use std::fs::{read_dir, DirEntry}; #[cfg(unix)] use std::os::unix::fs::PermissionsExt; use indexmap::set::IndexSet; use nu_errors::ShellError; use rustyline::completion::{Completer as _, FilenameCompleter}; use rustyline::hint::{Hinter as _, HistoryHinter}; #[cfg(all(windows, feature = "ichwh"))] use ichwh::{IchwhError, IchwhResult}; use crate::completion::{self, Completer}; use crate::context; use crate::data::config; use crate::prelude::*; pub(crate) struct NuCompleter { file_completer: FilenameCompleter, hinter: HistoryHinter, } #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Debug)] enum ReplacementLocation { Command, Other, } impl NuCompleter { fn complete_internal( &self, line: &str, pos: usize, context: &completion::Context, ) -> rustyline::Result<(usize, Vec)> { let line_chars: Vec<_> = line[..pos].chars().collect(); let (replace_pos, replace_loc) = get_replace_pos(line, pos); // See if we're a flag let mut completions; if pos > 0 && replace_pos < line_chars.len() && line_chars[replace_pos] == '-' { if let Ok(lite_block) = nu_parser::lite_parse(line, 0) { completions = get_matching_arguments( context.as_ref(), &lite_block, &line_chars, line, replace_pos, pos, ); } else { completions = self.file_completer.complete(line, pos, context.as_ref())?.1; } } else { completions = self.file_completer.complete(line, pos, context.as_ref())?.1; for completion in &mut completions { if completion.replacement.contains("\\ ") { completion.replacement = completion.replacement.replace("\\ ", " "); } if completion.replacement.contains("\\(") { completion.replacement = completion.replacement.replace("\\(", "("); } if completion.replacement.contains(' ') || completion.replacement.contains('(') { if !completion.replacement.starts_with('\"') { completion.replacement = format!("\"{}", completion.replacement); } if !completion.replacement.ends_with('\"') { completion.replacement = format!("{}\"", completion.replacement); } } } } let complete_from_path = match config::config(Tag::unknown()) { Ok(conf) => match conf.get("complete_from_path") { Some(val) => val.is_true(), _ => true, }, _ => true, }; // Only complete executables or commands if the thing we're completing // is syntactically a command if replace_loc == ReplacementLocation::Command { let context: &context::Context = context.as_ref(); let commands: Vec = context.registry.names(); let mut all_executables: IndexSet<_> = commands.iter().map(|x| x.to_string()).collect(); if complete_from_path { let path_executables = find_path_executables().unwrap_or_default(); for path_exe in path_executables { all_executables.insert(path_exe); } }; for exe in all_executables.iter() { let mut pos = replace_pos; let mut matched = false; if pos < line_chars.len() { for chr in exe.chars() { if line_chars[pos] != chr { break; } pos += 1; if pos == line_chars.len() { matched = true; break; } } } if matched { completions.push(rustyline::completion::Pair { display: exe.to_string(), replacement: exe.to_string(), }); } } } for completion in &mut completions { // If the cursor is at a double-quote, remove the double-quote in the replacement // This prevents duplicate quotes let cursor_char = line.chars().nth(pos); if cursor_char.unwrap_or(' ') == '"' && completion.replacement.ends_with('"') { completion.replacement.pop(); } } Ok((replace_pos, completions)) } } impl Completer for NuCompleter { fn complete( &self, line: &str, pos: usize, context: &completion::Context, ) -> Result<(usize, Vec), ShellError> { let expanded = nu_parser::expand_ndots(&line); // Find the first not-matching char position, if there is one let differ_pos = line .chars() .zip(expanded.chars()) .enumerate() .find(|(_index, (a, b))| a != b) .map(|(differ_pos, _)| differ_pos); let pos = if let Some(differ_pos) = differ_pos { if differ_pos < pos { pos + (expanded.len() - line.len()) } else { pos } } else { pos }; self.complete_internal(&expanded, pos, context) .map_err(|e| ShellError::untagged_runtime_error(format!("{}", e))) .map(requote) .map(|(pos, completions)| { ( pos, completions .into_iter() .map(|pair| completion::Suggestion { display: pair.display, replacement: pair.replacement, }) .collect(), ) }) } fn hint(&self, line: &str, pos: usize, ctx: &completion::Context<'_>) -> Option { self.hinter.hint(line, pos, &ctx.as_ref()) } } impl Default for NuCompleter { fn default() -> NuCompleter { NuCompleter { file_completer: FilenameCompleter::new(), hinter: HistoryHinter {}, } } } fn get_matching_arguments( context: &context::Context, lite_block: &nu_parser::LiteBlock, line_chars: &[char], line: &str, replace_pos: usize, pos: usize, ) -> Vec { let mut matching_arguments = vec![]; let mut line_copy = line.to_string(); let substring = line_chars[replace_pos..pos].iter().collect::(); let replace_string = (replace_pos..pos).map(|_| " ").collect::(); line_copy.replace_range(replace_pos..pos, &replace_string); let result = nu_parser::classify_block(&lite_block, &context.registry); for pipeline in &result.block.block { for command in &pipeline.list { if let nu_protocol::hir::ClassifiedCommand::Internal( nu_protocol::hir::InternalCommand { args, .. }, ) = command { if replace_pos >= args.span.start() && replace_pos <= args.span.end() { if let Some(named) = &args.named { for (name, _) in named.iter() { let full_flag = format!("--{}", name); if full_flag.starts_with(&substring) { matching_arguments.push(rustyline::completion::Pair { display: full_flag.clone(), replacement: full_flag, }); } } } } } } } matching_arguments } // These is_executable/pathext implementations are copied from ichwh and modified // to not be async #[cfg(windows)] fn pathext() -> IchwhResult> { Ok(std::env::var_os("PATHEXT") .ok_or(IchwhError::PathextNotDefined)? .to_string_lossy() .split(';') // Cut off the leading '.' character .map(|ext| ext[1..].to_string()) .collect::>()) } #[cfg(windows)] fn is_executable(file: &DirEntry) -> bool { if let Ok(metadata) = file.metadata() { let file_type = metadata.file_type(); // If the entry isn't a file, it cannot be executable if !(file_type.is_file() || file_type.is_symlink()) { return false; } if let Some(extension) = file.path().extension() { if let Ok(exts) = pathext() { exts.iter() .any(|ext| extension.to_string_lossy().eq_ignore_ascii_case(ext)) } else { false } } else { false } } else { false } } #[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")] fn is_executable(file: &DirEntry) -> bool { false } #[cfg(unix)] fn is_executable(file: &DirEntry) -> bool { let metadata = file.metadata(); if let Ok(metadata) = metadata { let filetype = metadata.file_type(); let permissions = metadata.permissions(); // The file is executable if it is a directory or a symlink and the permissions are set for // owner, group, or other (filetype.is_file() || filetype.is_symlink()) && (permissions.mode() & 0o111 != 0) } else { false } } fn find_path_executables() -> Option> { let path_var = std::env::var_os("PATH")?; let paths: Vec<_> = std::env::split_paths(&path_var).collect(); let mut executables: IndexSet = IndexSet::new(); for path in paths { if let Ok(mut contents) = read_dir(path) { while let Some(Ok(item)) = { if is_executable(&item) { if let Ok(name) = item.file_name().into_string() { executables.insert(name); } } } } } Some(executables) } fn get_replace_pos(line: &str, pos: usize) -> (usize, ReplacementLocation) { let line_chars: Vec<_> = line[..pos].chars().collect(); let mut replace_pos = line_chars.len(); let mut parsed_pos = false; let mut loc = ReplacementLocation::Other; if let Ok(lite_block) = nu_parser::lite_parse(line, 0) { 'outer: for pipeline in lite_block.block.iter() { for command in pipeline.commands.iter() { let name_span =; if name_span.start() <= pos && name_span.end() >= pos { replace_pos = name_span.start(); parsed_pos = true; loc = ReplacementLocation::Command; break 'outer; } for arg in command.args.iter() { if arg.span.start() <= pos && arg.span.end() >= pos { replace_pos = arg.span.start(); parsed_pos = true; break 'outer; } } } } } if !parsed_pos { // If the command won't parse, naively detect the completion start point while replace_pos > 0 { if line_chars[replace_pos - 1] == ' ' { break; } replace_pos -= 1; } } (replace_pos, loc) } fn requote( items: (usize, Vec), ) -> (usize, Vec) { let mut new_items = Vec::with_capacity(items.1.len()); for item in items.1 { let unescaped = rustyline::completion::unescape(&item.replacement, Some('\\')); let maybe_quote = if unescaped != item.replacement { "\"" } else { "" }; new_items.push(rustyline::completion::Pair { display: item.display, replacement: format!("{}{}{}", maybe_quote, unescaped, maybe_quote), }); } (items.0, new_items) }