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synced 2025-03-29 17:16:49 +01:00
# Description When implementing a `Command`, one must also import all the types present in the function signatures for `Command`. This makes it so that we often import the same set of types in each command implementation file. E.g., something like this: ```rust use nu_protocol::ast::Call; use nu_protocol::engine::{Command, EngineState, Stack}; use nu_protocol::{ record, Category, Example, IntoInterruptiblePipelineData, IntoPipelineData, PipelineData, ShellError, Signature, Span, Type, Value, }; ``` This PR adds the `nu_engine::command_prelude` module which contains the necessary and commonly used types to implement a `Command`: ```rust // command_prelude.rs pub use crate::CallExt; pub use nu_protocol::{ ast::{Call, CellPath}, engine::{Command, EngineState, Stack}, record, Category, Example, IntoInterruptiblePipelineData, IntoPipelineData, IntoSpanned, PipelineData, Record, ShellError, Signature, Span, Spanned, SyntaxShape, Type, Value, }; ``` This should reduce the boilerplate needed to implement a command and also gives us a place to track the breadth of the `Command` API. I tried to be conservative with what went into the prelude modules, since it might be hard/annoying to remove items from the prelude in the future. Let me know if something should be included or excluded.
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106 lines
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use nu_engine::command_prelude::*;
pub struct IsAdmin;
impl Command for IsAdmin {
fn name(&self) -> &str {
fn usage(&self) -> &str {
"Check if nushell is running with administrator or root privileges."
fn signature(&self) -> nu_protocol::Signature {
.input_output_types(vec![(Type::Nothing, Type::Bool)])
fn search_terms(&self) -> Vec<&str> {
vec!["root", "administrator", "superuser", "supervisor"]
fn run(
_engine_state: &EngineState,
_stack: &mut Stack,
call: &Call,
_input: PipelineData,
) -> Result<PipelineData, ShellError> {
Ok(Value::bool(is_root(), call.head).into_pipeline_data())
fn examples(&self) -> Vec<Example> {
Example {
description: "Return 'iamroot' if nushell is running with admin/root privileges, and 'iamnotroot' if not.",
example: r#"if (is-admin) { "iamroot" } else { "iamnotroot" }"#,
result: Some(Value::test_string("iamnotroot")),
/// Returns `true` if user is root; `false` otherwise
fn is_root() -> bool {
fn is_root_impl() -> bool {
fn is_root_impl() -> bool {
use windows::Win32::{
Foundation::{CloseHandle, HANDLE},
Security::{GetTokenInformation, TokenElevation, TOKEN_ELEVATION, TOKEN_QUERY},
System::Threading::{GetCurrentProcess, OpenProcessToken},
let mut elevated = false;
// Checks whether the access token associated with the current process has elevated privileges.
// SAFETY: `elevated` only touched by safe code.
// `handle` lives long enough, initialized, mutated, used and closed with validity check.
// `elevation` only read on success and passed with correct `size`.
unsafe {
let mut handle = HANDLE::default();
// Opens the access token associated with the current process.
if OpenProcessToken(GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_QUERY, &mut handle).is_ok() {
let mut elevation = TOKEN_ELEVATION::default();
let mut size = std::mem::size_of::<TOKEN_ELEVATION>() as u32;
// Retrieves elevation token information about the access token associated with the current process.
// Call available since XP
// https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/securitybaseapi/nf-securitybaseapi-gettokeninformation
if GetTokenInformation(
Some(&mut elevation as *mut TOKEN_ELEVATION as *mut _),
&mut size,
// Whether the token has elevated privileges.
// Safe to read as `GetTokenInformation` will not write outside `elevation` and it succeeded
// See: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/securitybaseapi/nf-securitybaseapi-gettokeninformation#parameters
elevated = elevation.TokenIsElevated != 0;
if !handle.is_invalid() {
// Closes the object handle.
let _ = CloseHandle(handle);