use nu_test_support::{nu, pipeline}; #[cfg(feature = "which-support")] mod environment; mod pipeline; //FIXME: jt: we need to focus some fixes on wix as the plugins will differ #[ignore] #[test] fn plugins_are_declared_with_wix() { let actual = nu!( cwd: ".", pipeline( r#" open Cargo.toml | get | str find-replace "nu_plugin_(extra|core)_(.*)" "nu_plugin_$2" | drop | sort-by | wrap cargo | merge { open wix/main.wxs --raw | from xml | get Wix.children.Product.children.0.Directory.children.0 | where Directory.attributes.Id == "$(var.PlatformProgramFilesFolder)" | get Directory.children.Directory.children.0 | last | get Directory.children.Component.children | each { echo $it | first } | skip | where File.attributes.Name =~ "nu_plugin" | str substring [_, -4] File.attributes.Name | get File.attributes.Name | sort-by | wrap wix } | default wix _ | each { if $it.wix != $it.cargo { 1 } { 0 } } | math sum "# )); assert_eq!(actual.out, "0"); } #[test] #[cfg(not(windows))] fn do_not_panic_if_broken_pipe() { // `nu -h | false` // used to panic with a BrokenPipe error let child_output = std::process::Command::new("sh") .arg("-c") .arg(format!( "{:?} -h | false", nu_test_support::fs::executable_path() )) .output() .expect("failed to execute process"); assert!(child_output.stderr.is_empty()); }