Ian Manske 1c49ca503a
Name the Value conversion functions more clearly (#11851)
# Description
This PR renames the conversion functions on `Value` to be more consistent.
It follows the Rust [API guidelines]( for ad-hoc conversions.
The conversion functions on `Value` now come in a few forms:
- `coerce_{type}` takes a `&Value` and attempts to convert the value to
`type` (e.g., `i64` are converted to `f64`). This is the old behavior of
some of the `as_{type}` functions -- these functions have simply been
renamed to better reflect what they do.
- The new `as_{type}` functions take a `&Value` and returns an `Ok`
result only if the value is of `type` (no conversion is attempted). The
returned value will be borrowed if `type` is non-`Copy`, otherwise an
owned value is returned.
- `into_{type}` exists for non-`Copy` types, but otherwise does not
attempt conversion just like `as_type`. It takes an owned `Value` and
always returns an owned result.
- `coerce_into_{type}` has the same relationship with `coerce_{type}` as
`into_{type}` does with `as_{type}`.
- `to_{kind}_string`: conversion to different string formats (debug,
abbreviated, etc.). Only two of the old string conversion functions were
removed, the rest have been renamed only.
- `to_{type}`: other conversion functions. Currently, only `to_path`
exists. (And `to_string` through `Display`.)

This table summaries the above:
| Form | Cost | Input Ownership | Output Ownership | Converts `Value`
case/`type` |
| ---------------------------- | ----- | --------------- |
---------------- | -------- |
| `as_{type}` | Cheap | Borrowed | Borrowed/Owned | No |
| `into_{type}` | Cheap | Owned | Owned | No |
| `coerce_{type}` | Cheap | Borrowed | Borrowed/Owned | Yes |
| `coerce_into_{type}` | Cheap | Owned | Owned | Yes |
| `to_{kind}_string` | Expensive | Borrowed | Owned | Yes |
| `to_{type}` | Expensive | Borrowed | Owned | Yes |

# User-Facing Changes
Breaking API change for `Value` in `nu-protocol` which is exposed as
part of the plugin API.
2024-02-17 18:14:16 +00:00

411 lines
15 KiB

use git2::{Branch, BranchType, DescribeOptions, Repository};
use nu_plugin::LabeledError;
use nu_protocol::{record, Span, Spanned, Value};
use std::fmt::Write;
use std::ops::BitAnd;
use std::path::PathBuf;
// git status
// git status borrowed from here and tweaked
pub struct GStat;
impl GStat {
pub fn new() -> Self {
pub fn usage() -> &'static str {
"Usage: gstat"
pub fn gstat(
value: &Value,
path: Option<Spanned<String>>,
span: Span,
) -> Result<Value, LabeledError> {
// use std::any::Any;
// eprintln!("input type: {:?} value: {:#?}", &value.type_id(), &value);
// eprintln!("path type: {:?} value: {:#?}", &path.type_id(), &path);
// This is a flag to let us know if we're using the input value (value)
// or using the path specified (path)
let mut using_input_value = false;
// let's get the input value as a string
let piped_value = match value.coerce_string() {
Ok(s) => {
using_input_value = true;
_ => String::new(),
// now let's get the path string
let mut a_path = match path {
Some(p) => {
// should we check for input and path? nah.
using_input_value = false;
None => Spanned {
item: ".".to_string(),
// If there was no path specified and there is a piped in value, let's use the piped in value
if a_path.item == "." && piped_value.chars().count() > 0 {
a_path.item = piped_value;
// This path has to exist
// TODO: If the path is relative, it will be expanded using `std::env::current_dir` and not
// the "PWD" environment variable. We would need a way to read the engine's environment
// variables here.
if !std::path::Path::new(&a_path.item).exists() {
return Err(LabeledError {
label: "error with path".to_string(),
msg: format!("path does not exist [{}]", &a_path.item),
span: if using_input_value {
} else {
let metadata = std::fs::metadata(&a_path.item).map_err(|e| LabeledError {
label: "error with metadata".to_string(),
msg: format!(
"unable to get metadata for [{}], error: {}",
&a_path.item, e
span: if using_input_value {
} else {
// This path has to be a directory
if !metadata.is_dir() {
return Err(LabeledError {
label: "error with directory".to_string(),
msg: format!("path is not a directory [{}]", &a_path.item),
span: if using_input_value {
} else {
let repo_path = match PathBuf::from(&a_path.item).canonicalize() {
Ok(p) => p,
Err(e) => {
return Err(LabeledError {
label: format!("error canonicalizing [{}]", a_path.item),
msg: e.to_string(),
span: if using_input_value {
} else {
let (stats, repo) = if let Ok(mut repo) = Repository::discover(repo_path) {
(Stats::new(&mut repo), repo)
} else {
return Ok(self.create_empty_git_status(span));
let repo_name = repo
.and_then(|p| p.file_name())
.map(|p| p.to_string_lossy().to_string())
.unwrap_or_else(|| "".to_string());
let mut desc_opts = DescribeOptions::new();
let tag = if let Ok(Ok(s)) = repo.describe(&desc_opts).map(|d| d.format(None)) {
} else {
// Leave this in case we want to turn it into a table instead of a list
// Ok(Value::List {
// vals: vec![Value::Record {
// cols,
// vals,
// span: *span,
// }],
// span: *span,
// })
record! {
"idx_added_staged" => Value::int(stats.idx_added_staged as i64, span),
"idx_modified_staged" => Value::int(stats.idx_modified_staged as i64, span),
"idx_deleted_staged" => Value::int(stats.idx_deleted_staged as i64, span),
"idx_renamed" => Value::int(stats.idx_renamed as i64, span),
"idx_type_changed" => Value::int(stats.idx_type_changed as i64, span),
"wt_untracked" => Value::int(stats.wt_untracked as i64, span),
"wt_modified" => Value::int(stats.wt_modified as i64, span),
"wt_deleted" => Value::int(stats.wt_deleted as i64, span),
"wt_type_changed" => Value::int(stats.wt_type_changed as i64, span),
"wt_renamed" => Value::int(stats.wt_renamed as i64, span),
"ignored" => Value::int(stats.ignored as i64, span),
"conflicts" => Value::int(stats.conflicts as i64, span),
"ahead" => Value::int(stats.ahead as i64, span),
"behind" => Value::int(stats.behind as i64, span),
"stashes" => Value::int(stats.stashes as i64, span),
"repo_name" => Value::string(repo_name, span),
"tag" => Value::string(tag, span),
"branch" => Value::string(stats.branch, span),
"remote" => Value::string(stats.remote, span),
fn create_empty_git_status(&self, span: Span) -> Value {
record! {
"idx_added_staged" => Value::int(-1, span),
"idx_modified_staged" => Value::int(-1, span),
"idx_deleted_staged" => Value::int(-1, span),
"idx_renamed" => Value::int(-1, span),
"idx_type_changed" => Value::int(-1, span),
"wt_untracked" => Value::int(-1, span),
"wt_modified" => Value::int(-1, span),
"wt_deleted" => Value::int(-1, span),
"wt_type_changed" => Value::int(-1, span),
"wt_renamed" => Value::int(-1, span),
"ignored" => Value::int(-1, span),
"conflicts" => Value::int(-1, span),
"ahead" => Value::int(-1, span),
"behind" => Value::int(-1, span),
"stashes" => Value::int(-1, span),
"repo_name" => Value::string("no_repository", span),
"tag" => Value::string("no_tag", span),
"branch" => Value::string("no_branch", span),
"remote" => Value::string("no_remote", span),
/// Stats which the interpreter uses to populate the gist expression
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Default, Clone)]
pub struct Stats {
/// Number of files to be added
pub idx_added_staged: u16,
/// Number of staged changes to files
pub idx_modified_staged: u16,
/// Number of staged deletions
pub idx_deleted_staged: u16,
/// Number of renamed files
pub idx_renamed: u16,
/// Index file type change
pub idx_type_changed: u16,
/// Number of untracked files which are new to the repository
pub wt_untracked: u16,
/// Number of modified files which have not yet been staged
pub wt_modified: u16,
/// Number of deleted files
pub wt_deleted: u16,
/// Working tree file type change
pub wt_type_changed: u16,
/// Working tree renamed
pub wt_renamed: u16,
// Ignored files
pub ignored: u16,
/// Number of unresolved conflicts in the repository
pub conflicts: u16,
/// Number of commits ahead of the upstream branch
pub ahead: u16,
/// Number of commits behind the upstream branch
pub behind: u16,
/// Number of stashes on the current branch
pub stashes: u16,
/// The branch name or other stats of the HEAD pointer
pub branch: String,
/// The of the upstream branch
pub remote: String,
impl Stats {
/// Populate stats with the status of the given repository
pub fn new(repo: &mut Repository) -> Stats {
let mut st: Stats = Default::default();
let mut opts = git2::StatusOptions::new();
if let Ok(statuses) = repo.statuses(Some(&mut opts)) {
for status in statuses.iter() {
let flags = status.status();
if check(flags, git2::Status::INDEX_NEW) {
st.idx_added_staged += 1;
if check(flags, git2::Status::INDEX_MODIFIED) {
st.idx_modified_staged += 1;
if check(flags, git2::Status::INDEX_DELETED) {
st.idx_deleted_staged += 1;
if check(flags, git2::Status::INDEX_RENAMED) {
st.idx_renamed += 1;
if check(flags, git2::Status::INDEX_TYPECHANGE) {
st.idx_type_changed += 1;
if check(flags, git2::Status::WT_NEW) {
st.wt_untracked += 1;
if check(flags, git2::Status::WT_MODIFIED) {
st.wt_modified += 1;
if check(flags, git2::Status::WT_DELETED) {
st.wt_deleted += 1;
if check(flags, git2::Status::WT_TYPECHANGE) {
st.wt_type_changed += 1;
if check(flags, git2::Status::WT_RENAMED) {
st.wt_renamed += 1;
if check(flags, git2::Status::IGNORED) {
st.ignored += 1;
if check(flags, git2::Status::CONFLICTED) {
st.conflicts += 1;
let _ = repo.stash_foreach(|_, &_, &_| {
st.stashes += 1;
/// Read the branch-name of the repository
/// If in detached head, grab the first few characters of the commit ID if possible, otherwise
/// simply provide HEAD as the branch name. This is to mimic the behaviour of `git status`.
fn read_branch(&mut self, repo: &Repository) {
self.branch = match repo.head() {
Ok(head) => {
if let Some(name) = head.shorthand() {
// try to use first 8 characters or so of the ID in detached HEAD
if name == "HEAD" {
if let Ok(commit) = head.peel_to_commit() {
let mut id = String::new();
for byte in &[..4] {
write!(&mut id, "{byte:x}").unwrap();
} else {
// Grab the branch from the reference
} else {
let branch = name.to_string();
// Since we have a branch name, look for the name of the upstream branch
self.read_upstream_name(repo, &branch);
} else {
Err(ref err) if err.code() == git2::ErrorCode::BareRepo => "master".to_string(),
Err(_) if repo.is_empty().unwrap_or(false) => "master".to_string(),
Err(_) => "HEAD".to_string(),
/// Read name of the upstream branch
fn read_upstream_name(&mut self, repo: &Repository, branch: &str) {
// First grab branch from the name
self.remote = if let Ok(branch) = repo.find_branch(branch, BranchType::Local) {
// Grab the upstream from the branch
if let Ok(upstream) = branch.upstream() {
// While we have the upstream branch, traverse the graph and count
// ahead-behind commits.
self.read_ahead_behind(repo, &branch, &upstream);
if let Ok(Some(name)) = {
} else {
} else {
} else {
/// Read ahead-behind information between the local and upstream branches
fn read_ahead_behind(&mut self, repo: &Repository, local: &Branch, upstream: &Branch) {
if let (Some(local), Some(upstream)) = (local.get().target(), upstream.get().target()) {
if let Ok((ahead, behind)) = repo.graph_ahead_behind(local, upstream) {
self.ahead = ahead as u16;
self.behind = behind as u16;
// impl AddAssign for Stats {
// fn add_assign(&mut self, rhs: Self) {
// self.untracked += rhs.untracked;
// self.added_staged += rhs.added_staged;
// self.modified += rhs.modified;
// self.modified_staged += rhs.modified_staged;
// self.renamed += rhs.renamed;
// self.deleted += rhs.deleted;
// self.deleted_staged += rhs.deleted_staged;
// self.ahead += rhs.ahead;
// self.behind += rhs.behind;
// self.conflicts += rhs.conflicts;
// self.stashes += rhs.stashes;
// }
// }
/// Check the bits of a flag against the value to see if they are set
fn check<B>(val: B, flag: B) -> bool
B: BitAnd<Output = B> + PartialEq + Copy,
val & flag == flag