Ian Manske 3d008e2c4e
Error on non-zero exit statuses (#13515)
# Description
This PR makes it so that non-zero exit codes and termination by signal
are treated as a normal `ShellError`. Currently, these are silent
errors. That is, if an external command fails, then it's code block is
aborted, but the parent block can sometimes continue execution. E.g.,
see #8569 and this example:
[1 2] | each { ^false }

Before this would give:
│ 0 │  │
│ 1 │  │

Now, this shows an error:
Error: nu:🐚:eval_block_with_input

  × Eval block failed with pipeline input
   ╭─[entry #1:1:2]
 1 │ [1 2] | each { ^false }
   ·  ┬
   ·  ╰── source value

Error: nu:🐚:non_zero_exit_code

  × External command had a non-zero exit code
   ╭─[entry #1:1:17]
 1 │ [1 2] | each { ^false }
   ·                 ──┬──
   ·                   ╰── exited with code 1

This PR fixes #12874, fixes #5960, fixes #10856, and fixes #5347. This
PR also partially addresses #10633 and #10624 (only the last command of
a pipeline is currently checked). It looks like #8569 is already fixed,
but this PR will make sure it is definitely fixed (fixes #8569).

# User-Facing Changes
- Non-zero exit codes and termination by signal now cause an error to be
- The error record value passed to a `catch` block may now have an
`exit_code` column containing the integer exit code if the error was due
to an external command.
- Adds new config values, `display_errors.exit_code` and
`display_errors.termination_signal`, which determine whether an error
message should be printed in the respective error cases. For
non-interactive sessions, these are set to `true`, and for interactive
sessions `display_errors.exit_code` is false (via the default config).

# Tests
Added a few tests.

# After Submitting
- Update docs and book.
- Future work:
- Error if other external commands besides the last in a pipeline exit
with a non-zero exit code. Then, deprecate `do -c` since this will be
the default behavior everywhere.
- Add a better mechanism for exit codes and deprecate
`$env.LAST_EXIT_CODE` (it's buggy).
2024-09-07 06:44:26 +00:00

296 lines
11 KiB

use notify_debouncer_full::{
event::{DataChange, ModifyKind, RenameMode},
EventKind, RecursiveMode, Watcher,
use nu_engine::{command_prelude::*, ClosureEval};
use nu_protocol::{
engine::{Closure, StateWorkingSet},
use std::{
sync::mpsc::{channel, RecvTimeoutError},
// durations chosen mostly arbitrarily
const CHECK_CTRL_C_FREQUENCY: Duration = Duration::from_millis(100);
const DEFAULT_WATCH_DEBOUNCE_DURATION: Duration = Duration::from_millis(100);
pub struct Watch;
impl Command for Watch {
fn name(&self) -> &str {
fn description(&self) -> &str {
"Watch for file changes and execute Nu code when they happen."
fn search_terms(&self) -> Vec<&str> {
vec!["watcher", "reload", "filesystem"]
fn signature(&self) -> nu_protocol::Signature {
.input_output_types(vec![(Type::Nothing, Type::table())])
.required("path", SyntaxShape::Filepath, "The path to watch. Can be a file or directory.")
SyntaxShape::Closure(Some(vec![SyntaxShape::String, SyntaxShape::String, SyntaxShape::String])),
"Some Nu code to run whenever a file changes. The closure will be passed `operation`, `path`, and `new_path` (for renames only) arguments in that order.")
"Debounce changes for this many milliseconds (default: 100). Adjust if you find that single writes are reported as multiple events",
SyntaxShape::String, // SyntaxShape::GlobPattern gets interpreted relative to cwd, so use String instead
"Only report changes for files that match this glob pattern (default: all files)",
"Watch all directories under `<path>` recursively. Will be ignored if `<path>` is a file (default: true)",
.switch("quiet", "Hide the initial status message (default: false)", Some('q'))
.switch("verbose", "Operate in verbose mode (default: false)", Some('v'))
fn run(
engine_state: &EngineState,
stack: &mut Stack,
call: &Call,
_input: PipelineData,
) -> Result<PipelineData, ShellError> {
let head = call.head;
let cwd = engine_state.cwd_as_string(Some(stack))?;
let path_arg: Spanned<String> = call.req(engine_state, stack, 0)?;
let path_no_whitespace = &path_arg
.trim_end_matches(|x| matches!(x, '\x09'..='\x0d'));
let path = match nu_path::canonicalize_with(path_no_whitespace, cwd) {
Ok(p) => p,
Err(_) => {
return Err(ShellError::DirectoryNotFound {
dir: path_no_whitespace.to_string(),
span: path_arg.span,
let closure: Closure = call.req(engine_state, stack, 1)?;
let verbose = call.has_flag(engine_state, stack, "verbose")?;
let quiet = call.has_flag(engine_state, stack, "quiet")?;
let debounce_duration_flag: Option<Spanned<i64>> =
call.get_flag(engine_state, stack, "debounce-ms")?;
let debounce_duration = match debounce_duration_flag {
Some(val) => match u64::try_from(val.item) {
Ok(val) => Duration::from_millis(val),
Err(_) => {
return Err(ShellError::TypeMismatch {
err_message: "Debounce duration is invalid".to_string(),
span: val.span,
let glob_flag: Option<Spanned<String>> = call.get_flag(engine_state, stack, "glob")?;
let glob_pattern = match glob_flag {
Some(glob) => {
let absolute_path = path.join(glob.item);
if verbose {
eprintln!("Absolute glob path: {absolute_path:?}");
match nu_glob::Pattern::new(&absolute_path.to_string_lossy()) {
Ok(pattern) => Some(pattern),
Err(_) => {
return Err(ShellError::TypeMismatch {
err_message: "Glob pattern is invalid".to_string(),
span: glob.span,
None => None,
let recursive_flag: Option<Spanned<bool>> =
call.get_flag(engine_state, stack, "recursive")?;
let recursive_mode = match recursive_flag {
Some(recursive) => {
if recursive.item {
} else {
None => RecursiveMode::Recursive,
let (tx, rx) = channel();
let mut debouncer = match new_debouncer(debounce_duration, None, tx) {
Ok(d) => d,
Err(e) => {
return Err(ShellError::IOError {
msg: format!("Failed to create watcher: {e}"),
if let Err(e) = debouncer.watcher().watch(&path, recursive_mode) {
return Err(ShellError::IOError {
msg: format!("Failed to create watcher: {e}"),
// need to cache to make sure that rename event works.
debouncer.cache().add_root(&path, recursive_mode);
if !quiet {
eprintln!("Now watching files at {path:?}. Press ctrl+c to abort.");
let mut closure = ClosureEval::new(engine_state, stack, closure);
let mut event_handler = move |operation: &str,
path: PathBuf,
new_path: Option<PathBuf>|
-> Result<(), ShellError> {
let matches_glob = match &glob_pattern {
Some(glob) => glob.matches_path(&path),
None => true,
if verbose && glob_pattern.is_some() {
eprintln!("Matches glob: {matches_glob}");
if matches_glob {
let result = closure
.add_arg(Value::string(operation, head))
.add_arg(Value::string(path.to_string_lossy(), head))
new_path.unwrap_or_else(|| "".into()).to_string_lossy(),
match result {
Ok(val) => {
val.print(engine_state, stack, false, false)?;
Err(err) => {
let working_set = StateWorkingSet::new(engine_state);
eprintln!("{}", format_shell_error(&working_set, &err));
loop {
match rx.recv_timeout(CHECK_CTRL_C_FREQUENCY) {
Ok(Ok(events)) => {
if verbose {
for mut one_event in events {
let handle_result = match one_event.event.kind {
// only want to handle event if relative path exists.
EventKind::Create(_) => one_event
.map(|path| event_handler("Create", path, None))
EventKind::Remove(_) => one_event
.map(|path| event_handler("Remove", path, None))
| EventKind::Modify(ModifyKind::Data(DataChange::Any))
| EventKind::Modify(ModifyKind::Any) => one_event
.map(|path| event_handler("Write", path, None))
EventKind::Modify(ModifyKind::Name(RenameMode::Both)) => one_event
.map(|to| {
.map(|from| event_handler("Rename", from, Some(to)))
_ => Ok(()),
Ok(Err(_)) => {
return Err(ShellError::IOError {
msg: "Unexpected errors when receiving events".into(),
Err(RecvTimeoutError::Disconnected) => {
return Err(ShellError::IOError {
msg: "Unexpected disconnect from file watcher".into(),
Err(RecvTimeoutError::Timeout) => {}
if engine_state.signals().interrupted() {
fn examples(&self) -> Vec<Example> {
Example {
description: "Run `cargo test` whenever a Rust file changes",
example: r#"watch . --glob=**/*.rs {|| cargo test }"#,
result: None,
Example {
description: "Watch all changes in the current directory",
example: r#"watch . { |op, path, new_path| $"($op) ($path) ($new_path)"}"#,
result: None,
Example {
description: "Log all changes in a directory",
example: r#"watch /foo/bar { |op, path| $"($op) - ($path)(char nl)" | save --append changes_in_bar.log }"#,
result: None,
Example {
description: "Note: if you are looking to run a command every N units of time, this can be accomplished with a loop and sleep",
example: r#"loop { command; sleep duration }"#,
result: None,