treatment needed for the `$value`, we can just
    // match for the specific `field` name.
        @options [ $($options:tt)* ]
        cwd: $value:expr,
    ) => {
        nu!(@options [ $($options)* cwd => $crate::fs::in_directory($value) ; ] $($rest)*)
    // For all other options, we call `.into()` on the `$value` and hope for the best. ;)
        @options [ $($options:tt)* ]
        $field:ident : $value:expr,
    ) => {
        nu!(@options [ $($options)* $field => $value.into() ; ] $($rest)*)

    // When the `$field: $value,` pairs are all parsed, the next tokens are the `$path` and any
    // number of `$part`s, potentially followed by a trailing comma.
        @options [ $($options:tt)* ]
        $(, $part:expr)*
    ) => {{
        // Here we parse the options into a `NuOpts` struct
        let opts = nu!(@nu_opts $($options)*);
        // and format the `$path` using the `$part`s
        let path = nu!(@format_path $path, $($part),*);
        // Then finally we go to the `@main` phase, where the actual work is done.
        nu!(@main opts, path)

    // Create the NuOpts struct from the `field => value ;` pairs
    (@nu_opts $( $field:ident => $value:expr ; )*) => {
                $field: Some($value),

    // Helper to format `$path`.
    (@format_path $path:expr $(,)?) => {
        // When there are no `$part`s, do not format anything
    (@format_path $path:expr, $($part:expr),* $(,)?) => {{
        format!($path, $( $part ),*)

    // Do the actual work.
    (@main $opts:expr, $path:expr) => {{
        $crate::macros::nu_run_test($opts, $path, true)

    // This is the entrypoint for this macro.
    ($($token:tt)*) => {{
        nu!(@options [ ] $($token)*)

macro_rules! nu_with_plugins {
    (cwd: $cwd:expr, plugins: [$(($plugin_name:expr)),+$(,)?], $command:expr) => {{
        $crate::macros::nu_with_plugin_run_test($cwd, &[$($plugin_name),+], $command)
    (cwd: $cwd:expr, plugin: ($plugin_name:expr), $command:expr) => {{
        $crate::macros::nu_with_plugin_run_test($cwd, &[$plugin_name], $command)


use crate::{Outcome, NATIVE_PATH_ENV_VAR};
use std::fmt::Write;
use std::{
    process::{Command, Stdio},
use tempfile::tempdir;

pub struct NuOpts {
    pub cwd: Option<String>,
    pub locale: Option<String>,

pub fn nu_run_test(opts: NuOpts, commands: impl AsRef<str>, with_std: bool) -> Outcome {
    let test_bins = crate::fs::binaries();

    let cwd = std::env::current_dir().expect("Could not get current working directory.");
    let test_bins = nu_path::canonicalize_with(&test_bins, cwd).unwrap_or_else(|e| {
            "Couldn't canonicalize dummy binaries path {}: {:?}",

    let mut paths = crate::shell_os_paths();
    paths.insert(0, test_bins);

    let commands = commands.as_ref().lines().collect::<Vec<_>>().join("; ");

    let paths_joined = match std::env::join_paths(paths) {
        Ok(all) => all,
        Err(_) => panic!("Couldn't join paths for PATH var."),

    let target_cwd = opts.cwd.unwrap_or(".".to_string());
    let locale = opts.locale.unwrap_or("en_US.UTF-8".to_string());
    let executable_path = crate::fs::executable_path();

    let mut command = setup_command(&executable_path, &target_cwd);
        .env(nu_utils::locale::LOCALE_OVERRIDE_ENV_VAR, locale)
        .env(NATIVE_PATH_ENV_VAR, paths_joined);
    // TODO: consider adding custom plugin path for tests to
    // not interfere with user local environment
    if !with_std {
        .arg(format!("-c {}", escape_quote_string(commands)))

    let process = match command.spawn() {
        Ok(child) => child,
        Err(why) => panic!("Can't run test {:?} {}", crate::fs::executable_path(), why),

    let output = process
        .expect("couldn't read from stdout/stderr");

    let out = collapse_output(&output.stdout);
    let err = String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stderr);

    println!("=== stderr\n{}", err);

    Outcome::new(out, err.into_owned(), output.status)

pub fn nu_with_plugin_run_test(cwd: impl AsRef<Path>, plugins: &[&str], command: &str) -> Outcome {
    let test_bins = crate::fs::binaries();
    let test_bins = nu_path::canonicalize_with(&test_bins, ".").unwrap_or_else(|e| {
            "Couldn't canonicalize dummy binaries path {}: {:?}",

    let temp = tempdir().expect("couldn't create a temporary directory");
    let temp_plugin_file = temp.path().join("plugin.nu");
    std::fs::File::create(&temp_plugin_file).expect("couldn't create temporary plugin file");


    let registrations: String = plugins
        .fold(String::new(), |mut output, plugin_name| {
            let plugin = with_exe(plugin_name);
            let plugin_path = nu_path::canonicalize_with(&plugin, &test_bins)
                .unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("failed to canonicalize plugin {} path", &plugin));
            let plugin_path = plugin_path.to_string_lossy();
            let _ = write!(output, "register {plugin_path};");
    let commands = format!("{registrations}{command}");

    let target_cwd = crate::fs::in_directory(&cwd);
    // In plugin testing, we need to use installed nushell to drive
    // plugin commands.
    let mut executable_path = crate::fs::executable_path();
    if !executable_path.exists() {
        executable_path = crate::fs::installed_nu_path();
    let process = match setup_command(&executable_path, &target_cwd)
        Ok(child) => child,
        Err(why) => panic!("Can't run test {}", why),

    let output = process
        .expect("couldn't read from stdout/stderr");

    let out = collapse_output(&output.stdout);
    let err = String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stderr);

    println!("=== stderr\n{}", err);

    Outcome::new(out, err.into_owned(), output.status)

fn escape_quote_string(input: String) -> String {
    let mut output = String::with_capacity(input.len() + 2);

    for c in input.chars() {
        if c == '"' || c == '\\' {


fn with_exe(name: &str) -> String {
        name.to_string() + ".exe"

fn collapse_output(std: &[u8]) -> String {
    let out = String::from_utf8_lossy(std);
    let out = out.lines().collect::<Vec<_>>().join("\n");
    let out = out.replace("\r\n", "");
    out.replace('\n', "")

fn setup_command(executable_path: &Path, target_cwd: &str) -> Command {
    let mut command = Command::new(executable_path);

        .env("PWD", target_cwd); // setting PWD is enough to set cwd;
