use std::cmp::{Ord, Ordering, PartialOrd}; use std::hash::{Hash, Hasher}; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::{convert::From, sync::Arc}; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use crate::Signature; use crate::{hir, Dictionary, PositionalType, Primitive, SyntaxShape, UntaggedValue}; use crate::{PathMember, ShellTypeName}; use derive_new::new; use nu_errors::ParseError; use nu_source::{ DbgDocBldr, DebugDocBuilder, HasSpan, PrettyDebug, PrettyDebugRefineKind, PrettyDebugWithSource, }; use nu_source::{IntoSpanned, Span, Spanned, SpannedItem, Tag}; use bigdecimal::BigDecimal; use indexmap::IndexMap; use log::trace; use num_bigint::{BigInt, ToBigInt}; use num_traits::identities::Zero; use num_traits::{FromPrimitive, ToPrimitive}; #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Eq, Ord, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct InternalCommand { pub name: String, pub name_span: Span, pub args: crate::hir::Call, } impl InternalCommand { pub fn new(name: String, name_span: Span, full_span: Span) -> InternalCommand { InternalCommand { name, name_span, args: crate::hir::Call::new( Box::new(SpannedExpression::new(Expression::Command, name_span)), full_span, ), } } pub fn has_it_usage(&self) -> bool { self.args.has_it_usage() } pub fn get_free_variables(&self, known_variables: &mut Vec) -> Vec { self.args.get_free_variables(known_variables) } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Eq, Ord, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct ClassifiedBlock { pub block: Arc, // this is not a Result to make it crystal clear that these shapes // aren't intended to be used directly with `?` pub failed: Option, } impl ClassifiedBlock { pub fn new(block: Arc, failed: Option) -> ClassifiedBlock { ClassifiedBlock { block, failed } } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Eq, Ord, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct ClassifiedPipeline { pub commands: Pipeline, } impl ClassifiedPipeline { pub fn new(commands: Pipeline) -> ClassifiedPipeline { ClassifiedPipeline { commands } } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Eq, Ord, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub enum ClassifiedCommand { Expr(Box), Dynamic(crate::hir::Call), Internal(InternalCommand), Error(ParseError), } impl ClassifiedCommand { fn has_it_usage(&self) -> bool { match self { ClassifiedCommand::Expr(expr) => expr.has_it_usage(), ClassifiedCommand::Dynamic(call) => call.has_it_usage(), ClassifiedCommand::Internal(internal) => internal.has_it_usage(), ClassifiedCommand::Error(_) => false, } } pub fn get_free_variables(&self, known_variables: &mut Vec) -> Vec { match self { ClassifiedCommand::Expr(expr) => expr.get_free_variables(known_variables), ClassifiedCommand::Dynamic(call) => call.get_free_variables(known_variables), ClassifiedCommand::Internal(internal) => internal.get_free_variables(known_variables), _ => vec![], } } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Eq, Ord, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct Pipeline { pub list: Vec, pub span: Span, } impl Pipeline { pub fn new(span: Span) -> Pipeline { Pipeline { list: vec![], span } } pub fn basic() -> Pipeline { Pipeline { list: vec![], span: Span::unknown(), } } pub fn push(&mut self, command: ClassifiedCommand) { self.list.push(command); } pub fn has_it_usage(&self) -> bool { self.list.iter().any(|cc| cc.has_it_usage()) } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Eq, Ord, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct Group { pub pipelines: Vec, pub span: Span, } impl Group { pub fn new(pipelines: Vec, span: Span) -> Group { Group { pipelines, span } } pub fn basic() -> Group { Group { pipelines: vec![], span: Span::unknown(), } } pub fn push(&mut self, pipeline: Pipeline) { self.pipelines.push(pipeline); } pub fn has_it_usage(&self) -> bool { self.pipelines.iter().any(|cc| cc.has_it_usage()) } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Eq, Ord, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct CapturedBlock { pub block: Arc, pub captured: Dictionary, } impl CapturedBlock { pub fn new(block: Arc, captured: Dictionary) -> Self { Self { block, captured } } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct Block { pub params: Signature, pub block: Vec, pub definitions: IndexMap>, pub span: Span, } impl Block { pub fn new( params: Signature, block: Vec, definitions: IndexMap>, span: Span, ) -> Block { Block { params, block, definitions, span, } } pub fn basic() -> Block { Block { params: Signature::new(""), block: vec![], definitions: IndexMap::new(), span: Span::unknown(), } } pub fn push(&mut self, group: Group) { self.block.push(group); self.infer_params(); } pub fn has_it_usage(&self) -> bool { self.block.iter().any(|x| x.has_it_usage()) } pub fn infer_params(&mut self) { // FIXME: re-enable inference later if self.params.positional.is_empty() && self.has_it_usage() { self.params.positional = vec![( PositionalType::Mandatory("$it".to_string(), SyntaxShape::Any), "implied $it".to_string(), )]; } } pub fn get_free_variables(&self, known_variables: &mut Vec) -> Vec { let mut known_variables = known_variables.clone(); let positional_params: Vec<_> = self .params .positional .iter() .map(|(_, name)| name.clone()) .collect(); known_variables.extend_from_slice(&positional_params); let mut free_variables = vec![]; for group in &self.block { for pipeline in &group.pipelines { for elem in &pipeline.list { free_variables .extend_from_slice(&elem.get_free_variables(&mut known_variables)); } } } free_variables } } #[allow(clippy::derive_hash_xor_eq)] impl Hash for Block { fn hash(&self, state: &mut H) { let mut entries = self.definitions.clone(); entries.sort_keys(); // FIXME: this is incomplete entries.keys().collect::>().hash(state); } } impl PartialOrd for Block { /// Compare two dictionaries for sort ordering fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Block) -> Option { let this: Vec<&String> = self.definitions.keys().collect(); let that: Vec<&String> = other.definitions.keys().collect(); // FIXME: this is incomplete this.partial_cmp(&that) } } impl Ord for Block { /// Compare two dictionaries for ordering fn cmp(&self, other: &Block) -> Ordering { let this: Vec<&String> = self.definitions.keys().collect(); let that: Vec<&String> = other.definitions.keys().collect(); // FIXME: this is incomplete this.cmp(&that) } } #[derive(Debug, Ord, PartialOrd, Eq, PartialEq, Clone, Hash, Deserialize, Serialize)] pub struct ExternalStringCommand { pub name: Spanned, pub args: Vec>, } impl ExternalArgs { pub fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator { self.list.iter() } } impl std::ops::Deref for ExternalArgs { type Target = [SpannedExpression]; fn deref(&self) -> &[SpannedExpression] { &self.list } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Eq, Ord, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct ExternalArgs { pub list: Vec, pub span: Span, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Eq, Ord, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct ExternalCommand { pub name: String, pub name_tag: Tag, pub args: ExternalArgs, } impl ExternalCommand { pub fn has_it_usage(&self) -> bool { self.args.iter().any(|arg| match arg { SpannedExpression { expr: Expression::Path(path), .. } => { let Path { head, .. } = &**path; matches!(head, SpannedExpression{expr: Expression::Variable(x, ..), ..} if x == "$it") } _ => false, }) } } impl HasSpan for ExternalCommand { fn span(&self) -> Span { self.name_tag.span.until(self.args.span) } } #[derive(Debug, Ord, PartialOrd, Eq, PartialEq, Clone, Hash, Copy, Deserialize, Serialize)] pub enum Unit { // Filesize units: metric Byte, Kilobyte, Megabyte, Gigabyte, Terabyte, Petabyte, // Filesize units: ISO/IEC 80000 Kibibyte, Mebibyte, Gibibyte, Tebibyte, Pebibyte, // Duration units Nanosecond, Microsecond, Millisecond, Second, Minute, Hour, Day, Week, } #[derive(Debug, Ord, PartialOrd, Eq, PartialEq, Clone, Hash, Deserialize, Serialize)] pub enum Member { String(/* outer */ Span, /* inner */ Span), Int(BigInt, Span), Bare(Spanned), } impl Member { pub fn to_path_member(&self) -> PathMember { match self { //Member::String(outer, inner) => PathMember::string(inner.slice(source), *outer), Member::Int(int, span) => PathMember::int(int.clone(), *span), Member::Bare(spanned_string) => { PathMember::string(spanned_string.item.clone(), spanned_string.span) } _ => unimplemented!("Need to finish to_path_member"), } } } impl PrettyDebugWithSource for Member { fn pretty_debug(&self, source: &str) -> DebugDocBuilder { match self { Member::String(outer, _) => DbgDocBldr::value(outer.slice(source)), Member::Int(int, _) => DbgDocBldr::value(format!("{}", int)), Member::Bare(span) => DbgDocBldr::value(span.span.slice(source)), } } } impl HasSpan for Member { fn span(&self) -> Span { match self { Member::String(outer, ..) => *outer, Member::Int(_, int) => *int, Member::Bare(name) => name.span, } } } #[derive(Debug, Ord, PartialOrd, Eq, PartialEq, Clone, Hash, Deserialize, Serialize)] pub enum Number { Int(BigInt), Decimal(BigDecimal), } impl PrettyDebug for Number { fn pretty(&self) -> DebugDocBuilder { match self { Number::Int(int) => DbgDocBldr::primitive(int), Number::Decimal(decimal) => DbgDocBldr::primitive(decimal), } } } macro_rules! primitive_int { ($($ty:ty)*) => { $( impl From<$ty> for Number { fn from(int: $ty) -> Number { Number::Int(BigInt::zero() + int) } } impl From<&$ty> for Number { fn from(int: &$ty) -> Number { Number::Int(BigInt::zero() + *int) } } )* } } primitive_int!(i8 u8 i16 u16 i32 u32 i64 u64 i128 u128); macro_rules! primitive_decimal { ($($ty:tt -> $from:tt),*) => { $( impl From<$ty> for Number { fn from(decimal: $ty) -> Number { if let Some(num) = BigDecimal::$from(decimal) { Number::Decimal(num) } else { unreachable!("Internal error: BigDecimal 'from' failed") } } } impl From<&$ty> for Number { fn from(decimal: &$ty) -> Number { if let Some(num) = BigDecimal::$from(*decimal) { Number::Decimal(num) } else { unreachable!("Internal error: BigDecimal 'from' failed") } } } )* } } primitive_decimal!(f32 -> from_f32, f64 -> from_f64); impl std::ops::Mul for Number { type Output = Number; fn mul(self, other: Number) -> Number { match (self, other) { (Number::Int(a), Number::Int(b)) => Number::Int(a * b), (Number::Int(a), Number::Decimal(b)) => Number::Decimal(BigDecimal::from(a) * b), (Number::Decimal(a), Number::Int(b)) => Number::Decimal(a * BigDecimal::from(b)), (Number::Decimal(a), Number::Decimal(b)) => Number::Decimal(a * b), } } } // For literals impl std::ops::Mul for Number { type Output = Number; fn mul(self, other: u32) -> Number { match self { Number::Int(left) => Number::Int(left * (other as i64)), Number::Decimal(left) => Number::Decimal(left * BigDecimal::from(other)), } } } impl ToBigInt for Number { fn to_bigint(&self) -> Option { match self { Number::Int(int) => Some(int.clone()), // The BigDecimal to BigInt conversion always return Some(). // FIXME: This conversion might not be want we want, it just remove the scale. Number::Decimal(decimal) => decimal.to_bigint(), } } } impl PrettyDebug for Unit { fn pretty(&self) -> DebugDocBuilder { DbgDocBldr::keyword(self.as_str()) } } pub fn convert_number_to_u64(number: &Number) -> u64 { match number { Number::Int(big_int) => { if let Some(x) = big_int.to_u64() { x } else { unreachable!("Internal error: convert_number_to_u64 given incompatible number") } } Number::Decimal(big_decimal) => { if let Some(x) = big_decimal.to_u64() { x } else { unreachable!("Internal error: convert_number_to_u64 given incompatible number") } } } } impl Unit { pub fn as_str(self) -> &'static str { match self { Unit::Byte => "B", Unit::Kilobyte => "KB", Unit::Megabyte => "MB", Unit::Gigabyte => "GB", Unit::Terabyte => "TB", Unit::Petabyte => "PB", Unit::Kibibyte => "KiB", Unit::Mebibyte => "MiB", Unit::Gibibyte => "GiB", Unit::Tebibyte => "TiB", Unit::Pebibyte => "PiB", Unit::Nanosecond => "ns", Unit::Microsecond => "us", Unit::Millisecond => "ms", Unit::Second => "sec", Unit::Minute => "min", Unit::Hour => "hr", Unit::Day => "day", Unit::Week => "wk", } } pub fn compute(self, size: &Number) -> UntaggedValue { let size = size.clone(); match self { Unit::Byte => filesize(convert_number_to_u64(&size)), Unit::Kilobyte => filesize(convert_number_to_u64(&size) * 1000), Unit::Megabyte => filesize(convert_number_to_u64(&size) * 1000 * 1000), Unit::Gigabyte => filesize(convert_number_to_u64(&size) * 1000 * 1000 * 1000), Unit::Terabyte => filesize(convert_number_to_u64(&size) * 1000 * 1000 * 1000 * 1000), Unit::Petabyte => { filesize(convert_number_to_u64(&size) * 1000 * 1000 * 1000 * 1000 * 1000) } Unit::Kibibyte => filesize(convert_number_to_u64(&size) * 1024), Unit::Mebibyte => filesize(convert_number_to_u64(&size) * 1024 * 1024), Unit::Gibibyte => filesize(convert_number_to_u64(&size) * 1024 * 1024 * 1024), Unit::Tebibyte => filesize(convert_number_to_u64(&size) * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024), Unit::Pebibyte => { filesize(convert_number_to_u64(&size) * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024) } Unit::Nanosecond => duration(size.to_bigint().expect("Conversion should never fail.")), Unit::Microsecond => { duration(size.to_bigint().expect("Conversion should never fail.") * 1000) } Unit::Millisecond => { duration(size.to_bigint().expect("Conversion should never fail.") * 1000 * 1000) } Unit::Second => duration( size.to_bigint().expect("Conversion should never fail.") * 1000 * 1000 * 1000, ), Unit::Minute => duration( size.to_bigint().expect("Conversion should never fail.") * 60 * 1000 * 1000 * 1000, ), Unit::Hour => duration( size.to_bigint().expect("Conversion should never fail.") * 60 * 60 * 1000 * 1000 * 1000, ), Unit::Day => duration( size.to_bigint().expect("Conversion should never fail.") * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 * 1000 * 1000, ), Unit::Week => duration( size.to_bigint().expect("Conversion should never fail.") * 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 * 1000 * 1000, ), } } } pub fn filesize(size_in_bytes: impl Into) -> UntaggedValue { UntaggedValue::Primitive(Primitive::Filesize(size_in_bytes.into())) } pub fn duration(nanos: BigInt) -> UntaggedValue { UntaggedValue::Primitive(Primitive::Duration(nanos)) } #[derive(Debug, Ord, PartialOrd, Eq, PartialEq, Hash, Clone, Deserialize, Serialize)] pub struct SpannedExpression { pub expr: Expression, pub span: Span, } impl SpannedExpression { pub fn new(expr: Expression, span: Span) -> SpannedExpression { SpannedExpression { expr, span } } pub fn precedence(&self) -> usize { match self.expr { Expression::Literal(Literal::Operator(operator)) => { // Higher precedence binds tighter match operator { Operator::Pow => 100, Operator::Multiply | Operator::Divide | Operator::Modulo => 95, Operator::Plus | Operator::Minus => 90, Operator::NotContains | Operator::Contains | Operator::LessThan | Operator::LessThanOrEqual | Operator::GreaterThan | Operator::GreaterThanOrEqual | Operator::Equal | Operator::NotEqual | Operator::In | Operator::NotIn => 80, Operator::And => 50, Operator::Or => 40, // TODO: should we have And and Or be different precedence? } } _ => 0, } } pub fn has_it_usage(&self) -> bool { self.expr.has_it_usage() } pub fn get_free_variables(&self, known_variables: &mut Vec) -> Vec { self.expr.get_free_variables(known_variables) } } impl std::ops::Deref for SpannedExpression { type Target = Expression; fn deref(&self) -> &Expression { &self.expr } } impl HasSpan for SpannedExpression { fn span(&self) -> Span { self.span } } impl ShellTypeName for SpannedExpression { fn type_name(&self) -> &'static str { self.expr.type_name() } } impl PrettyDebugWithSource for SpannedExpression { fn refined_pretty_debug(&self, refine: PrettyDebugRefineKind, source: &str) -> DebugDocBuilder { match refine { PrettyDebugRefineKind::ContextFree => self.refined_pretty_debug(refine, source), PrettyDebugRefineKind::WithContext => match &self.expr { Expression::Literal(literal) => literal .clone() .into_spanned(self.span) .refined_pretty_debug(refine, source), Expression::ExternalWord => { DbgDocBldr::delimit("e\"", DbgDocBldr::primitive(self.span.slice(source)), "\"") .group() } Expression::Synthetic(s) => match s { Synthetic::String(_) => DbgDocBldr::delimit( "s\"", DbgDocBldr::primitive(self.span.slice(source)), "\"", ) .group(), }, Expression::Variable(_, _) => DbgDocBldr::keyword(self.span.slice(source)), Expression::Binary(binary) => binary.pretty_debug(source), Expression::Range(range) => range.pretty_debug(source), Expression::Block(_) => DbgDocBldr::opaque("block"), Expression::Invocation(_) => DbgDocBldr::opaque("invocation"), Expression::Garbage => DbgDocBldr::opaque("garbage"), Expression::List(list) => DbgDocBldr::delimit( "[", DbgDocBldr::intersperse( list.iter() .map(|item| item.refined_pretty_debug(refine, source)), DbgDocBldr::space(), ), "]", ), Expression::Table(_headers, cells) => DbgDocBldr::delimit( "[", DbgDocBldr::intersperse( cells .iter() .map(|row| { row.iter() .map(|item| item.refined_pretty_debug(refine, source)) }) .flatten(), DbgDocBldr::space(), ), "]", ), Expression::Path(path) => path.pretty_debug(source), Expression::FilePath(path) => { DbgDocBldr::typed("path", DbgDocBldr::primitive(path.display())) } Expression::ExternalCommand(external) => { DbgDocBldr::keyword("^") + DbgDocBldr::keyword( } Expression::Command => DbgDocBldr::keyword(self.span.slice(source)), Expression::Boolean(boolean) => match boolean { true => DbgDocBldr::primitive("$yes"), false => DbgDocBldr::primitive("$no"), }, }, } } fn pretty_debug(&self, source: &str) -> DebugDocBuilder { match &self.expr { Expression::Literal(literal) => { literal.clone().into_spanned(self.span).pretty_debug(source) } Expression::ExternalWord => DbgDocBldr::typed( "external word", DbgDocBldr::primitive(self.span.slice(source)), ), Expression::Synthetic(s) => match s { Synthetic::String(s) => { DbgDocBldr::typed("synthetic", DbgDocBldr::primitive(format!("{:?}", s))) } }, Expression::Variable(_, _) => DbgDocBldr::keyword(self.span.slice(source)), Expression::Binary(binary) => binary.pretty_debug(source), Expression::Range(range) => range.pretty_debug(source), Expression::Block(_) => DbgDocBldr::opaque("block"), Expression::Invocation(_) => DbgDocBldr::opaque("invocation"), Expression::Garbage => DbgDocBldr::opaque("garbage"), Expression::List(list) => DbgDocBldr::delimit( "[", DbgDocBldr::intersperse( list.iter().map(|item| item.pretty_debug(source)), DbgDocBldr::space(), ), "]", ), Expression::Table(_headers, cells) => DbgDocBldr::delimit( "[", DbgDocBldr::intersperse( cells .iter() .map(|row| row.iter().map(|item| item.pretty_debug(source))) .flatten(), DbgDocBldr::space(), ), "]", ), Expression::Path(path) => path.pretty_debug(source), Expression::FilePath(path) => { DbgDocBldr::typed("path", DbgDocBldr::primitive(path.display())) } Expression::ExternalCommand(external) => DbgDocBldr::typed( "command", DbgDocBldr::keyword("^") + DbgDocBldr::primitive(, ), Expression::Command => { DbgDocBldr::typed("command", DbgDocBldr::primitive(self.span.slice(source))) } Expression::Boolean(boolean) => match boolean { true => DbgDocBldr::primitive("$yes"), false => DbgDocBldr::primitive("$no"), }, } } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialOrd, Ord, Eq, Hash, PartialEq, Deserialize, Serialize)] pub enum Operator { Equal, NotEqual, LessThan, GreaterThan, LessThanOrEqual, GreaterThanOrEqual, Contains, NotContains, Plus, Minus, Multiply, Divide, In, NotIn, Modulo, And, Or, Pow, } #[derive(Debug, Ord, PartialOrd, Eq, PartialEq, Clone, Hash, Deserialize, Serialize, new)] pub struct Binary { pub left: SpannedExpression, pub op: SpannedExpression, pub right: SpannedExpression, } impl PrettyDebugWithSource for Binary { fn pretty_debug(&self, source: &str) -> DebugDocBuilder { DbgDocBldr::delimit( "<", self.left.pretty_debug(source) + DbgDocBldr::space() + DbgDocBldr::keyword(self.op.span.slice(source)) + DbgDocBldr::space() + self.right.pretty_debug(source), ">", ) .group() } } #[derive(Debug, Ord, PartialOrd, Eq, PartialEq, Clone, Hash, Deserialize, Serialize)] pub enum Synthetic { String(String), } impl ShellTypeName for Synthetic { fn type_name(&self) -> &'static str { match self { Synthetic::String(_) => "string", } } } #[derive(Debug, Ord, PartialOrd, Eq, PartialEq, Clone, Hash, Deserialize, Serialize)] pub struct Range { pub left: Option, pub operator: Spanned, pub right: Option, } impl PrettyDebugWithSource for Range { fn pretty_debug(&self, source: &str) -> DebugDocBuilder { DbgDocBldr::delimit( "<", (if let Some(left) = &self.left { left.pretty_debug(source) } else { DebugDocBuilder::blank() }) + DbgDocBldr::space() + DbgDocBldr::keyword(self.operator.span().slice(source)) + DbgDocBldr::space() + (if let Some(right) = &self.right { right.pretty_debug(source) } else { DebugDocBuilder::blank() }), ">", ) .group() } } #[derive(Debug, Ord, PartialOrd, Eq, PartialEq, Clone, Hash, Deserialize, Serialize)] pub enum RangeOperator { Inclusive, RightExclusive, } #[derive(Debug, Ord, PartialOrd, Eq, PartialEq, Clone, Hash, Deserialize, Serialize)] pub enum Literal { Number(Number), Size(Spanned, Spanned), Operator(Operator), String(String), GlobPattern(String), ColumnPath(Vec), Bare(String), } impl Literal { pub fn into_spanned(self, span: impl Into) -> SpannedLiteral { SpannedLiteral { literal: self, span: span.into(), } } } //, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct SpannedLiteral { pub literal: Literal, pub span: Span, } impl ShellTypeName for Literal { fn type_name(&self) -> &'static str { match &self { Literal::Number(..) => "number", Literal::Size(..) => "size", Literal::String(..) => "string", Literal::ColumnPath(..) => "column path", Literal::Bare(_) => "string", Literal::GlobPattern(_) => "pattern", Literal::Operator(_) => "operator", } } } impl PrettyDebugWithSource for SpannedLiteral { fn refined_pretty_debug(&self, refine: PrettyDebugRefineKind, source: &str) -> DebugDocBuilder { match refine { PrettyDebugRefineKind::ContextFree => self.pretty_debug(source), PrettyDebugRefineKind::WithContext => match &self.literal { Literal::Number(number) => number.pretty(), Literal::Size(number, unit) => (number.pretty() + unit.pretty()).group(), Literal::String(string) => DbgDocBldr::primitive(format!("{:?}", string)), //string.slice(source))), Literal::GlobPattern(pattern) => DbgDocBldr::primitive(pattern), Literal::ColumnPath(path) => { DbgDocBldr::intersperse_with_source(path.iter(), DbgDocBldr::space(), source) } Literal::Bare(bare) => { DbgDocBldr::delimit("b\"", DbgDocBldr::primitive(bare), "\"") } Literal::Operator(operator) => DbgDocBldr::primitive(format!("{:?}", operator)), }, } } fn pretty_debug(&self, source: &str) -> DebugDocBuilder { match &self.literal { Literal::Number(number) => number.pretty(), Literal::Size(number, unit) => { DbgDocBldr::typed("size", (number.pretty() + unit.pretty()).group()) } Literal::String(string) => DbgDocBldr::typed( "string", DbgDocBldr::primitive(format!("{:?}", string)), //string.slice(source))), ), Literal::GlobPattern(pattern) => { DbgDocBldr::typed("pattern", DbgDocBldr::primitive(pattern)) } Literal::ColumnPath(path) => DbgDocBldr::typed( "column path", DbgDocBldr::intersperse_with_source(path.iter(), DbgDocBldr::space(), source), ), Literal::Bare(bare) => DbgDocBldr::typed("bare", DbgDocBldr::primitive(bare)), Literal::Operator(operator) => { DbgDocBldr::typed("operator", DbgDocBldr::primitive(format!("{:?}", operator))) } } } } #[derive(Debug, Ord, PartialOrd, Eq, PartialEq, Clone, Hash, new, Deserialize, Serialize)] pub struct Path { pub head: SpannedExpression, pub tail: Vec, } impl PrettyDebugWithSource for Path { fn pretty_debug(&self, source: &str) -> DebugDocBuilder { self.head.pretty_debug(source) + DbgDocBldr::operator(".") + DbgDocBldr::intersperse( self.tail.iter().map(|m| m.pretty()), DbgDocBldr::operator("."), ) } } #[derive(Debug, Ord, PartialOrd, Eq, PartialEq, Clone, Hash, Deserialize, Serialize)] pub enum Expression { Literal(Literal), ExternalWord, Synthetic(Synthetic), Variable(String, Span), Binary(Box), Range(Box), Block(Arc), List(Vec), Table(Vec, Vec>), Path(Box), FilePath(PathBuf), ExternalCommand(ExternalStringCommand), Command, Invocation(Arc), Boolean(bool), // Trying this approach out: if we let parsing always be infallible // we can use the same parse and just place bad token markers in the output // We can later throw an error if we try to process them further. Garbage, } impl ShellTypeName for Expression { fn type_name(&self) -> &'static str { match self { Expression::Literal(literal) => literal.type_name(), Expression::Synthetic(synthetic) => synthetic.type_name(), Expression::Command => "command", Expression::ExternalWord => "external word", Expression::FilePath(..) => "file path", Expression::Variable(..) => "variable", Expression::List(..) => "list", Expression::Table(..) => "table", Expression::Binary(..) => "binary", Expression::Range(..) => "range", Expression::Block(..) => "block", Expression::Invocation(..) => "command invocation", Expression::Path(..) => "variable path", Expression::Boolean(..) => "boolean", Expression::ExternalCommand(..) => "external", Expression::Garbage => "garbage", } } } impl IntoSpanned for Expression { type Output = SpannedExpression; fn into_spanned(self, span: impl Into) -> Self::Output { SpannedExpression { expr: self, span: span.into(), } } } impl Expression { pub fn integer(i: BigInt) -> Expression { Expression::Literal(Literal::Number(Number::Int(i))) } pub fn decimal(dec: BigDecimal) -> Expression { Expression::Literal(Literal::Number(Number::Decimal(dec))) } pub fn string(s: String) -> Expression { Expression::Literal(Literal::String(s)) } pub fn operator(operator: Operator) -> Expression { Expression::Literal(Literal::Operator(operator)) } pub fn range( left: Option, operator: Spanned, right: Option, ) -> Expression { Expression::Range(Box::new(Range { left, operator, right, })) } pub fn glob_pattern(p: String) -> Expression { Expression::Literal(Literal::GlobPattern(p)) } pub fn file_path(file_path: PathBuf) -> Expression { Expression::FilePath(file_path) } pub fn simple_column_path(members: Vec) -> Expression { Expression::Literal(Literal::ColumnPath(members)) } pub fn path(head: SpannedExpression, tail: Vec>) -> Expression { let tail = tail.into_iter().map(|t| t.into()).collect(); Expression::Path(Box::new(Path::new(head, tail))) } pub fn unit(i: Spanned, unit: Spanned) -> Expression { Expression::Literal(Literal::Size( Number::Int(BigInt::from(i.item)).spanned(i.span), unit, )) } pub fn variable(v: String, span: Span) -> Expression { Expression::Variable(v, span) } pub fn boolean(b: bool) -> Expression { Expression::Boolean(b) } pub fn has_it_usage(&self) -> bool { match self { Expression::Variable(name, _) if name == "$it" => true, Expression::Table(headers, values) => { headers.iter().any(|se| se.has_it_usage()) || values.iter().any(|v| v.iter().any(|se| se.has_it_usage())) } Expression::List(list) => list.iter().any(|se| se.has_it_usage()), Expression::Invocation(block) => block.has_it_usage(), Expression::Binary(binary) => binary.left.has_it_usage() || binary.right.has_it_usage(), Expression::Path(path) => path.head.has_it_usage(), Expression::Range(range) => { (if let Some(left) = &range.left { left.has_it_usage() } else { false }) || (if let Some(right) = &range.right { right.has_it_usage() } else { false }) } _ => false, } } pub fn get_free_variables(&self, known_variables: &mut Vec) -> Vec { let mut output = vec![]; match self { Expression::Variable(name, _) => { if !known_variables.contains(name) { output.push(name.clone()); } } Expression::Table(headers, values) => { for header in headers { output.extend(header.get_free_variables(known_variables)); } for row in values { for value in row { output.extend(value.get_free_variables(known_variables)); } } } Expression::List(list) => { for item in list { output.extend(item.get_free_variables(known_variables)); } } Expression::Invocation(block) | Expression::Block(block) => { output.extend(block.get_free_variables(known_variables)); } Expression::Binary(binary) => { output.extend(binary.left.get_free_variables(known_variables)); output.extend(binary.right.get_free_variables(known_variables)); } Expression::Path(path) => { output.extend(path.head.get_free_variables(known_variables)); } Expression::Range(range) => { if let Some(left) = &range.left { output.extend(left.get_free_variables(known_variables)); } if let Some(right) = &range.right { output.extend(right.get_free_variables(known_variables)); } } _ => {} } output } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Eq, Ord, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub enum NamedValue { AbsentSwitch, PresentSwitch(Span), AbsentValue, Value(Span, Box), } impl NamedValue { fn has_it_usage(&self) -> bool { if let NamedValue::Value(_, se) = self { se.has_it_usage() } else { false } } pub fn get_free_variables(&self, known_variables: &mut Vec) -> Vec { if let NamedValue::Value(_, se) = self { se.get_free_variables(known_variables) } else { vec![] } } } impl PrettyDebugWithSource for NamedValue { fn pretty_debug(&self, source: &str) -> DebugDocBuilder { match self { NamedValue::AbsentSwitch => { DbgDocBldr::typed("switch", DbgDocBldr::description("absent")) } NamedValue::PresentSwitch(_) => { DbgDocBldr::typed("switch", DbgDocBldr::description("present")) } NamedValue::AbsentValue => DbgDocBldr::description("absent"), NamedValue::Value(_, value) => value.pretty_debug(source), } } fn refined_pretty_debug(&self, refine: PrettyDebugRefineKind, source: &str) -> DebugDocBuilder { match refine { PrettyDebugRefineKind::ContextFree => self.pretty_debug(source), PrettyDebugRefineKind::WithContext => match self { NamedValue::AbsentSwitch => DbgDocBldr::value("absent"), NamedValue::PresentSwitch(_) => DbgDocBldr::value("present"), NamedValue::AbsentValue => DbgDocBldr::value("absent"), NamedValue::Value(_, value) => value.refined_pretty_debug(refine, source), }, } } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Eq, Ord, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub enum ExternalRedirection { None, Stdout, Stderr, StdoutAndStderr, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Eq, Ord, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct Call { pub head: Box, pub positional: Option>, pub named: Option, pub span: Span, pub external_redirection: ExternalRedirection, } impl Call { pub fn switch_preset(&self, switch: &str) -> bool { self.named .as_ref() .map(|n| n.switch_present(switch)) .unwrap_or(false) } pub fn set_initial_flags(&mut self, signature: &crate::Signature) { for (named, value) in signature.named.iter() { if self.named.is_none() { self.named = Some(NamedArguments::new()); } if let Some(ref mut args) = self.named { match value.0 { crate::NamedType::Switch(_) => args.insert_switch(named, None), _ => args.insert_optional(named, Span::new(0, 0), None), } } } } pub fn has_it_usage(&self) -> bool { self.head.has_it_usage() || (if let Some(pos) = &self.positional { pos.iter().any(|x| x.has_it_usage()) } else { false }) || (if let Some(named) = &self.named { named.has_it_usage() } else { false }) } pub fn get_free_variables(&self, known_variables: &mut Vec) -> Vec { let mut free_variables = vec![]; free_variables.extend(self.head.get_free_variables(known_variables)); if let Some(pos) = &self.positional { for pos in pos { free_variables.extend(pos.get_free_variables(known_variables)); } } if let Some(named) = &self.named { free_variables.extend(named.get_free_variables(known_variables)); } free_variables } } impl PrettyDebugWithSource for Call { fn refined_pretty_debug(&self, refine: PrettyDebugRefineKind, source: &str) -> DebugDocBuilder { match refine { PrettyDebugRefineKind::ContextFree => self.pretty_debug(source), PrettyDebugRefineKind::WithContext => { self.head .refined_pretty_debug(PrettyDebugRefineKind::WithContext, source) + DbgDocBldr::preceded_option( Some(DbgDocBldr::space()), self.positional.as_ref().map(|pos| { DbgDocBldr::intersperse( pos.iter().map(|expr| { expr.refined_pretty_debug( PrettyDebugRefineKind::WithContext, source, ) }), DbgDocBldr::space(), ) }), ) + DbgDocBldr::preceded_option( Some(DbgDocBldr::space()), self.named.as_ref().map(|named| { named.refined_pretty_debug(PrettyDebugRefineKind::WithContext, source) }), ) } } } fn pretty_debug(&self, source: &str) -> DebugDocBuilder { DbgDocBldr::typed( "call", self.refined_pretty_debug(PrettyDebugRefineKind::WithContext, source), ) } } impl Call { pub fn new(head: Box, span: Span) -> Call { Call { head, positional: None, named: None, span, external_redirection: ExternalRedirection::Stdout, } } } #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Ord, PartialOrd)] pub enum Delimiter { Paren, Brace, Square, } #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)] pub enum FlatShape { OpenDelimiter(Delimiter), CloseDelimiter(Delimiter), Type, Identifier, ItVariable, Variable, Operator, Dot, DotDot, DotDotLeftAngleBracket, InternalCommand, ExternalCommand, ExternalWord, BareMember, StringMember, String, Path, Word, Keyword, Pipe, GlobPattern, Flag, ShorthandFlag, Int, Decimal, Garbage, Whitespace, Separator, Comment, Size { number: Span, unit: Span }, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Default, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct NamedArguments { pub named: IndexMap, } #[allow(clippy::derive_hash_xor_eq)] impl Hash for NamedArguments { /// Create the hash function to allow the Hash trait for dictionaries fn hash(&self, state: &mut H) { let mut entries = self.named.clone(); entries.sort_keys(); entries.keys().collect::>().hash(state); entries.values().collect::>().hash(state); } } impl PartialOrd for NamedArguments { /// Compare two dictionaries for sort ordering fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &NamedArguments) -> Option { let this: Vec<&String> = self.named.keys().collect(); let that: Vec<&String> = other.named.keys().collect(); if this != that { return this.partial_cmp(&that); } let this: Vec<&NamedValue> = self.named.values().collect(); let that: Vec<&NamedValue> = other.named.values().collect(); this.partial_cmp(&that) } } impl Ord for NamedArguments { /// Compare two dictionaries for ordering fn cmp(&self, other: &NamedArguments) -> Ordering { let this: Vec<&String> = self.named.keys().collect(); let that: Vec<&String> = other.named.keys().collect(); if this != that { return this.cmp(&that); } let this: Vec<&NamedValue> = self.named.values().collect(); let that: Vec<&NamedValue> = other.named.values().collect(); this.cmp(&that) } } impl NamedArguments { pub fn new() -> NamedArguments { Default::default() } pub fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator { self.named.iter() } pub fn get(&self, name: &str) -> Option<&NamedValue> { self.named.get(name) } pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool { self.named.is_empty() } pub fn has_it_usage(&self) -> bool { self.iter().any(|x| x.1.has_it_usage()) } pub fn get_free_variables(&self, known_variables: &mut Vec) -> Vec { let mut free_variables = vec![]; for (_, val) in self.named.iter() { free_variables.extend(val.get_free_variables(known_variables)); } free_variables } } impl NamedArguments { pub fn insert_switch(&mut self, name: impl Into, switch: Option) { let name = name.into(); trace!("Inserting switch -- {} = {:?}", name, switch); match switch { None => self.named.insert(name, NamedValue::AbsentSwitch), Some(flag) => self .named .insert(name, NamedValue::PresentSwitch(, }; } pub fn insert_optional( &mut self, name: impl Into, flag_span: Span, expr: Option, ) { match expr { None => self.named.insert(name.into(), NamedValue::AbsentValue), Some(expr) => self .named .insert(name.into(), NamedValue::Value(flag_span, Box::new(expr))), }; } pub fn insert_mandatory( &mut self, name: impl Into, flag_span: Span, expr: SpannedExpression, ) { self.named .insert(name.into(), NamedValue::Value(flag_span, Box::new(expr))); } pub fn switch_present(&self, switch: &str) -> bool { self.named .get(switch) .map(|t| matches!(t, NamedValue::PresentSwitch(_))) .unwrap_or(false) } } impl PrettyDebugWithSource for NamedArguments { fn refined_pretty_debug(&self, refine: PrettyDebugRefineKind, source: &str) -> DebugDocBuilder { match refine { PrettyDebugRefineKind::ContextFree => self.pretty_debug(source), PrettyDebugRefineKind::WithContext => DbgDocBldr::intersperse( self.named.iter().map(|(key, value)| { DbgDocBldr::key(key) + DbgDocBldr::equals() + value.refined_pretty_debug(PrettyDebugRefineKind::WithContext, source) }), DbgDocBldr::space(), ), } } fn pretty_debug(&self, source: &str) -> DebugDocBuilder { DbgDocBldr::delimit( "(", self.refined_pretty_debug(PrettyDebugRefineKind::WithContext, source), ")", ) } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash)] pub enum FlagKind { Shorthand, Longhand, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Hash, new)] pub struct Flag { pub(crate) kind: FlagKind, pub(crate) name: Span, } impl PrettyDebugWithSource for Flag { fn pretty_debug(&self, source: &str) -> DebugDocBuilder { let prefix = match self.kind { FlagKind::Longhand => DbgDocBldr::description("--"), FlagKind::Shorthand => DbgDocBldr::description("-"), }; prefix + DbgDocBldr::description( } } impl Flag { pub fn color(&self, span: impl Into) -> Spanned { match self.kind { FlagKind::Longhand => FlatShape::Flag.spanned(span.into()), FlagKind::Shorthand => FlatShape::ShorthandFlag.spanned(span.into()), } } }