# into string
Convert value to string

## Usage
> into string ...args {flags} 

## Parameters
* ...args: column paths to convert to string (for table input)

## Flags
* -h, --help: Display this help message
* -d, --decimals <integer>: decimal digits to which to round

## Examples
  convert decimal to string and round to nearest integer
> echo 1.7 | into string -d 0

  convert decimal to string
> echo 4.3 | into string

  convert string to string
> echo '1234' | into string

  convert boolean to string
> echo $true | into string

  convert date to string
> date now | into string

  convert filepath to string
> ls Cargo.toml | get name | into string

  convert filesize to string
> ls Cargo.toml | get size | into string